Puisi 1: Guru, Engkau Hutan Rimbun
Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.
Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah,
hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis.
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Engkau biarkan kami menjelajah,
menghirup aroma petualangan di sela daun,
melompat dari dahan ke dahan,
mendengar nyanyian burung yang menuntun.
Dalam hening sabarmu dan tatapan teduh matamu, ada simfoni tak kasatmata,
lagu yang engkau ciptakan untuk jiwa-jiwa kami,
agar kami menemukan suara kami sendiri.
Jakarta, 2004
Puisi 2: Embun yang Mengajarkan Sabda Matahari
Guruku, di fajar yang membeku, kami gemetar,
namun di sana ada engkau, bagaikan embun pagi,
menyusup lembut di balik keraguan,
mengantar kami pada terang yang berbinar.
Guruku, engkau bagaikan jendela menuju matahari,
menyiramkan keberanian, menghapus ketakutan,
mengguratkan jejak cahayamu di hati kami.
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Kami adalah butiran-butiran kecil di daunmu,
mencerminkan bayangan mentari yang mulai mengintip,
menyerap hangat dari ketulusan yang engkau tuangkan.
Engkau, embun yang sederhana namun penuh daya,
mengajar kami menjadi terang kecil di tengah malam,
menyala sendiri di gelap, berani bermimpi menjadi matahari.
Jakarta, 2004
Puisi 3: Menjadi Ombak di Lautan Hikmahmu
Guruku, engkau bagaikan samudra yang tak pernah lelah,
mengayunkan ombak pengetahuan luas,
membawa kami menuju pulau-pulau baru.
Kami, perahu kecil yang terapung di luasmu,
diajari cara melawan badai,
diajak mendalami kedalaman laut,
belajar bertahan, belajar menghargai perbedaan, dan memahami arti kebebasan.
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Pukulan ombakmu adalah ajakan,
untuk lebih dalam, lebih paham, lebih kuat.
Engkau lautan luas yang penuh daya,
membimbing kami pada pelabuhan yang tak terlihat.
Kami tahu, meski engkau lepas kami pergi,
selalu ada arus lautmu dalam diri kami,
yang tak pernah lupa jalan kembali.
Jakarta, 2004
Puisi 4: Guratan Cahaya di Langit Malam
Guruku, engkau bagaikan bintang-bintang yang menghidupkan langit malam,
menghiasi jalan kami dengan rasi yang bersinar cemerlang.
Dalam gelap yang paling pekat, kami temukan engkau,
memandu langkah-langkah kami,
mencari arah dalam misteri yang menantang.
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Engkau diam, tapi benderangmu
tersebar jauh, selalu hadir dalam pandangan kami.
Di titik cahayamu, ada kisah yang membimbing,
menuntun hati kami pada arah yang engkau petakan.
Engkau, kompas sejati di langit malam,
membiarkan kami mengembara, tak biarkan kami tersesat kemanapun berkelana.
Jakarta, 2004
Puisi 5: Suara yang Menggema dalam Hening
Guruku, engkau bagaikan gema di lembah hening,
mengisi celah-celah kosong dalam jiwa kami.
Ketika kami terdiam, suaramu tetap bergaung,
mengajarkan kami untuk mendengar yang tak terucapkan.
Di antara detik yang perlahan, engkau adalah detak,
mengisi kekosongan kami dengan makna sepenuh hati.
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Kami belajar bahwa heningmu bukan sekadar diam,
melainkan bisikan yang meresap, menyusup dalam.
Engkau ajarkan kami membaca keheningan,
menerjemahkan kebisuan jadi kebijaksanaan.
Kami bagaikan gema dari suara yang engkau beri,
mengalir seperti sungai yang tak kenal muara, engkau selalu dihati kemanapun nasib membawa diri.
Jakarta, 2004
Puisi ini awalnya ditulis oleh Leni Marlina hanya sebagai hobi dan koleksi puisi pribadi tahun 2004. Sebagian puisi di atas ditulis sepulang penulis bersama 50 finalis mahasiswa berprestasi nasional, dari kegiatan mengikuti upacara bendera 17 Agustus 2004 di halaman istana negara Indonesia. Sebagian puisi lainnya ditulis sepulang penulis menerima penghargaan sebagai Terbaik Pertama Pemilihan Mahasiswa Berprestasi Tingkat Nasional (MAWAPRES) dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan pada bulan dan tahun yang sama. Puisi tersebut direvisi kembali serta dipublikasikan pertama kalinya melalui media digital tahun 2024.
from the second poem the line that I like is
“ Guruku, di fajar yang membeku, kami gemetar,
namun di sana ada engkau, bagaikan embun pagi,
menyusup lembut di balik keraguan,
mengantar kami pada terang yang berbinar.“
because I think this sentence really describes the role of a teacher.
The first poem is the great one for me. The lines “Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah,” is the most interest me from this poem.
This lines have a mean that teacher is someone who guide us about the kind of life and someone who teach and give all knowledge about world. I like this lines because its as my thankfully to my teachers.
1. Business idea inspired by the poem
This poem celebrates the nurturing role of a teacher and the freedom given to students to explore and grow. Inspired by this, I would develop an educational platform that combines mentorship with experiential learning. The platform would connect students with mentors in various fields, offering online courses, projects, and interactive workshops. It would emphasize creativity, critical thinking, and practical exploration, encouraging learners to discover their unique strengths and interests.
2. Character traits to apply
The traits I can learn from this poem include patience, nurturing, and the ability to inspire growth while providing guidance. Like the teacher in the poem, I must balance giving freedom with offering support, ensuring my customers feel empowered and valued as they embark on their journeys.
Gibran Alikhsan (23019049) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.
1. Business idea inspired by the poem
This poem celebrates the nurturing role of a teacher and the freedom given to students to explore and grow. Inspired by this, I would develop an educational platform that combines mentorship with experiential learning. The platform would connect students with mentors in various fields, offering online courses, projects, and interactive workshops. It would emphasize creativity, critical thinking, and practical exploration, encouraging learners to discover their unique strengths and interests.
2. Character traits to apply
The traits I can learn from this poem include patience, nurturing, and the ability to inspire growth while providing guidance. Like the teacher in the poem, I must balance giving the freedom with offering support, ensuring my customers feel empowered and valued as they embark on their journeys.
Gibran Alikhsan (23019049) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.
the meaningful part of the poem is Engkau lautan luas yang penuh daya,
membimbing kami pada pelabuhan yang tak terlihat.
Here it means that the teacher is someone who has extensive knowledge and is patient in guiding us towards our goals.
“Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah, hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis.”
I love the lyrics in this poem because the choice of words is poetic and rich in emotion. Phrases like “a paradise of endless knowledge” evoke a sense of awe toward the wisdom offered by nature.
Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
1. Guru, Engkau Hutan Rimbun
“Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah, hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis.”
“You are like a vast, dense forest, guiding us to live more gracefully, teaching us the language of the wind, and whispering to us the secrets of the earth, until we understand the world you spread before us, like an endless paradise of knowledge.”
I love the lyrics in this poem because the choice of words is poetic and rich in emotion. Phrases like “a paradise of endless knowledge” evoke a sense of awe toward the wisdom offered by nature.
The poem uses a metaphorical and poetic writing style. The writer draws comparisons or analogies to nature forest, wind, earth, and heaven to illustrate the wisdom, knowledge, and guidance given.
Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
2. Embun yang Mengajarkan Sabda Matahari
Terimakasih, Guruku,
Kami adalah butiran-butiran kecil di daunmu, mencerminkan bayangan mentari yang mulai mengintip, menyerap hangat dari ketulusan yang engkau tuangkan.
“Thank you, my teacher.
We are tiny grains on your leaf, reflecting the shadow of the sun that begins to peek, absorbing the warmth from the sincerity you pour out.”
This lyric is captivating because of its poetic and meaningful choice of words, portraying the relationship between teacher and student in a beautiful way. The students are likened to tiny droplets on a leaf, reflecting the warmth and light of the sun, illustrating how the teacher is a source of warmth, sincerity, and life.
This poem uses a poetic writing style with strong elements of metaphor and personification.
Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
3. Menjadi Ombak di Lautan Hikmahmu
Guruku, engkau bagaikan samudra yang tak pernah lelah,
mengayunkan ombak pengetahuan luas, membawa kami menuju pulau-pulau baru.
“My teacher, you are like an ocean that never tires, swinging the waves of vast knowledge, guiding us to new islands.”
This lyric is captivating because it uses strong imagery and describes the teacher with such profound metaphors. The teacher is likened to a vast, tireless ocean, evoking the idea of unlimited knowledge and their unwavering dedication to teaching. The depiction of waves of knowledge carrying students to new islands creates a sense of adventure, as if learning is an endless journey toward new and wondrous discoveries. This metaphor makes the teacher’s role feel incredibly inspiring and meaningful.
The writing style of this poem uses a strong and imaginative metaphor, where the teacher is described as a tireless ocean, creating an image of steadfastness, vastness, and continuity in imparting knowledge. The writing strategy utilizes personification, where the waves of knowledge “rock” and carry students to “new islands,” depicting the learning process as a journey of continuous discovery and exploration. With the use of poetic and emotional language, this poem conveys appreciation for the teacher as a figure who is tireless in imparting knowledge and guidance.
Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
5. Suara yang Menggema dalam Hening
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Kami belajar bahwa heningmu bukan sekadar diam, melainkan bisikan yang meresap, menyusup dalam.
“Thank you, my teacher,
We have learned that your silence is not merely stillness, but a whisper that penetrates, sinking deeply within.”
This lyric is captivating because it portrays the power of silence in a very profound way. The teacher is depicted not as just being silent, but their quietness is something that speaks and has an impact, like a whisper that seeps deep into the students’ souls. It shows that sometimes, in silence and unspoken moments, there are lessons stronger and deeper than words. This lyric invites us to appreciate the hidden meaning in silence and the ways in which a teacher, though not always visible, still imparts deep understanding.
The writing style and strategy in this poem uses a meaningful and profound approach, transforming simple things into powerful symbolism. The use of the words “silent” and “quiet” which seem to reflect physical absence, but actually contain a pervasive power, gives the impression that in the silence of the teacher, there is a deeper and unspoken lesson. The author also uses the contrast between silence and whispers to highlight the power of more subtle but meaningful communication, inviting the reader to appreciate the wisdom contained in every action and silence that seems to not speak.
Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
one of the most powerful lines according to the podcast is
“ Guruku diantara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar, kami tumbuh seperti rumput rumput kecil “
In my opinion, the most powerful line in this podcast is
“ Guruku, engkau bagaikan samudra yang tak pernah lelah , mengayunkan ombak pengetahuan luas, membawa kami menuju pulau – pulau baru.“
because I think that sentence is very suitable to describe the teacher’s persistence,
from the third poem the line that I like is
“Guruku, engkau bagaikan samudra yang tak pernah lelah,
mengayunkan ombak pengetahuan luas,
membawa kami menuju pulau-pulau baru.
Kami, perahu kecil yang terapung di luasmu,
diajari cara melawan badai,
diajak mendalami kedalaman laut,
belajar bertahan, belajar menghargai perbedaan, dan memahami arti kebebasan.”
because I feel that teachers truly give a lot of knowledge, and they never tire, which is very relatable to teachers.
Who is Leni Marlina
-> She is a lecturers of university since 2006, and now she’s teaching in padang state university, also active in several comunity
One verse that is interesting to me is “Guruku, engkau bagaikan samudra yang tak pernah lelah,
mengayunkan ombak pengetahuan luas,
membawa kami menuju pulau-pulau baru.
Kami, perahu kecil yang terapung di luasmu,
diajari cara melawan badai,
diajak mendalami kedalaman laut,
belajar bertahan, belajar menghargai perbedaan, dan memahami arti kebebasan.”
I think what is meant is that teachers always provide broad knowledge to their students and always teach them how to survive, respect differences and understand the meaning of freedom.
I am interested in the statement “my teacher, you are like an ocean that never tires” because teachers always teach many things to their students tirelessly.
The most meaningful part is when the teacher is described as a “bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun” that teaches gentleness, the language of the wind, and the secrets of the earth. This reflects the profound role of the teacher in guiding and imparting lessons that are not only academic but also spiritual and natural, making us aware of life in a holistic way.
The part “melompat dari dahan ke dahan,
mendengar nyanyian burung yang menuntun” is easy to remember because it creates a vivid image of adventure and freedom in learning. This line describes the learning process as full of joy and freedom, making it memorable and easy to recall.
The most powerful part of that podcast is in the section “thank you to teachers,” because I think expressing gratitude to teachers is essential so that the knowledge they impart becomes a blessing.
From the reading I really like this part:
“Guruku, engkau bagaikan gema di lembah hening,
mengisi celah-celah kosong dalam jiwa kami.”
I like this part because teachers give us many teachings which will fill the gaps in our empty selves. They give their knowledge to fill the empty soul so that there is hope for progress in the future .
From the podcast, the lines that interested me is:
“Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil”
I like this part because we are like a tiny grass which grows among the big trees, We are given teachings, experience and knowledge to grow and become big so that we can be seen among the big trees.
From the poem, what I like is the first poem, namely the first part. Terima kasih, Guruku,
Engkau biarkan kami menjelajah,
menghirup aroma petualangan di sela daun,
melompat dari dahan ke dahan,
mendengar nyanyian burung yang menuntun.
Dalam hening sabarmu dan tatapan teduh matamu, ada simfoni tak kasatmata,
lagu yang engkau ciptakan untuk jiwa-jiwa kami,
agar kami menemukan suara kami sendiri.
That part really resonated and touched me, showing what a teacher means to me.
The most that have 5 Poem interested and clear part to me is what they say “Gurukdi, di Fajar yang membeku, kami gemetar, namun disana ada engkau, bagaikan embun pagi.
Where teachers are so very important for our education.
Poem 3: menjadi ombak dilautan hikmahmu ;
This poem speaks to learning about “differences” and understanding “freedom,” which suggests that teachers shape my value and open my mind. This line is meaningful because it emphasizes the role teachers play in fostering acceptance, tolerance, and individuality—qualities that help me become compassionate and open-minded teenager.
The most interested and clear part to me is what they say ” Guruku, di fajar yang membeku, kami gemetar, namun disana ada engkau, bagaikan embun pagi. Where teachers are so important to make us smarter.
NO 1
In Poem 1 :
This poem tells about relationships between teacher and student tightly. The teacher is westernized like
small growing grass, but has the power to spreading light and glory the infinite. The student, si You, really respect and appreciate the teacher, like a forest giant who always protects and shelter him. Through this poem, the students express gratitude his love for the teacher who has guiding him, teaching him the scent beautiful life, as well allows him to understand the world
more clearly, like knowledge knowledge that never ends.
In Audio :
the part of i most understand is
“you can see forest, ocean, stars all this element for the neutral world to describe the impact teacher helped the students” it very impressive to understand the part
in the third poem
My teacher, you are like an ocean that never tires,
swaying the waves of vast knowledge,
took us to new islands.
We, small boats floating in your vastness,
taught how to fight the storm,
invited to explore the depths of the sea,
learn to survive, learn to appreciate differences, and understand the meaning of freedom.
I was very touched by his words
meaningful words.
From this poem, I like the sentence “Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun.”
I like this sentence because this line explains how important and valuable a teacher is to his students. Because teachers guide and teach their students to live a more polite life.
From the podcast, the part that attracted me was the sentence
“Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar, kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil.”
I like this sentence because we are like small grass and teachers are like branches and roots who give us knowledge until we grow like big trees.
Annisa Muhasyafira 21019028 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Engkau biarkan kami menjelajah,
menghirup aroma petualangan di sela daun,
melompat dari dahan ke dahan,
mendengar nyanyian burung yang menuntun.
Dalam hening sabarmu dan tatapan teduh matamu, ada simfoni tak kasatmata,
lagu yang engkau ciptakan untuk jiwa-jiwa kami,
agar kami menemukan suara kami sendiri.
This stanza was chosen because it describes the deep relationship between teacher and student in the learning process. In a metaphorical language style, the author expresses his gratitude to a teacher who gives students the freedom to explore the world and discover their identity. Words like exploring, jumping from branch to branch, and hearing birds singing suggest freedom and opportunities to explore. Teachers are not only sources of knowledge, but also patient mentors who provide support without limiting imagination or creativity.
The meaning implied in this stanza is that the role of the teacher is not only to convey material, but also to build an atmosphere that makes students feel comfortable to explore and discover their identity. In the silence and serenity of a teacher, there is an “invisible symphony,” a wisdom that may not always be visible but has a profound impact on the formation of a student’s character. Teachers give students the freedom to find their own voice, which means growing self-confidence and encouraging students to explore their own potential. This stanza is a tribute to the invaluable role of the teacher as an inspirer and guide in the lives of his students.
Teacher, You are a Lush Forest in the first stanza about the attitude that must be trained early because when we grow up we will be used to it. And we as human beings must always be friendly to people so that harmonious relationships can be established. TYO KURNIAWAN JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.
Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah,
hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis.
Poem 1: This first stanza describes the teacher as a figure who provides guidance and protection, like a “hutan rimbun” that helps students grow. By teaching “bahasa angin” and “rahasia tanah”, the teacher provides not only knowledge, but also an understanding of life. Teachers become a source of light and direction for students to explore the world and find their way.
This stanza was chosen because it describes the teacher’s role as a guide who provides protection and knowledge, like a forest that helps students grow. The metaphors “bahasa angin” and “rahasia tanah” show that the teacher teaches more than just knowledge, but also the wisdom of life, providing direction and deep understanding for students.
In poem 1: Guru, Engkau Hutan Rimbun Karya Leni Marlina Bait ke-1
Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.
Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah,
hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis.
The poem depicts the teacher as a figure of shade and guidance, likened to a lush forest where students—“little grass”—grow under its shade. The teacher not only teaches knowledge, but also life values, such as how to live more politely and understand the wisdom of nature. The descriptions of “the language of the wind” and “the secrets of the soil” show that teachers teach things deeper than just ordinary knowledge; they open their students’ eyes to the broader meaning of life. With a beautiful metaphor for nature, the poem highlights the importance of the teacher’s role in guiding the next generation towards understanding and wisdom.
This poem appeals to me because of its rich and beautiful use of natural metaphors. By comparing the teacher to a “huge, lush forest” and the students to “little grass,” the poem creates a powerful and meaningful visual image, showing how vast the teacher’s knowledge is and how small the students are in the face of that knowledge. Phrases like “the language of the wind” and “the secret of the soil” also add to the magical feeling, as if the teacher has knowledge that is not only intellectual but also full of profound wisdom. The poem touches on the emotions by reminding the reader that learning is a beautiful process of growth, where the teacher plays a vital role as a guide in understanding the “heaven of knowledge.” The poem celebrates the deep connection between teacher and student in a poetic, sincere, and reverent way.
I like the first stanza of this poem.
This poem is a heartfelt tribute to a teacher’s enduring impact. It likens the teacher to an “echo in a silent valley,” a powerful metaphor conveying how their guidance resonates deeply within students’ lives, filling empty spaces within their souls. The image of the teacher’s voice continuing even in silence emphasizes lessons that go beyond words, teaching students to understand what is unspoken. Describing the teacher as a “heartbeat” in the slow passage of time reflects the teacher’s role in bringing meaning and purpose, filling the emptiness within students “with wholehearted meaning.” The style is tender and reflective, capturing the teacher’s quiet yet profound influence on personal growth and understanding.
Yona Maygita (21019066) _24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall 21 LM
Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun
This sentence means that teachers and mentors are figures who provide us with broad insights, help us understand life, and offer peace and wisdom, like a vast and rich forest.
Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Elsen Agustina Sigalingging
Bait Puisi
Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah,
hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis.
This poem describes the power and wisdom of a teacher or mentor who teaches more than just knowledge, but also deep life values. The giant, lush forest in this poem symbolizes the breadth of knowledge they share, as well as the depth of teachings that touch spiritual and emotional aspects. The meaning of this poem is that a teacher or guide not only provides knowledge, but also guides us to understand and comprehend the world more wisely, as if opening the door to an endless paradise of knowledge, giving us insight that goes beyond limits. . stature.
Guruku, engkau bagaikan jendela menuju matahari,
menyiramkan keberanian, menghapus ketakutan,
mengguratkan jejak cahayamu di hati kami.
I chose this verse because it really touches on the role of a teacher. In this stanza the Guru is described very poetically and reverently, who teaches courage and sincerity. This stanza describes the figure of a teacher who is very inspiring and has an important role in the lives of his students. ” Guruku, engkau bagaikan jendela menuju matahari,” shows that the teacher is the path or door (window) that opens the students’ views to the light of life, namely knowledge, wisdom and hope. ” menyiramkan keberanian, menghapus ketakutan “, shows that the teacher is a figure who provides encouragement and enthusiasm to overcome fear and lack of self-confidence. ” mengguratkan jejak cahayamu di hati kami ” describes how the teacher’s knowledge and teachings are not only understood with reason, but also leave an impression in the hearts of the students, providing deep inspiration. This stanza shows that the role of a teacher is not only limited to the knowledge taught, but also to the impact of courage and deep morals.
Puisi ini adalah penghormatan yang tulus terhadap dampak abadi seorang guru. Guru digambarkan sebagai “gema di lembah yang sunyi,” sebuah metafora yang kuat yang menyampaikan bagaimana bimbingan mereka beresonansi dalam kehidupan para murid, mengisi ruang kosong dalam jiwa mereka. Gambaran tentang suara guru yang tetap ada meski dalam keheningan menekankan pelajaran yang melampaui kata-kata, mengajarkan murid untuk memahami apa yang tak terucapkan. Menyebut guru sebagai “detak jantung” dalam perjalanan waktu yang lambat mencerminkan peran guru dalam memberikan makna dan tujuan, mengisi kekosongan dalam diri murid dengan “makna yang sepenuh hati.” Gaya puisi ini lembut dan reflektif, menangkap pengaruh guru yang tenang namun mendalam terhadap pertumbuhan dan pemahaman pribadi.
Ihsanul Eka Vitra 21019043 (24 JD-I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Eja Rizki Ansori 21019036 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.
Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah,
hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis.
I chose this stanza because it powerfully captures the essence of the teacher-student relationship, using vivid, natural imagery to convey the nurturing and guiding role that teachers play in our lives. The comparison of teachers to a “vast, leafy forest” and students to “small blades of grass” highlights the way teachers provide shelter, support, and guidance, creating an environment where students can grow and thrive. The idea that students are “searching for a gap of light beneath your shade” suggests that, even as they seek knowledge and clarity, they do so in the safety and protection of their teacher’s guidance.
The lines “mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu” (searching for a gap of light beneath your shade) illustrate how students, under the guidance of their teachers, search for wisdom and understanding, yet the teacher’s presence offers a sense of security and direction. The phrase “mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah” (teaching us the language of the winds, and whispering the secrets of the earth) beautifully suggests that education is not just about academic knowledge but about learning deeper truths, understanding life itself, and connecting with the natural world.
SALSABILLA KHAIRANI (21019058) – 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Bait yang menarik bagi saya adalah:
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Engkau diam, tapi benderangmu
tersebar jauh, selalu hadir dalam pandangan kami.
Di titik cahayamu, ada kisah yang membimbing,
menuntun hati kami pada arah yang engkau petakan.
Engkau, kompas sejati di langit malam,
membiarkan kami mengembara, tak biarkan kami tersesat kemanapun berkelana.
Ini adalah penghormatan kepada para guru, yang mengakui pengaruh mereka yang tenang namun mendalam. Pembicara memuji para guru atas kehadiran mereka yang halus namun kuat, membandingkan mereka dengan cahaya yang bersinar dari kejauhan, selalu membimbing para siswa, meskipun mereka tidak selalu menyadarinya. “Sinar” kebijaksanaan dan perhatian seorang guru “menyentuh jauh” dan tetap ada dalam diri siswa, menjadi sumber arah yang konstan. Cahaya ini melambangkan pengetahuan dan bimbingan, yang memimpin siswa menuju jalan yang benar, bahkan dalam saat-saat ketidakpastian. Guru digambarkan sebagai “kompas sejati,” kekuatan yang stabil yang membantu siswa menavigasi kehidupan, memastikan mereka tidak pernah merasa benar-benar tersesat, ke mana pun mereka pergi. Puisi ini merayakan dampak abadi yang dimiliki para guru, bukan melalui pengajaran yang keras atau lantang, tetapi melalui pengaruh mereka yang tenang dan tahan lama pada hati dan pikiran siswa.
Puisi ” Puisi 3: Menjadi Ombak di Lautan Hikmahmu”
Bait: Terima kasih, Guruku,
Pukulan ombakmu adalah ajakan,
untuk lebih dalam, lebih paham, lebih kuat.
Engkau lautan luas yang penuh daya,
membimbing kami pada pelabuhan yang tak terlihat.
Kami tahu, meski engkau lepas kami pergi,
selalu ada arus lautmu dalam diri kami,
yang tak pernah lupa jalan kembali.
This verse is a touching tribute that captures the transformative power of a teacher’s influence. It illustrates how teachers don’t just impart knowledge but also instill values, resilience, and guidance that stay with students throughout their lives. The imagery of the ocean suggests that a teacher’s impact is profound, enduring, and even mystical, shaping the students’ journey even when they are no longer together. It’s a reminder of the lifelong connection and gratitude that many feel toward their teachers.
JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
puisi 1: Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun,
menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah, hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis.
Bait ini memikat karena menggunakan metafora yang kuat dan imajinatif, menggambarkan guru sebagai “hutan raksasa rimbun” yang melindungi dan memberi kehidupan. Pemilihan kata seperti “bahasa angin” dan “rahasia tanah” menciptakan keindahan visual dan makna mendalam tentang bagaimana seorang guru mengajarkan kebijaksanaan dan kearifan. Frasa “surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis” memberikan kesan penghormatan mendalam kepada peran guru sebagai sumber pembelajaran yang tiada henti.
You, like a giant lush forest, guiding us to live more gracefully, teaching us the language of the wind, and whispering to us the secrets of the earth, until we understand the world you unfold, like an eternal paradise of knowledge.
Style and Strategies Used Metaphor, The teacher is described as a “giant lush forest,” emphasizing their vital role as a source of learning and protection. Personification, Abstract concepts like the “language of the wind” and the “secrets of the earth” are brought to life, making the lessons from the teacher feel vivid and poetic.
Use of visual and auditory imagery, Helps readers imagine a serene and meaningful atmosphere, like seeing a forest and hearing the wind. Poetic diction, Words like “language of the wind,” “secrets of the earth,” and “eternal paradise of knowledge” create a magical and profound tone.
Nurul Hidayah (21019100)JD I-L TRANS JM9-
10 NKall21 LM
puisi 5: “Guruku, engkau bagaikan gema di lembah hening, mengisi celah-celah kosong dalam jiwa kami.
Ketika kami terdiam, suaramu tetap bergaung, mengajarkan kami untuk mendengar yang tak terucapkan.” Bait ini menggunakan metafora “gema di lembah hening” untuk menggambarkan bagaimana pengaruh seorang guru tetap terasa, bahkan dalam keheningan. Frasa “mengajarkan kami untuk mendengar yang tak terucapkan” menggambarkan peran mendalam seorang guru yang membantu siswa memahami makna di balik kata-kata, menciptakan kesan puitis dan penuh kebijaksanaan. “My teacher, you are like
an echo in a silent valley, filling the empty spaces within our souls. Metaphor, the teacher is likened to an echo in a silent valley, symbolizing their lasting influence
When we fall silent, your voice still resonates, teaching us to listen to what is unspoken.”
and ability to fill voids with meaning. Symbolism, silence represents the gaps in understanding or emotion, while the echo signifies the teacher’s wisdom that bridges those gaps. Contrast of sound and silence, this interplay emphasizes the teacher’s ability to communicate beyond words and reach deeper layers of understanding.
Emotive language, words like “empty spaces,” “resonates,” and “unspoken” evoke a sense of depth and connection.
Abstract imagery, the use of silence and echoes invites the reader to reflect on the intangible ways teachers impact their students.
Nurul Hidayah (21019100) JD I-L TRANS JM9- 10 NKall21 LM
puisi 4: “Guruku, engkau bagaikan bintang- bintang yang menghidupkan langit malam, menghiasi jalan kami dengan rasi yang bersinar cemerlang.
Dalam gelap yang paling pekat, kami temukan engkau, memandu langkah-langkah kami,
mencari arah dalam misteri yang menantang.” Bait ini menarik karena metaforanya yang menggambarkan guru sebagai bintang yang menerangi kegelapan. Frasa “menghidupkan langit malam” menunjukkan bahwa guru tidak hanya hadir di saat terang tetapi juga di saat siswa berada dalam kebingungan atau kesulitan. Metafora bintang dan rasi menciptakan nuansa harapan, keindahan, dan bimbingan yang konsisten. “My teacher, you are like stars that bring life to the night sky, adorning our path with constellations shining brightly.
In the darkest of nights, we find you, guiding our steps, seeking direction through challenging mysteries.” Metaphor, the teacher is compared to stars and constellations, symbolizing guidance, inspiration, and hope. Symbolism, stars represent light and direction in darkness, reflecting the teacher’s role in helping students navigate through challenges. Visual imagery, the use of celestial imagery creates a vivid and universal sense of awe and admiration.
Emotional resonance, words like “guiding,” “mysteries,” and “brightly” evoke feelings of trust and reliance on the teacher.
Nurul Hidayah (21019100) JD I-L TRANS JM9- 10 NKall21 LM
puisi 5: “Guruku, engkau bagaikan gema di lembah hening, mengisi celah-celah kosong dalam jiwa kami.
Ketika kami terdiam, suaramu tetap bergaung, mengajarkan kami untuk mendengar yang tak terucapkan.” Bait ini menggunakan metafora “gema di lembah hening” untuk menggambarkan bagaimana pengaruh seorang guru tetap terasa, bahkan dalam keheningan. Frasa “mengajarkan kami untuk mendengar yang tak terucapkan” menggambarkan peran mendalam seorang guru yang membantu siswa memahami makna di balik kata-kata, menciptakan kesan puitis dan penuh kebijaksanaan. “My teacher, you are like
an echo in a silent valley, filling the empty spaces within our souls. Metaphor, the teacher is likened to an echo in a silent valley, symbolizing their lasting influence
When we fall silent, your voice still resonates, teaching us to listen to what is unspoken.”
and ability to fill voids with meaning. Symbolism, silence represents the gaps in understanding or emotion, while the echo signifies the teacher’s wisdom that bridges those gaps. Contrast of sound and silence, this interplay emphasizes the teacher’s ability to communicate beyond words and reach deeper layers of understanding.
Emotive language, words like “empty spaces,” “resonates,” and “unspoken” evoke a sense of depth and connection.
Abstract imagery, the use of silence and echoes invites the reader to reflect on the intangible ways teachers impact their students.
Nurul Hidayah (21019100) JD I-L TRANS JM9- 10 NKall21 LM
puisi 4: “Guruku, engkau bagaikan bintang- bintang yang menghidupkan langit malam, menghiasi jalan kami dengan rasi yang bersinar cemerlang.
Dalam gelap yang paling pekat, kami temukan engkau, memandu langkah-langkah kami,
mencari arah dalam misteri yang menantang.” Bait ini menarik karena metaforanya yang menggambarkan guru sebagai bintang yang menerangi kegelapan. Frasa “menghidupkan langit malam” menunjukkan bahwa guru tidak hanya hadir di saat terang tetapi juga di saat siswa berada dalam kebingungan atau kesulitan. Metafora bintang dan rasi menciptakan nuansa harapan, keindahan, dan bimbingan yang konsisten. “My teacher, you are like stars that bring life to the night sky, adorning our path with constellations shining brightly.
In the darkest of nights, we find you, guiding our steps, seeking direction through challenging mysteries.” Metaphor, the teacher is compared to stars and constellations, symbolizing guidance, inspiration, and hope. Symbolism, stars represent light and direction in darkness, reflecting the teacher’s role in helping students navigate through challenges. Visual imagery, the use of celestial imagery creates a vivid and universal sense of awe and admiration.
Emotional resonance, words like “guiding,” “mysteries,” and “brightly” evoke feelings of trust and reliance on the teacher.
Nurul Hidayah (21019100) JD I-L TRANS JM9- 10 NKall21 LM
puisi 2: Guruku, engkau bagaikan jendela menuju matahari, menyiramkan keberanian, menghapus ketakutan, mengguratkan jejak cahayamu di hati kami.
Bait ini menggambarkan guru sebagai “jendela menuju matahari,” metafora yang kuat untuk peran mereka dalam membawa cahaya, inspirasi, dan harapan ke dalam kehidupan siswa. Frasa “menyiramkan keberanian” dan “menghapus ketakutan” memberikan nuansa emosional yang mendalam, menunjukkan bagaimana guru menjadi pendorong semangat dan penghapus kegelisahan dalam perjalanan belajar.
My teacher, you are like a window to the sun, pouring courage, erasing fears, etching the traces of your light in our hearts.
Metaphor, The teacher is compared to a “window to the sun,” symbolizing enlightenment, courage, and hope.
Imagery, The vivid depiction of light and warmth
through “pouring courage” and “traces of your
light” evokes a strong emotional response.
Emotional tone, The choice of words reflects
gratitude and reverence, making the reader feel
the deep impact of a teacher’s guidance.
Symbolism of light, Light is used as a universal metaphor for knowledge, hope, and growth, creating an uplifting theme. Contrast, Phrases like “erasing fears” highlight the transformation the teacher brings, contrasting fear with courage and doubt with clarity.
Nurul Hidatah (21019100) JD I-L TRANS JM9- JM10 NKall21 LM
I like the first poem in stanza 2, This stanza expresses deep gratitude to teachers, portraying them as supportive figures who allow students to explore and grow. The teacher’s role is compared to a natural landscape, where students can “breathe the scent of adventure” and move freely, symbolizing a learning environment full of curiosity and discovery. The “songs of birds” represent the guidance that teachers provide, gently steering students in the right direction. In the teachers’ silent patience and calm gaze lies an “invisible symphony,” a metaphor for the profound, often unnoticed impact teachers have on students’ inner lives. This symphony is crafted to help students find their unique voices and identities.
Benito Patriot (21019073) _24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall 21 LM
Saya menyukai bagian pertama dari puisi Guru, Engkau Hutan Rimbun. Bagian puisi ini dengan indah menangkap pengaruh mendalam dan penuh kasih yang dimiliki oleh guru dan mentor terhadap murid-murid mereka. Gambaran “cabang dan akar” serta “helai rumput yang menjangkau cahaya di bawah naunganmu” melukiskan gambaran yang jelas tentang pertumbuhan dan bimbingan, menekankan peran guru sebagai tempat berlindung dan katalis untuk perkembangan. Metafora guru sebagai “hutan lebat yang luas” menyampaikan kebijaksanaan dan luasnya pengaruh mereka, membimbing siswa menuju keanggunan dan pemahaman. Gagasan tentang mempelajari “bahasa angin” dan “rahasia bumi” memberikan kesan bahwa pengetahuan bukan hanya tentang fakta tetapi juga tentang koneksi dengan sesuatu yang lebih besar, sesuatu yang abadi dan mendalam. Ini adalah refleksi yang kuat tentang bagaimana guru membentuk tidak hanya kecerdasan kita tetapi juga seluruh perspektif kita tentang kehidupan. Ini adalah penghormatan yang ditulis dengan indah yang menyoroti hadiah belajar yang tak berujung dan tenang.
Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani – 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Christy Yulianda Putri 21019033 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Guruku, engkau bagaikan bintang-bintang yang menghidupkan langit malam,
menghiasi jalan kami dengan rasi yang bersinar cemerlang.
Dalam gelap yang paling pekat, kami temukan engkau,
memandu langkah-langkah kami,
mencari arah dalam misteri yang menantang.
This stanza is likable for its rich imagery and metaphorical depth. The comparison of teachers and mentors to stars in the night sky evokes a sense of warmth, admiration, and inspiration. Just as stars illuminate the darkness, teachers and mentors provide guidance, wisdom, and encouragement when we face life’s uncertainties. The poetic language stirs an emotional response, emphasizing gratitude and respect for those who dedicate themselves to nurturing and uplifting others. The piece resonates because it acknowledges the essential role of educators in our personal growth and exploration.
The stanza symbolizes the role of teachers and mentors as beacons of light in our lives, especially during challenging or unclear times. “The deepest darkness” represents moments of confusion, doubt, or hardship, while the “brilliant constellations” stand for the invaluable knowledge, advice, and support that mentors provide. The imagery of “guiding our steps” suggests that educators do not just impart knowledge; they help individuals navigate life’s complexities and find direction when faced with the unknown (“mystery’s call”). It’s a poetic acknowledgment of their vital influence in shaping one’s journey and fostering resilience.
Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan (21019015)
24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Saya memilih makna yang sangat menarik pada “Guratan Cahaya di Langit Malam” by Leni Marlina
Guruku, engkau bagaikan bintang-bintang yang menghidupkan langit malam,
menghiasi jalan kami dengan rasi yang bersinar cemerlang.
Dalam gelap yang paling pekat, kami temukan engkau,
memandu langkah-langkah kami,
mencari arah dalam misteri yang menantang.
Puisi diatas mengungkap makna bagaimana besarnya pengaruh guru atau pengajar. bait ini mengungkap bagaimana mereka mengarahkan kepada kita petunjuk dan harapan hidup dari kebingungan dan perjuangan, memberikan harapan bagi kita sebagai murid untuk memilih jalan hidup. Seperti bintang yang bersinar melalui kegelapan, kebijaksanaan dan dukungan mereka menerangi jalan, untuk memastikan bahwa bahkan di saat-saat ketidakpastian, kita dapat menemukan arah kita ke depan.
This poem is a tribute to the profound role of a teacher, likening them to an echo in a quiet valley, filling the “empty spaces” within students’ souls. Through this metaphor, the teacher’s guidance and presence are seen as something that resonates deeply, reaching into students’ innermost thoughts and emotions. The teacher’s voice, which continues to “echo” even when students are silent, signifies the enduring influence of their lessons—encouraging students to listen to the unspoken truths and learn beyond mere words.
The teacher is described as a heartbeat (“detak”) in the slow passage of time, symbolizing their role as a steady, life-giving force. They give meaning to the “emptiness” in students’ lives, filling it with understanding, compassion, and purpose. In essence, the poem expresses gratitude and admiration for teachers who guide with subtle strength, touching lives in ways that are both transformative and lasting, providing meaning and warmth to those they teach.
Muhammad Abi Dzar Ar-Rahman / 21019052 / 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Pukulan ombakmu adalah ajakan,
untuk lebih dalam, lebih paham, lebih kuat.
Engkau lautan luas yang penuh daya,
membimbing kami pada pelabuhan yang tak terlihat.
Kami tahu, meski engkau lepas kami pergi,
selalu ada arus lautmu dalam diri kami,
yang tak pernah lupa jalan kembali.
The verse above is tell about the relationship between the teacher and students. He called on his students to be independent even though in the future they will experience many obstacles. because he believed his students would be able to face them.
Dian Zelly.B/21019007
Puisi ini menggambarkan rasa terima kasih yang mendalam terhadap sosok seorang guru. Tiap baris dari puisi ini mengandung kata-kata puitis yang penuh makna yang membuat puisi menjadi lebih hidup dan inspiratif. Baris “Guruku, engkau bagaikan gema di lembah hening,’ menggambarkan bahwa guru bagaikan suara harapan ditengah berisiknya kebodohan dan ketidaktahuan.
From the podcast above, the part of the poem that is powerful for me is Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
This really gives me the impression that the teacher gives us knowledge and from his knowledge we grow and learn.
Melcya Putri N. H. – 210109087 – 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Bagian ini dengan indah membandingkan guru dan mentor dengan hutan pelindung yang luas, melambangkan peran mereka sebagai pemelihara dan pembimbing. Gambaran “helai rumput kecil” yang meraih cahaya menyampaikan pertumbuhan dan perjalanan belajar siswa di bawah asuhan guru. Guru digambarkan tidak hanya menawarkan pengetahuan tetapi juga kebijaksanaan dari alam itu sendiri, seperti “bahasa angin” dan “rahasia bumi”, yang menunjukkan bahwa bimbingan mereka melampaui pengetahuan akademis hingga pelajaran hidup. Pada akhirnya, mereka menciptakan “surga pengetahuan”, sebuah dunia yang tenang dan tanpa batas yang dijelajahi dan dipahami oleh siswa di bawah bimbingan mereka.
Ini merupakan penghargaan yang indah atas pengaruh mendalam yang diberikan guru terhadap siswanya, membentuk kehidupan mereka, dan membantu mereka menjelajahi dunia.
Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah
(JD 24 I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NK-ALL21 LM)
Poem 5: “Terima kasih, Guruku,
Kami belajar bahwa heningmu bukan sekadar diam,
melainkan bisikan yang meresap, menyusup dalam.
Engkau ajarkan kami membaca keheningan,
menerjemahkan kebisuan jadi kebijaksanaan.
Kami bagaikan gema dari suara yang engkau beri,
mengalir seperti sungai yang tak kenal muara, engkau selalu dihati kemanapun nasib membawa diri.”
This stanza conveys that teachers not only teach through words, but also through meaningful silence. This stanza illustrates that teachers teach more than just formal lessons-they also teach deep values through silence and wisdom. Teacher silence is not the absence of words, but rather a deep form of communication that is able to infiltrate students and guide them silently.
What is Mrs. Leni Marlina occupations ?
Answer : She is an university lecturer
When is the 2nd poem written ?
Answer : the 2nd poem is written on 2004
Moammar Hian Alrafid
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
what’s make the poem stand up?
because Leni Marlina’s use of the nature metaphors to express the gratitude
Rifki Prayoga – 24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
what the podcast talk about?
the podcast discusses and dissects poetry sentences about teachers written by Mrs. Leni Marlina, one of which is that teachers ‘are like a window to the sun,pouring courage, erasing fear,
leave traces of your light in our hearts’, that teachers have the power to student lives.
Saskiya Putri Haifa
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What poem that interest you in the podcats?
What got me interested is the poem on number 3, “Menjadi ombak di lautan hikamahmu”. It talks about an expression of gratitude and admiration for the teacher’s role in imparting knowledge and life lessons, depicted metaphorically as a vast ocean guiding and nurturing small boats.
Muhammad Dzikry Rahmadana Putra
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
Who is Leni Marlina
-> She is a lecturers of university since 2006, and now she’s teaching in padang state university, also active in several comunity
Rahmanul Hakim Darli
24 JD Listening ST- 9-10 NK Int LM
What make’s the poem powerful and outstanding ?
the poet use kind of metaphors which express deeping meaning that also relevant, in order to express respect and gratitude for teacher.
the poem also filled with knowledge, guidance, and value of teacher
Marisa Devi
24 JD listening NK ST 9-10 Lnt LM
What do they talking about?
They were talking about a collection of poems written by Leni Marlina that contained writings of gratitude for teachers. The woman said Leni Marlina, the author, used metaphors to express her work
Tiffany Amanda Syahira
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What events did Leni Marlina experience before writing the poems in 2004?
= Before writing the poems in 2004, Leni Marlina attended the Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony at the State Palace and received a National Award for being ‘The Best Student in the Country.’
What events did Leni Marlina experience before writing the poems in 2004?
= Before writing the poems in 2004, Leni Marlina attended the Indonesian Independence Day Ceremony at the State Palace and received a National Award for being ‘The Best Student in the Country.’
Javier Graysa
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
Why does the speakers pointing the poem as an outstanding poem?
-it’s because in how the author wrote the poem, the poem talks and connect the role of teachers and nature. The writer compile and connect both of that aspect powerfully and does remarks so many points that have deep meaning
Fadhira Permata Febry (24029074) 24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What does the woman in the podcast think about that part “mengajari kami bahasa angin” or ” teach us a language of the wind” in the poem means?
She thinks that the meaning of this part is about understanding the things that we can’t learn from textbooks, like an intuition and empathy.
Fadhira Permata Febry (24029074) 24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What does the woman in the podcast think about that part “mengajari kami bahasa angin” or ” teach us a language of the art” in the poem means?
She thinks that the meaning this part is about understanding the things we can’t learn from textbooks, like an intuition and empathy.
What is the podcaster think about few of Leni Marlina poems?
“I think they represent knowledge, value, and the powerfull of the lecturer” she says. and I agree with her.
Dewi Sasmaya Acintya Putri.
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK INT LM
What is the background of these collection of poem?
> it is written back in 2004, and it wrote by Leni Marlina herself as a hobby and collection.
What does the writer want to convey about this teacher’s poem?
> The writer emphasize about bond and relationship both on teacher and student.
Nabilla Izzati Putri
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK int LM
What does nature imagery represent in Leni Marlina’s poems about teachers?
= In Leni Marlina’s poems, nature imagery, like forests and dew, shows how teachers guide and support their students. For example, in one poem, the teacher is compared to a forest that helps students grow, just like a teacher helps students develop and learn.
Dela Safira Chottami
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
When is the entire poem was written?
~>the entire poem was written in 2004
Aldi Syaputra
29 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What is the highlight of the poems?
= The podcaster thinks that It’s not just about saying thank you to the teacher; it’s about truly appreciating the impact they have on our lives
Winaya Asa
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What is the podcaster think about the highlight of the poems?
= It’s not just about saying thank you to the teacher; it’s about truly appreciating the impact they have on our lives
Winaya Asa
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK INT LM
What are they talking about?
They were talking about a collection of poems written by Leni Marlina that contained writings of gratitude for teachers. The woman said Leni Marlina, the author, used metaphors to express her work
Tiffany Amanda Syahira
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
From five poems above what is the correlation among those five poems?
Answer : the correlation over five poems above is about teacher roles in our life like a tree giving us the students a safe place especially on learning, then teacher also guides us like a light in darkness and gentle like mist that calms us down, and just like a sea of knowledge that will deliver us into a whole wide world full of knowledge, teacher also like a stars not matter how far we go they will lead us guide us so we wont get lost, and last teacher voices i think more like advice filling our hearts so we will be even better in the future
Fanny syifa hanania
Of all the poems listed above, what is the essence of the poem?
All of these poems discuss the struggle of a teacher who always provides useful knowledge to his students.
Raya Nadira
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
How many poems by Leni Marlina that has been discussed on the podcast?
=> 5 Poems
Fahrel Maulanna
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
what is the poem talks about?
The poem in the podcast explores themes of unity, resilience, and mutual support. It highlights the idea that real strength is found in standing together, helping each other through difficult times, and facing challenges as a collective. Through cooperation and shared courage, we find the power to overcome adversity.
what’s the podcast about?
In the podcast, the poem reflects on the themes of unity and resilience, illustrating how true strength emerges when people come together to support one another. It conveys that by facing hardships together and lending a helping hand, we can overcome obstacles that would be insurmountable alone.
Fairrel Athaillah Rheynri
24 JD Listening 9-10 NK Int LM
The podcast delves into themes of unity and resilience, highlighting how genuine strength arises when individuals come together to uplift and support each other. It emphasizes that by confronting challenges collectively and offering a helping hand, we can overcome obstacles that would be impossible to face alone.
Valentino All Varel
24 JD Listening 9-10 NK Int LM
from the poem,the part i really like is “Guruku, engkau bagaikan samudra yang tak pernah lelah,
mengayunkan ombak pengetahuan luas,
membawa kami menuju pulau-pulau baru.
i like this part because what it says is true,teachers never get tired and never complain when teaching us.
From the podcast,the part i really like is”Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil.
because i think “the lessons given by teacher will definetely be usefull for us one day
Teachers are figures who tirelessly guide and direct us toward the right path. With great patience, they share knowledge selflessly, hoping each student can achieve a brighter future. Their contributions are immense, as without their guidance, we might lose our way on the journey to seek knowledge. Every piece of advice and encouragement they provide becomes a valuable asset in life. They are not only instructors but also motivators who help us rise when we fall. Therefore, we must always remember and appreciate the role of teachers, for without them, we would not be who we are today.
My teacher, My Inspiration
My teacher is a very kind person. She is sincere and always pays attention to how I learn. I really admire her. Because of her, I can plan my future. The lessons she teaches are always useful for me later on. She inspires me to become a smart person. That’s why I’m studying, to show that I can be like her.
Teachers are noble people who teach us knowledge. From the beginning we didn’t know to knowing. There are so many services teachers have given us. He never tires of giving us his knowledge.
As students we must respect our teachers and always remember their services to us. Let us never insult teachers because without them we cannot read, write, think critically and so on.
Teacher are one of the most patient people in the world. They teach us without getting tired. They are paid salaries that are not large. Even so, they never complain about it. That’s why teachers are one of the people i admire
Teachers are unsung heroes. Teachers impart their knowledge to their students selflessly. They teach tirelessly so that their students can understand and have the same knowledge as them. They teach patiently, gently and understand whatever difficulties their students experience, then guide them so they can understand. In addition to providing educational knowledge, teachers also teach their students about manners, etiquette and manners. They do not expect a lot of money, what they hope is that the knowledge they provide can be useful, they really want to see their students succeed in the future.
Teachers are one of the unsung heroes. Their services will never be repaid. They teach us everything. They teach us how to read, write, spell and behave. Without them we would not be useful people.
The Education’s Hero
There is no instanly born to be smart. As a human, we have to go
throught various new learning processes about things in this work.
Teacher, is the one who teach us about many things. How to write
from some letter to be a good sentence. How to read so we can
understand about a passage. How we do calculate, paint, and many
other thing so we become a smart person. Teachers is the hero for student.
Teachers are very meritorious people. The teacher provides very valuable knowledge. Teachers who guide us to become better people. Teachers help shape our behavior. Without a teacher, we might not be able to do anything. Teachers services are very important for the future on the nation.
Teachers are unsung heroes. Teachers impart their knowledge to their students selflessly. They teach tirelessly so that their students can understand and have the same knowledge as them. They teach patiently, gently and understand whatever difficulties their students experience, then guide them so they can understand. In addition to providing educational knowledge, teachers also teach their students about manners, etiquette and manners. They do not expect a lot of money, what they hope is that the knowledge they provide can be useful, they really want to see their students succeed in the future.
An Angel Without Wings
Who is the wingless angel besides your parents? I think it is a teacher. A teacher is a hero who does not ask for any reward for the knowledge she gives to her students. A very noble job, which gives children a better future. A teacher tirelessly expends her energy to teach us to become smart and useful people. They never get tired of reminding us about goodness. I feel very happy with what they taught me, without them I wouldn’t even be who I am today. Without them, I wouldn’t even understand anything about anything, they are not stingy with their knowledge and I am very grateful for the knowledge they have given me.
teachers are unsung heroes. teachers do everything so that their students can and will be successful in the future. they patiently teach us.I don’t know what the world would be like if there were no teachers in this world.It seems that just saying thank you is not enough to repay all their services.
Teacher is a great person
Being a teacher is not easy. A teacher must be patient. Not only that, we must also understand our students. A teacher is an admirable figure. They always have ways to help their students succeed. They selflessly share their knowledge. With patience, they teach each student one by one. They also always offer solutions when their students have problems. Being a teacher is not easy. That’s why teachers are remarkable people.
Teacher is A Very Meritorious Person
Teachers are people who are very helpful to their students. Because teachers give knowledge and guide us to success. Without a teacher, we would not be able to write and read. They are figures who will never be forgotten ever. Even though he is not present in front of or around us, his knowledge is still there and will never be forgotten. I am very grateful to the teachers who have taught knowledge and encouraged their students.
My teacher is a very instrumental figure in my life. I really appreciate every teaching service he has given me.
Gratitude toward the heroes of education who teach their students sincerely.
Zuleyka Azzahra
24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Teachers are the nation’s heroes
Gratitude toward the heroes of education who teach their students sincerely.
Zuleyka Azzahra
24 JD WRITING NK2-24 SL 7-8 LM
A teacher is a figure like an ocean who never stops moving for the good of his students.
Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan ( 24019056 )
24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
“suara yang menggema dalam hening
This poem reminds me of a teacher who not only provides knowledge, but also an example that touches the heart, leaves an impression on the soul, and becomes part of the life journey of his students.
Teachers are heroes with the most powerful weapon, namely education that can educate students to become great people.
This poem reminds me of a hero who is very meritorious in this life. Heroes who are instrumental in fighting to educate the nation.
This poem reminds me of a teacher who guides and inspires his students in studying.
“Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.”
Overall, this sentence illustrates how students grow and develop thanks to the guidance of their teacher, even though they must make their own efforts to find direction and their own path toward knowledge or enlightenment.
Afifah Syaharani 24019001
This poem reminds me of a teacher who guides and inspires his students in studying
The students grow and develop thanks to the teacher’s guidance, though they must make their own efforts to find direction and their path to achieving knowledge or enlightenment.
The teacher as a star in the night sky, giving light and clues to the students helping students find direction and live life journey with loving and wise guidance.
The dew that teaches the words of the sun
Main idea: Teachers ade where we learn and where we complain when we are in outside or not at home
Teachers are heroes who will illuminate the darkness of life.
Dimas Prasetya Budi 24019044
In this poem, the teacher is portrayed as protecting and guiding the students.
The poem reminds someone who gives appreciation and gratitude to a teacher who has been a source of inspiration and wisdom.
teachers are the greatest superheroes in this world
teachers are the greatest superheroes in this world especially in education world.
Teachers are like helpers for students who want to experience useful knowledge
these poems are remind me about how big the sacrifices of all the teachers in this world.We can’t imagine the world without teachers.
Describes the teacher as a figure as strong and deep as a forest, who guides students with shade and wisdom to find their true identity.
This poem teaches us about the important role of a teacher in life. For me they deserve to be called heroes
This poem highlights the vital role teachers play in our lives. In my view, they truly deserve to be called heroes.
The teacher is a light and a guide, like a star that guides students in facing the darkness of life
The teacher is a light and a guide
Teachers are unsung heroes
This poem describes gratitude and respect for a teacher who plays an important role in a student’s life.
Teachers are the greatest superheroes and teach good lessons.
Respect your teacher so that you can study smoothly and be blessed with knowledge
Muhammad Aqeel Jasomandez 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL7-8 LM
Respect your teacher so that you can study smoothly and be blessed with knowledge
The teacher is the most important figure in the development and experience of every student, everyone who learns is a student and the person who provides knowledge is a teacher.
Muhamad Faizal 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM
1. Business Idea:
Educational Content Platform: Provide workshops, digital media, and merchandise celebrating education and personal growth inspired by teachers.
2. Traits to Apply in Entrepreneurship:
Patience and wisdom
Empathy and guidance
Resilience and adaptability
Inspiration and vision
1. A business idea that could be developed is a learning and creativity center offering educational workshops, nature-based activities, and mentorship programs to foster curiosity, creativity, and personal growth in children and youth.
2. The character traits to adopt include patience and sincerity, reflecting the teacher’s guiding presence. Inspirational leadership is also important to motivate and empower others. Creativity and openness are needed to create an environment that encourages exploration, along with empathy to understand and meet the needs of learners and clients.
Fifi Helya Putri (23019047)
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
1. Possible business idea:
A mentorship-based educational platform that empowers individuals, particularly young learners, to explore, grow, and discover their potential through guided experiences, much like the way a teacher nurtures and leads students to knowledge.
2. Necessary character traits:
Patience, wisdom, and a nurturing spirit. These qualities are essential for guiding others with care and helping them find their own path in life, just as a teacher helps students discover and cultivate their strengths.
(Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari, 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
The most impactful part highlights the teacher as a “vast, lush forest” that teaches kindness, the language of nature, and the mysteries of the earth. This symbolizes the teacher’s deep influence in not only imparting academic knowledge but also spiritual and natural wisdom, fostering a holistic understanding of life.
(Muhammad Farras Dzikra, 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM)
**1. Business Idea Inspired by the Poem:**
Inspired by the poem’s reverence for teachers as guiding stars, a fitting business idea would be a **mentorship or tutoring platform** designed to connect students with experienced mentors and tutors in various fields. This platform could focus on providing affordable, quality education and mentorship to help students find their path and succeed academically and personally. By creating resources, live sessions, and accessible courses, this business could support and guide individuals, much like the poem’s teacher who illuminates the path.
**2. Character Traits Needed for This Business:**
To establish this mentorship platform, I would need to embody **patience** and **understanding**, as teaching and mentorship require deep empathy for students’ challenges. **Reliability** is also essential to ensure that students feel secure and guided. Like the teacher in the poem who serves as a steady light, **consistency** and **dedication** would be necessary to keep supporting learners. Finally, a sense of **purpose** in helping others discover their potential would drive the platform’s impact and success.
1. Business Idea Inspired by the Poem:
Inspired by the poem’s reverence for teachers as guiding stars, a fitting business idea would be a **mentorship or tutoring platform** designed to connect students with experienced mentors and tutors in various fields. This platform could focus on providing affordable, quality education and mentorship to help students find their path and succeed academically and personally. By creating resources, live sessions, and accessible courses, this business could support and guide individuals, much like the poem’s teacher who illuminates the path.
**2. Character Traits Needed for This Business:**
To establish this mentorship platform, I would need to embody **patience** and **understanding**, as teaching and mentorship require deep empathy for students’ challenges. **Reliability** is also essential to ensure that students feel secure and guided. Like the teacher in the poem who serves as a steady light, **consistency** and **dedication** would be necessary to keep supporting learners. Finally, a sense of **purpose** in helping others discover their potential would drive the platform’s impact and success.
1. The poem describes a teacher as a nurturing, guiding figure who brings light, courage, and warmth to students. Inspired by this, a possible business idea could be starting an educational or mentorship service. This could be a tutoring center or an online platform that provides educational resources and personal development support, focusing on empowering students with confidence and guiding them in their learning journey.
2. The key character traits of the teacher in the poem—such as patience, empathy, dedication, and the ability to inspire and guide—are essential for starting and running a business in education or mentorship. Additionally, the teacher’s resilience, warmth, and willingness to help others grow are critical qualities for any entrepreneurial endeavor, as these traits foster trust, motivation, and a positive environment that supports success and development.
(Farlingga Fadjrin_ 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
The poetry collection “Respect and Gratitude to Teachers” depicts teachers as a source of knowledge, inspiration, and guidance, inspiring businesses focused on education, personal development, and supportive communities. The needed character traits are inspiration, collaboration, creativity, empathy, and compassion.
Mayza Andela syaputri (23019014)24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
1. Business Idea: A life skills training center or mentorship program that combines character education with academic learning, specifically aimed at children and teenagers.
2. Required Traits: Patience and empathy, like a teacher guiding with heart; perseverance to face challenges; and wisdom to provide direction that builds confidence and life purpose
. Name: Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093) 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
From poem “Embun yang Mengajarkan Sabda Matahari” by Leni Marlina. I got a business idea about make a personal development business that provides confidence and leadership workshops to help people overcome self-doubt and pursue their goals. The character from this poem are compassion, encouragement, and resilience. These qualities help entrepreneurs support and uplift others in meaningful ways.
Hanifah Fathiyah Aini
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Poem “Embun yang Mengajarkan Sabda Matahari” By Leni Marlina. I got a business Idea about make a personal development business that provides confidence and leadership workshops to help people overcome self-doubt and pursue their goals. The haracter from this poem are compassion, encouragement, and resilience. These qualities help entrepreneurs support and uplift others in meaningful ways.
Hanifah Fathiyah Aini
24 JD EPRMK1/22 KM9-11 LM
Poem “Embun yang Mengajarkan Sabda Matahari” By Leni Marlina. I got a business Idea about make a personal development business that provides confidence and leadership workshops to help people overcome self-doubt and pursue their goals. The haracter from this poem are compassion, encouragement, and resilience. These qualities help entrepreneurs support and uplift others in meaningful ways.
Hanifah Fathiyah Aini
24 JD EPRMK1/22 KM9-11 LM
1. Business Idea: A life skills training center or mentorship program that combines character education with academic learning, specifically aimed at children and teenagers.
2. Required Traits: Patience and empathy, like a teacher guiding with heart; perseverance to face challenges; and wisdom to provide direction that builds confidence and life purpose.
Name: Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093) 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
1. Business Idea: A life skills training center or mentorship program that combines character education with academic learning, specifically aimed at children and teenagers.
2. Required Traits: Patience and empathy, like a teacher guiding with heart; perseverance to face challenges; and wisdom to provide direction that builds confidence and life purpose. Name: Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093) 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
“Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.
Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah,
hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis.”
Bait ini dipilih karena menggambarkan peran guru sebagai pelindung dan pembimbing. Maknanya, guru diibaratkan hutan rimbun yang memberi ruang bagi murid untuk tumbuh, sambil mengajarkan kebijaksanaan dan membuka jalan menuju pengetahuan tanpa batas.
Business Idea: Teacher Appreciation and Literacy Organization
Inspired by Leni Marlina’s poems honoring teachers, a business idea could be an organization focused on teacher appreciation and literacy promotion. The organization could host events like Teacher Appreciation Weeks with poetry readings, storytelling, and workshops celebrating the contributions of educators. Additionally, it could offer resources for teachers to inspire literacy in their classrooms, including poetry anthologies, writing contests, and training programs.
Character Traits for Entrepreneurship: Appreciation and Dedication
The poems emphasize deep respect and gratitude for educators. An entrepreneur in this space would need to value education and show unwavering dedication to uplifting teachers. Being passionate about creating opportunities for both student and teacher engagement in literacy would be essential. The ability to inspire and foster a supportive community around the power of words and knowledge is crucial for success.
hanifah ganeca arya(23019009) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 KM NK3 23 LM)
1. An idea that could stem from the situation or inspiration of the poem is a wellness business, such as a spa or meditation app, focusing on relaxation and mental health.
2. The character traits to apply in entrepreneurship are resilience, risk-taking, and optimism in the face of challenges, helping to navigate difficult situations and innovate for growth.
Fifi Helya Putri (23019047)
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
1. A potential business idea inspired by the poems could be an educational retreat or nature-based learning program. This initiative would focus on experiential education, where participants engage in outdoor activities like forest exploration, ocean lessons, or stargazing, mirroring the themes of learning and guidance present in the poems.
2. Character traits from the poems essential for entrepreneurship include:
Patience and perseverance (as the teacher waits and guides calmly)
Wisdom and adaptability (being like the ocean and responding to change)
Inspiration and motivation (illuminating and uplifting others like stars)
Humility and dedication (serving and uplifting with sincerity, like dew).
hanifah ganeca arya(23019009) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 KM NK3 23 LM)
My teacher is my inspiration. He is a patient and enthusiastic person. He is always ready to help without showing any signs of tiredness. His presence means a lot to me. For me, my teacher will always be an inspiration that I admire.
1. Business Idea: A creative platform that honors the influence of educators by offering a space for poetry, art, and storytelling. It would allow individuals to express their gratitude and reflections on the impact of teachers, creating a community of shared experiences that celebrates knowledge, wisdom, and growth.
2. Required Traits:
– Gratitude & Humility: Like the poetic tribute to teachers, an entrepreneur must appreciate the nurturing role others play in their lives and extend that appreciation to the community.
– Wisdom & Guidance: Just as teachers illuminate the path for students, entrepreneurs must guide their teams and clients toward growth, offering direction, support, and wisdom.
Name: Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093) 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
1. business idea: Nature and Adventure Based Creative Education Platform
This business can take the form of a training program or workshop that combines education with natural exploration. For example, building a learning camp in a forest area or open park.
2. character: Patience, Perseverance, Creativity and Ability to Inspire
indah ayu lestari. 23019052. 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
This poem can be connected to entrepreneurship through the metaphor of a teacher as a guiding light, similar to how an entrepreneur serves as a leader and mentor. Just as the teacher illuminates the path for students, an entrepreneur provides direction and vision for their team or business, helping them navigate challenges and uncertainties. The reference to “mencari arah dalam misteri yang menantang” (seeking direction in challenging mysteries) reflects the problem-solving and innovative mindset required in entrepreneurship. The teacher’s role as a “kompas sejati” (true compass) mirrors the entrepreneur’s role in guiding their business or project towards success while ensuring that everyone stays focused on their shared goals.
Kiki Imelya 23019013 NK3_23 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
1. One feasible business idea inspired by the situation described in the poems could be an educational mentorship program. This initiative would connect experienced educators or mentors with students or young professionals, fostering personal and academic growth. The program could focus on nurturing curiosity, resilience, and a love for learning, much like the guidance depicted in the poems, where the mentor (the teacher) helps students navigate their paths and discover their potential.
2. The character traits from the poems that should be applied in starting and running a business include compassion, patience, and the ability to inspire others. The poems illustrate the importance of a mentor’s role in guiding and nurturing their students, emphasizing qualities such as empathy and the capacity to listen. By embodying these traits, an entrepreneur can create a supportive environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and personal development, essential for a thriving business.
Alhamdi Arif (22018087) 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Poem : Guru, Engkau Hutan Rimbun
Business Idea: A holistic education and personal development center that draws inspiration from the metaphor of a teacher as a “lush forest.” This center would offer a nurturing environment for students and individuals to grow intellectually and emotionally. It could provide mentorship programs, workshops, and retreats focused on exploring the mind, fostering curiosity, and discovering personal strengths. The center would emphasize lifelong learning, creative expression, and self-discovery, much like a forest provides endless opportunities for growth and exploration.
Character Traits: Guidance, patience, compassion, inspiration
Hanifah Fathiyah Aini 22018205 24 JD EPR KM9-11 LM
Larik menarik dari puisi nomor 3 yang berjudul “Menjadi Ombak di Lautan Hikmahmu”
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Pukulan ombakmu adalah ajakan,
untuk lebih dalam, lebih paham, lebih kuat.
Engkau lautan luas yang penuh daya,
membimbing kami pada pelabuhan yang tak terlihat.
Kami tahu, meski engkau lepas kami pergi,
selalu ada arus lautmu dalam diri kami,
yang tak pernah lupa jalan kembali.
larik diatas sangat menarik karena makna yang disampaikannya sangat mendalam dan memberikan kesadaran bagi kita untuk menghargai jasa seorang guru dalam mengajarkan kita untuk menjadi orang yang berguna dimasa depan. Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan (21019015) – 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NK all 21 LM
Translated stanza from poem 3
Thank you, my Teacher,
Your waves are an invitation,
To dive deeper, understand more, grow stronger.
You are the vast ocean full of power,
Guiding us to a harbor unseen.
We know, though you release us to go,
Your currents will always remain within us,
Never forgetting the way back.
In translating this stanza, I used the combination of literal translation and semantic adaptation strategy to maintain both the meaning and emotional depth of the original poem. I maintained the poetic imagery (“waves,” “ocean,” “currents,” and “harbor”) to evoke the same metaphors of guidance and learning. However, I made slight adjustments for fluency in English and to preserve the flow of the lines, while aiming to keep the reflective tone intact. The phrase “Pukulan ombakmu adalah ajakan” was translated as “Your waves are an invitation” to capture the metaphor of a call to action. I also ensured that the contemplative nature of the original was mirrored in the English, particularly in lines like “meski engkau lepas kami pergi” becoming “though you release us to go,” maintaining the emotional meaning connection between the teacher and the students. The overall style strives for elegance and resonance in both languages.
Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan (21019015) – 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NK all 21 LM
Larik yang menarik dari puisi 1.
Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah,
hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis.
Annisa Tul Khair 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah,
hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis
Terjemahan larik:
You, like a vast lush forest, guide us to live with grace,
teaching us the language of the wind,
and whispering to us the secrets of the earth,
until we understand the world you unfold,
a paradise of knowledge that never runs dry.
Annisa Tul Khair 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Gaya penerjemahan
This translation uses a poetic and interpretive approach to preserve the artistic and emotional resonance of the original poem while ensuring it flows naturally in English. By combining faithfulness to the original meaning with artistic adaptation, the translation effectively conveys the depth and beauty of the poem.
Annisa Tul Khair 24 JD I-E Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Engkau biarkan kami menjelajah,
menghirup aroma petualangan di sela daun,
melompat dari dahan ke dahan,
mendengar nyanyian burung yang menuntun.
Dalam hening sabarmu dan tatapan teduh matamu, ada simfoni tak kasatmata,
lagu yang engkau ciptakan untuk jiwa-jiwa kami,
agar kami menemukan suara kami sendiri.
I find this stanza interesting because it beautifully portrays the teacher’s role as a guide, allowing students to explore and discover themselves freely. The imagery of adventure—leaping between branches, listening to birdsong—reflects the journey of learning in a vivid and poetic way. The mention of the teacher’s silent patience and soothing gaze, paired with an invisible symphony, adds a layer of warmth and admiration. It feels deeply personal and inspiring, emphasizing how their quiet influence helps shape individual voices.
Salsabilla Khairani (21019058) | 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM.
Thank you, Teacher,
You let us explore,
inhale the aroma of adventure among the leaves,
leap from branch to branch,
listening to the birdsong that guides us.
In your silent patience and the calmness of your gaze, there is an invisible symphony,
a song you created for our souls,
so we could find our own voices.
Salsabilla Khairani (21019058) | 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM.
The translation of this poem employs several techniques and styles to retain its poetic essence while ensuring it flows naturally in English. Literal translation is used to keep the original meaning intact, such as “Terima kasih, Guruku” becoming “Thank you, Teacher,” which preserves both the gratitude and formality. Imagery translation is applied to phrases like “menghirup aroma petualangan di sela daun” (“inhale the aroma of adventure among the leaves”), maintaining the sensory and exploratory tone.
Metaphor retention is evident in “lagu yang engkau ciptakan untuk jiwa-jiwa kami” (“a song you created for our souls”), which keeps the symbolic meaning of the teacher’s influence. Lastly, syntax adjustmen etnsures readability and poetic rhythm in English, as seen in “agar kami menemukan suara kami sendiri” translated as “so we could find our own voices.” These techniques work together to keep the translation faithful while capturing the emotional and artistic depth of the original.
Salsabilla Khairani (21019058) | 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM.
Guruku, di fajar yang membeku, kami gemetar,
namun di sana ada engkau, bagaikan embun pagi,
menyusup lembut di balik keraguan,
mengantar kami pada terang yang berbinar.
Guruku, engkau bagaikan jendela menuju matahari,
menyiramkan keberanian, menghapus ketakutan,
mengguratkan jejak cahayamu di hati kami.
I am interested in the stanza of this poem because it uses vivid and evocative imagery to convey deep admiration and gratitude toward a teacher. The metaphors, such as comparing the teacher to “embun pagi” (morning dew) and “jendela menuju matahari” (a window to the sun), beautifully illustrate the teacher’s role in inspiring, nurturing, and enlightening their students. The emotional tone resonates universally, reflecting the transformative impact of a teacher’s guidance in overcoming fear and uncertainty. Its lyrical language and heartfelt sentiment make it both memorable and touching.
Zahrah Nabila (20019023) 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall 21 LM
Guruku, engkau bagaikan samudra yang tak pernah lelah,
mengayunkan ombak pengetahuan luas,
membawa kami menuju pulau-pulau baru.
Kami, perahu kecil yang terapung di luasmu,
diajari cara melawan badai,
diajak mendalami kedalaman laut,
belajar bertahan, belajar menghargai perbedaan, dan memahami arti kebebasan.
The stanza beautifully captures the essence of a teacher’s role through the profound metaphor of an endless ocean. Its imagery is both vivid and touching, illustrating the teacher’s boundless wisdom and unwavering dedication. The comparison of students to small boats navigating the vast sea is a poignant depiction of growth, resilience, and discovery. This stanza skillfully weaves lessons of perseverance, appreciation of diversity, and the value of freedom into a poetic narrative that resonates deeply. Its elegance lies in its ability to evoke both emotion and admiration for the teacher’s guiding presence.
Zahrah Nabila (20019023) 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall 21 LM
The translation of the poems employs several strategies and styles to preserve their beauty and emotional depth. **Adaptation** is used to align the meaning and emotional nuances with the target language, ensuring cultural relevance. For example, metaphors like *”samudra yang tak pernah lelah”* are translated as *”an endless ocean,”* maintaining universal imagery and profound meaning. **Compensation** replaces expressions that are challenging to translate directly with equivalent phrases, such as *”diajari cara melawan badai”* becoming *”taught how to weather the storm,”* which conveys a similar symbolic impact in English. Additionally, **retention** ensures the core metaphors, such as “ocean,” “small boats,” and “storms,” are preserved to retain the authenticity and beauty of the original. The poetic style ensures the rhythm, structure, and emotional resonance of the original are maintained, while the aesthetic style focuses on preserving the poem’s visual and philosophical appeal. Furthermore, the communicative style ensures that the translation conveys the poem’s core message clearly and universally, making it relatable to readers of the target language. These strategies and styles work harmoniously to deliver a translation that captures the essence, emotion, and artistry of the original text.
Zahrah Nabila (20019023) 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall 21 LM
The translation of the poems employs several strategies and styles to preserve their beauty and emotional depth. Adaptation is used to align the meaning and emotional nuances with the target language, ensuring cultural relevance. For example, metaphors like “samudra yang tak pernah lelah” are translated as “an endless ocean,” maintaining universal imagery and profound meaning. Compensation replaces expressions that are challenging to translate directly with equivalent phrases, such as “diajari cara melawan badai” becoming “taught how to weather the storm,” which conveys a similar symbolic impact in English. Additionally, retention ensures the core metaphors, such as “ocean,” “small boats,” and “storms,” are preserved to retain the authenticity and beauty of the original. The poetic style ensures the rhythm, structure, and emotional resonance of the original are maintained, while the aesthetic style focuses on preserving the poem’s visual and philosophical appeal. Furthermore, the communicative style ensures that the translation conveys the poem’s core message clearly and universally, making it relatable to readers of the target language. These strategies and styles work harmoniously to deliver a translation that captures the essence, emotion, and artistry of the original text.
Zahrah Nabila (20019023) 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall 21 LM
Terjemahan bait 1 puisi 5:
“My Teacher, you are like an echo in the silent valley,
filling the empty spaces within our souls.
When we fall silent, your voice continues to resonate,
teaching us to listen to the unspoken.
In the slow seconds, you are the heartbeat,
filling our emptiness with heartfelt meaning.”
Translation Strategies Used
Literal Translation: The poem retains much of its original structure and meaning, translating words and phrases directly while ensuring that they make sense in English. For example, “engkau bagaikan gema” is translated as “you are like an echo,” preserving the simile.
Cultural Equivalence: Certain phrases and concepts were adapted to resonate with English-speaking audiences. The idea of a teacher as a guiding presence is universal, so it was kept intact without needing cultural adjustment.
DIAN ZELLY.B/21019007
4. Guratan Cahaya di Langit Malam
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Engkau diam, tapi benderangmu tersebar jauh, selalu hadir dalam pandangan kami.
“Thank you, my teacher,
You are silent, yet your light
Spreads far, always present in our view.”
This lyric is captivating because it expresses deep feelings toward the teacher in a simple yet meaningful way. The teacher is described as a figure who is silent, yet their influence is strong and radiant, spreading far and always present in the students’ view. It shows that even though a teacher may not always speak or be visible, their presence and teachings still impact and guide the students in their lives. There is a sense of sincerity and strength in the teacher’s role, one that is not seen but deeply felt.
The style and writing strategy in this poem uses the contrast between silence and light to emphasize the invisible yet felt power of the teacher’s influence. In simple and concise words, this poem describes how even though the teacher is silent, his influence is widespread and remains present in the minds and views of his students. The choice of words such as “silent” and “benderang” create a deep impression, showing that the power of a teacher does not always come from words, but from the example and light of knowledge they provide. This approach makes the poem feel poetic and meaningful.
Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Baris yang menarik bagi saya ada di puisi keempat.
“Di titik cahayamu, ada kisah yang membimbing,
menuntun hati kami pada arah yang engkau petakan.”
Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani – 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Indonesian version: Di titik cahayamu, ada kisah yang membimbing,
menuntun hati kami pada arah yang engkau petakan.
English version: “In the point of your light, there is a story guiding,
leading our hearts toward the path you have mapped.”
Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani – 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
The translation uses a semantic strategy that focuses on preserving the original meaning, emotional tone, and poetic essence. It retains key imagery, such as “light” and “guidance,” while adjusting the structure slightly for smoother flow in English. This to make sure the poem’s spiritual and emotional depth resonates naturally with an English-speaking audience.
Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani – 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
“Terima kasih, Guruku,
Pukulan ombakmu adalah ajakan,
untuk lebih dalam, lebih paham, lebih kuat.”
This verse describes the way the teacher teaches their students to be more, more and better, so that the students become better than before.
The use of a metaphor as waves is very beautiful and full of meaning.
Sohibul Aminudin, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKAll-21 LM
Here is the translation product of the verse by me:
“Thank you, my teacher,
Your wave is a call,
To go deeper, understand better, and stronger.”
The original one:
“Terima kasih, Guruku,
Pukulan ombakmu adalah ajakan,
untuk lebih dalam, lebih paham, lebih kuat.”
Sohibul Aminudin, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
The verse that I chose is the poem number 3, verse 3 (verse 1 – paragraph 2)
This verse is the translation product by me which is using the strategy that is maintaning the rhythm of the poem, I used the combination of established equivalent and transposition to get “deeper – better – stroger”
Sohibul Aminudin, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Larik yang menarik: “Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah.”
This line is captivating because it portrays the teacher as a vast and nurturing presence, imparting life’s lessons through nature’s subtle whispers. The translation, “You, like a giant lush forest, guide us to live more gracefully, teaching us the language of the wind and whispering to us the secrets of the earth,” uses a communicative strategy to maintain the poetic essence while ensuring it resonates naturally in English. The phrase “bahasa angin” is rendered as “the language of the wind” to preserve its mysticism.
Nadya Aqila Fitri, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
“Guruku, engkau bagaikan jendela menuju matahari, menyiramkan keberanian, menghapus ketakutan.”
This line is powerful as it symbolizes the teacher as a source of light and courage, removing fear through their guidance. The translation, “My teacher, you are like a window to the sun, pouring courage and erasing fear,” follows a literal strategy to retain the metaphor’s simplicity and emotional impact. The imagery of “jendela menuju matahari” is directly translated as “a window to the sun,” preserving its warmth and clarity.
Nadya Aqila Fitri, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
“Kami, perahu kecil yang terapung di luasmu, diajari cara melawan badai, diajak mendalami kedalaman laut.”
This line resonates because it portrays the teacher as a vast ocean, guiding students to face challenges and explore deeper understanding. The translation, “We, little boats floating in your vastness, are taught to face storms and delve into the depths of the sea,” uses a free translation strategy for readability while maintaining the vivid imagery. “Perahu kecil” becomes “little boats,” and “badai” is rendered as “storms” to evoke similar emotions.
Nadya Aqila Fitri, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
“Engkau, kompas sejati di langit malam, membiarkan kami mengembara, tak biarkan kami tersesat kemanapun berkelana.”
This line is striking as it portrays the teacher as a guiding star, allowing freedom while ensuring direction and purpose. The translation, “You, a true compass in the night sky, let us wander without letting us get lost wherever we travel,” employs a semantic strategy to preserve the meaning and nuance of the original. “Kompas sejati” is translated as “true compass,” ensuring the metaphor retains its depth and clarity.
Nadya Aqila Fitri, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
“Ketika kami terdiam, suaramu tetap bergaung, mengajarkan kami untuk mendengar yang tak terucapkan.”
This line is deeply reflective, highlighting the teacher’s ability to inspire even in silence, teaching profound lessons. The translation, “When we fall silent, your voice still echoes, teaching us to hear the unspoken,” uses an adaptive strategy to focus on the introspective tone. The phrase “mendengar yang tak terucapkan” is rendered as “hear the unspoken” to retain its depth and philosophical essence.
Nadya Aqila Fitri, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Puisi 2:
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Kami adalah butiran-butiran kecil di daunmu,
mencerminkan bayangan mentari yang mulai mengintip,
menyerap hangat dari ketulusan yang engkau tuangkan.
Engkau, embun yang sederhana namun penuh daya,
mengajar kami menjadi terang kecil di tengah malam,
menyala sendiri di gelap, berani bermimpi menjadi matahari.
Muhammad Abi Dzar Ar-Rahman / 21019052 / 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Engkau biarkan kami menjelajah,
menghirup aroma petualangan di sela daun,
melompat dari dahan ke dahan,
mendengar nyanyian burung yang menuntun.
Dalam hening sabarmu dan tatapan teduh matamu, ada simfoni tak kasatmata,
lagu yang engkau ciptakan untuk jiwa-jiwa kami,
agar kami menemukan suara kami sendiri.
Thank you, my teacher,
You let us explore,
inhaling the scent of adventure among the leaves,
jumping from branch to branch,
hear the songs of birds that guide you.
In your patient silence and the calm gaze of your eyes, there is an invisible symphony,
the song you created for our souls,
for us to find our own voice.
Translating word-for-word, maintaining the original sentence structure.
* This method is often used for technical texts or legal documents where precision is paramount.
* However, it can lead to awkward or unnatural phrasing in poetic or literary texts.
Tyo Kurniawan (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Guruku, di fajar yang membeku, kami gemetar,
namun di sana ada engkau, bagaikan embun pagi,
menyusup lembut di balik keraguan,
mengantar kami pada terang yang berbinar.
Guruku, engkau bagaikan jendela menuju matahari,
menyiramkan keberanian, menghapus ketakutan,
mengguratkan jejak cahayamu di hati kami.
My teacher, in the frozen dawn, we tremble,
but there you are, like the morning dew,
creeping gently behind doubt,
lead us to the shining light.
My teacher, you are like a window to the sun,
pouring courage, erasing fear,
leave traces of your light in our hearts.
If the original poem has a specific rhyme scheme or meter, try to maintain it in the translation. However, this may not always be feasible due to linguistic differences.
* Consider using a similar poetic form in the target language, such as a sonnet, haiku, or free verse.
* Capturing the Emotional Impact:
* The translator should strive to evoke the same emotions in the reader as the original poem.
Tyo Kurniawan (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
1. Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.
I choose this stanza because it beautifully portrays the role of a teacher (guru) as a nurturing figure. The imagery of “ranting dan akar” (branches and roots) symbolizes the teacher’s foundational support and wide-reaching influence.
This stanza resonates with themes of guidance, growth, and gratitude, making it a poignant choice to reflect on the transformative relationship between a teacher and their students.
Benito Patriot (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Engkau biarkan kami menjelajah,
menghirup aroma petualangan di sela daun,
melompat dari dahan ke dahan,
mendengar nyanyian burung yang menuntun.
Dalam hening sabarmu dan tatapan teduh matamu, ada simfoni tak kasatmata,
lagu yang engkau ciptakan untuk jiwa-jiwa kami,
agar kami menemukan suara kami sendiri.
Thank you, my teacher,
You let us explore,
inhaling the scent of adventure among the leaves,
jumping from branch to branch,
hear the songs of birds that guide you.
In your patient silence and the calm gaze of your eyes, there is an invisible symphony,
the song you created for our souls,
for us to find our own voice.
Translating word-for-word, maintaining the original sentence structure.
his method is often used for technical texts or legal documents where precision is paramount.
However, it can lead to awkward or unnatural phrasing in poetic or literary texts.
Tyo Kurniawan (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Pukulan ombakmu adalah ajakan,
untuk lebih dalam, lebih paham, lebih kuat.
Engkau lautan luas yang penuh daya,
membimbing kami pada pelabuhan yang tak terlihat.
Kami tahu, meski engkau lepas kami pergi,
selalu ada arus lautmu dalam diri kami,
yang tak pernah lupa jalan kembali.
Thank you, my teacher,
Your splashing waves are an invitation,
to be deeper, more understanding, stronger.
You are a vast ocean full of power,
guiding us to an invisible harbor.
We know, even though you let us go,
there is always your ocean current within us,
who never forgets the way back.
A more accurate translation would require careful consideration of the specific nuances of the target language and the desired poetic effect.
Please provide the target language, and I can offer a more specific translation strategy and example.
Tyo Kurniawan (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Guruku, engkau bagaikan bintang-bintang yang menghidupkan langit malam,
menghiasi jalan kami dengan rasi yang bersinar cemerlang.
Dalam gelap yang paling pekat, kami temukan engkau,
memandu langkah-langkah kami,
mencari arah dalam misteri yang menantang.
My Master, you are like the stars that brighten the night sky,
adorning our path with brilliantly shining constellations.
In the deepest darkness, we found you,
guide our steps,
search for direction in a challenging mystery
The poem is a beautiful metaphor, comparing the teacher to guiding stars that illuminate the path of students. It conveys a sense of gratitude, respect, and reliance on the teacher’s wisdom.
Given the poetic nature of the text, a semantic translation strategy would be most suitable. This approach focuses on conveying the meaning and emotional impact of the poem, rather than adhering strictly to the original word-for-word structure..
Tyo Kurniawan (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Kami belajar bahwa heningmu bukan sekadar diam,
melainkan bisikan yang meresap, menyusup dalam.
Engkau ajarkan kami membaca keheningan,
menerjemahkan kebisuan jadi kebijaksanaan.
Kami bagaikan gema dari suara yang engkau beri,
mengalir seperti sungai yang tak kenal muara, engkau selalu dihati kemanapun nasib membawa diri.
Thank you, my teacher,
We learn that your silence is not just silence,
but rather a whisper that penetrates, penetrates deeply.
You taught us to read silence,
translating silence into wisdom.
We are like the echo of the voice you gave,
flowing like a river that knows no end, you are always in my heart wherever fate takes you.
The core message of the poem, the significance of the teacher’s silent guidance, is accurately translated.
* Use of Figurative Language: The metaphor of the river, symbolizing the enduring impact of the teacher’s influence, is effectively translated.
While the translation is already quite strong, here are some minor suggestions for further refinement:
* Consider Alternative Word Choices: While the current translation is accurate, exploring
Tyo Kurniawan (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Poem 2:
Thank you, my teacher,
We are the tiny grains on your leaves,
reflecting the shadows of the peeking sun,
absorbing the warmth of your sincerity.
You, the simple yet powerful dew,
taught us to be a little light in the middle of the night,
burning alone in the dark, daring to dream of becoming the sun.
Muhammad Abi Dzar Ar-Rahman / 21019052 / 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
2. Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.
English Translation:
My teacher, among the branches and roots you spread,
we grow like little blades of grass,
seeking rays of light beneath your shade.
These are the english translation for first stanza in poem no 1
Benito Patriot (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
3. The translation employs a poetic and faithful style with the following strategies:
1. Retention of Metaphors
The original metaphors, such as “branches and roots” (representing support and influence) and “little blades of grass” (symbolizing the students’ growth), are preserved to maintain the figurative language’s depth and emotional resonance.
2. Naturalization for Target Audience
The translation adapts to English poetic norms by using phrases like “seeking rays of light” instead of a literal “searching for light.” This ensures it feels natural and maintains its lyrical quality.
3. Conciseness and Elegance
The wording is concise to reflect the compact structure of the original stanza while emphasizing elegance and clarity
4.Rhythmic Flow
The sentence structure is crafted to mirror the rhythm of poetry, ensuring it reads smoothly and retains a sense of balance, as seen in the pairing of lines like “we grow like little blades of grass, / seeking rays of light beneath your shade.”
5.Emotive Appeal
The translation maintains the emotional tone of gratitude and reverence for the teacher, ensuring that the essence of the relationship is conveyed effectively.
These strategies work together to produce a translation that captures the spirit, imagery, and emotional weight of the original stanza.
Benito Patriot (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Poem 2 Stanza 2 Translation Strategies and Style:
1. Literal Translation with Adaptation for Fluency
– The core message and imagery have been preserved, but some lines are slightly adapted to make them sound natural in English while maintaining the essence of the original.
– For example, “Kami adalah butiran-butiran kecil di daunmu” becomes “We are the tiny grains on your leaves.” This is a direct translation, but the structure is smoothed out to fit the English rhythm.
2. Metaphoric Translation
– The metaphorical imagery in the original has been kept intact. Phrases like “butiran-butiran kecil di daunmu” (tiny grains on your leaves) and “menjadi terang kecil di tengah malam” (to be a little light in the middle of the night) are directly transferred into English without losing their symbolic meaning.
– The metaphor of the teacher as “embun” (dew) remains, emphasizing the teacher’s simplicity and power. “You, the simple yet powerful dew” is a literal but expressive translation.
3. Maintaining Poetic Tone
– The translation keeps a lyrical and evocative tone. For instance, “menyerap hangat dari ketulusan yang engkau tuangkan” becomes “absorbing the warmth of your sincerity,” preserving the deep emotional resonance and the elegant simplicity of the original.
– Similarly, “berani bermimpi menjadi matahari” is translated as “daring to dream of becoming the sun,” maintaining the aspirational imagery and rhythm.
4. Concision and Paraphrasing
– Some phrases in the original may be slightly lengthier in Indonesian, but the translation simplifies them for better flow in English.
– For example, “mengajar kami menjadi terang kecil di tengah malam” (teaching us to be a little light in the middle of the night) is kept concise without losing the metaphor of light and darkness.
5. Cultural Adaptation
– While the imagery used is universally understandable, the translation subtly adapts some expressions to fit the English reader’s expectations while still honoring the original poem’s tone.
– The choice of words like “simple yet powerful dew” and “burning alone in the dark” maintains the balance between simplicity and depth, key to the original sentiment.
6. Preserving Rhythmic and Aesthetic Qualities
– The rhythm of the poem in English has been kept in harmony with the original, ensuring it sounds natural to an English reader without losing the reflective mood. For example, the line “burning alone in the dark” mirrors the structure of “menyala sendiri di gelap.”
Muhammad Abi Dzar Ar-Rahman / 21019052 / 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Puisi 1: Guru, Engkau Hutan Rimbun
Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.
My teacher, among the branches and roots you have spread,
we grow like little blades of grass,
seeking slivers of light beneath your shade.
The meaning or impression of this verse in English reflects the relationship between a teacher and their students. It portrays the teacher as a strong, nurturing figure—like a tree—providing guidance and shelter. The students, depicted as small grasses, strive to grow, learn, and find their own path within the teacher’s vast influence. It conveys gratitude, humility, and the process of self-discovery under mentorship.
Nurul Hidayah_21019100_ (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Puisi 3: Menjadi Ombak di Lautan Hikmahmu
Guruku, engkau bagaikan samudra yang tak pernah lelah,
mengayunkan ombak pengetahuan luas,
membawa kami menuju pulau-pulau baru.
My teacher, you are like an endless ocean,
tirelessly moving waves of vast knowledge,
guiding us toward new islands of discovery.
The meaning or impression of this verse highlights the teacher’s boundless dedication and wisdom, likened to the vast and tireless ocean. The waves symbolize the teacher’s efforts in sharing knowledge, while the “new islands” represent the students’ opportunities for growth, exploration, and learning. It reflects admiration, gratitude, and the transformative journey of education under a mentor’s guidance.
Nurul Hidayah_21019100_ (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Poem 3 stanza 3
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Pukulan ombakmu adalah ajakan,
untuk lebih dalam, lebih paham, lebih kuat.
Thank you, my Teacher,
Your crashing waves are an invitation,
to go deeper, to understand better, to grow stronger.
Desma Fauziah – 24JD TRANS I-E NKall JM 9-10 LM
Poem 3 Stanza 3
Translation Style:
The style used here is literary and expressive, aiming to capture the poetic and metaphorical nature of the original text rather than providing a direct, word-for-word translation.
Translation Strategy:
Sense-for-sense (dynamic equivalence): The focus is on preserving the meaning and emotional resonance of the original text rather than adhering rigidly to its structure or literal phrasing.
Poetic adaptation: Effort was made to reflect the rhythm and imagery of the source text to maintain its poetic tone.
Cultural alignment: Phrases like “pukulan ombak” are interpreted metaphorically as “crashing waves,” which aligns with the natural imagery often used in both Indonesian and English poetic traditions.
Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.
Engkau, bagaikan hutan raksasa rimbun, menuntun kami hidup lebih santun, mengajari kami bahasa angin, dan membisiki kami rahasia tanah,
hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan, seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis.
Stanza ini menarik bagi saya karena memiliki metafora yang kuat untuk menggambarkan hubungan antara seorang guru dan muridnya. Guru diibaratkan sebagai hutan raksasa, sumber kehidupan dan pengetahuan, sementara murid digambarkan sebagai rumput-rumput kecil yang tumbuh di bawah naungan rindangnya. Imajinasi yang dihadirkan melalui penggambaran ini menciptakan kesan mendalam tentang bagaimana seorang guru memberikan perlindungan, pelajaran, dan inspirasi kepada murid-muridnya. Makna yang penuh harapan dan penghormatan terhadap guru membuat stanza ini terasa sangat menyentuh hati.
Aula Fitria Zhahrah Group 1
No urut 5
24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Terjemahan Bahasa Inggris
My teacher, among the branches and roots you spread,
we grow like small blades of grass,
seeking slivers of light beneath your shade.
You, like a vast lush forest, guide us to live more graciously,
teach us the language of the wind,
and whisper to us the secrets of the earth,
until we understand the world you unfold,
like an inexhaustible paradise of knowledge.
Aula Fitria Zhahrah Group 1
No urut 5
24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Teknik dan Strategi Penerjemahan
1. Modulasi
Mengubah sudut pandang atau cara penyampaian tanpa mengubah makna.
Contoh: “kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil” diterjemahkan menjadi “we grow like small blades of grass.” Di sini, frasa “rumput-rumput kecil” dimodulasi menjadi “small blades of grass” agar terdengar lebih natural dalam bahasa Inggris.
2. Transposisi
Mengubah susunan kata atau kelas kata untuk menyesuaikan tata bahasa.
Contoh: “hingga kami mengerti dunia yang engkau hamparkan” diterjemahkan menjadi “until we understand the world you unfold.” Kata kerja “mengerti” diletakkan setelah “until we” untuk mengikuti struktur bahasa Inggris.
3. Penambahan
Menambahkan elemen tertentu untuk memperjelas makna atau visualisasi.
Contoh: “mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu” diterjemahkan menjadi “seeking slivers of light beneath your shade.” Kata “slivers” ditambahkan untuk memberikan detail visual tentang cahaya kecil yang masuk melalui celah daun.
4. Reduksi
Mengurangi elemen tertentu tanpa menghilangkan inti pesan.
Contoh: “seperti surga pengetahuan yang tak pernah habis” diterjemahkan menjadi “like an inexhaustible paradise of knowledge.” Kata “yang tak pernah habis” dipadatkan menjadi “inexhaustible” agar lebih ringkas dalam bahasa Inggris.
5. Adaptasi
Menggunakan istilah yang lebih relevan dengan budaya atau konteks bahasa target.
Contoh: “mengajari kami bahasa angin” diterjemahkan menjadi “teach us the language of the wind.” Frasa ini tetap dipertahankan namun disesuaikan agar terdengar puitis dalam konteks bahasa Inggris.
Aula Fitria Zhahrah Group 1
No urut 5
24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
puisi 1
Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.
Stanza ini menarik karena berhasil menggabungkan unsur estetika dan makna yang mendalam. Puisi ini tidak hanya menggambarkan hubungan guru dan murid, tetapi juga menyentuh aspek universal tentang pertumbuhan, pencarian diri, dan pentingnya pengetahuan. Bahasa yang sederhana namun penuh makna membuat puisi ini mudah diakses oleh berbagai kalangan pembaca.
Yurika Tiara Ramanda Group 1
No urut 02
24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
terjemahan bahasa inggris
My teacher, among the branches and roots you spread,
We grow like tiny grasses,
Seeking the gaps of light under your shade.
Yurika Tiara Ramanda Group 1
No urut 02
24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
teknik terjemahan yang digunakan
* Terjemahan Literal:
* Contoh: “ranting dan akar” diterjemahkan secara langsung menjadi “branches and roots”.
* Tujuan: Mempertahankan makna dasar kata demi kata agar nuansa asli puisi tetap terjaga.
* Terjemahan Adaptif:
* Contoh: “rumput-rumput kecil” diterjemahkan menjadi “tiny grasses” untuk menyesuaikan dengan struktur bahasa Inggris yang lebih ringkas.
* Tujuan: Menyesuaikan makna dengan konteks bahasa target tanpa mengubah makna inti.
* Terjemahan Ekuivalen:
* Contoh: “celah cahaya” diterjemahkan menjadi “gaps of light” untuk mencari kata yang memiliki makna paling dekat dalam bahasa Inggris.
* Tujuan: Menemukan kata atau frasa yang memiliki konotasi dan nuansa yang serupa dalam bahasa target
.Yurika Tiara Ramanda Group 1
No urut 02
24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
I like this line from poem “Guru, Engkau Hutan Rimbun” by Leni Marline
Guruku, di antara ranting dan akar yang engkau sebar,
kami tumbuh seperti rumput-rumput kecil,
mencari celah cahaya di bawah rindangmu.
Adelina Pangestu (21019026)
24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
I like this line from the poem “Teacher, You are Jungle Jungle” by Leni Marline
My teacher, between the branches and roots that you spread,
We grow like small grasses,
Looking for a gap of light under your shade.
Adelina Pangestu (21019026)
24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NCall21 LM
The style and strategy used in this translation aim to preserve the beauty and simplicity of the original poem by selecting poetic and evocative words that convey the same atmosphere. The structure and meaning are maintained, while diction such as “branches,” “roots,” and “tiny blades of grass” is chosen to create a similar imagery in English. This approach ensures the translation feels natural and retains the same emotional impact as the original.
Adelina Pangestu 21019026
24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
Christy Yulianda Putri 21019033 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Guruku, engkau bagaikan bintang-bintang yang menghidupkan langit malam,
menghiasi jalan kami dengan rasi yang bersinar cemerlang.
Dalam gelap yang paling pekat, kami temukan engkau,
memandu langkah-langkah kami,
mencari arah dalam misteri yang menantang.
This stanza expresses deep admiration and gratitude for a teacher, comparing them to stars that illuminate the dark sky. The teacher is portrayed as a guiding light, offering direction and clarity in times of uncertainty, just as stars help travelers navigate through the night. The imagery of “stars” and “darkness” symbolizes how a teacher’s wisdom and guidance shine through even in difficult or confusing times, leading students toward understanding and knowledge. This stanza is interesting because it uses vivid, celestial imagery to convey the profound impact a teacher has on their students, highlighting the teacher’s role as a beacon of hope, guidance, and inspiration in the journey of learning.
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Engkau biarkan kami menjelajah,
menghirup aroma petualangan di sela daun,
melompat dari dahan ke dahan,
mendengar nyanyian burung yang menuntun.
Dalam hening sabarmu dan tatapan teduh matamu, ada simfoni tak kasatmata,
lagu yang engkau ciptakan untuk jiwa-jiwa kami,
agar kami menemukan suara kami sendiri.
This stanza was chosen because it describes the deep relationship between teacher and student in the learning process. In a metaphorical language style, the author expresses his gratitude to a teacher who gives students the freedom to explore the world and discover their identity. Words like exploring, jumping from branch to branch, and hearing birds singing suggest freedom and opportunities to explore. Teachers are not only sources of knowledge, but also patient mentors who provide support without limiting imagination or creativity.
The meaning implied in this stanza is that the role of the teacher is not only to convey material, but also to build an atmosphere that makes students feel comfortable to explore and discover their identity. In the silence and serenity of a teacher, there is an “invisible symphony,” a wisdom that may not always be visible but has a profound impact on the formation of a student’s character. Teachers give students the freedom to find their own voice, which means growing self-confidence and encouraging students to explore their own potential. This stanza is a tribute to the invaluable role of the teacher as an inspirer and guide in the lives of his students.
Annisa Muhasyafira 21019028 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Christy Yulianda Putri 21019033 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
“Teacher, you are like the stars that bring life to the night sky,
decorating our path with constellations that shine brightly.
In the darkest moments, we find you,
guiding our steps,
seeking direction in the challenging mysteries.”
Terima kasih, Guruku,
Engkau biarkan kami menjelajah,
menghirup aroma petualangan di sela daun,
melompat dari dahan ke dahan,
mendengar nyanyian burung yang menuntun.
Dalam hening sabarmu dan tatapan teduh matamu, ada simfoni tak kasatmata,
lagu yang engkau ciptakan untuk jiwa-jiwa kami,
agar kami menemukan suara kami sendiri.
This stanza is captivating because it combines vivid imagery and sensory details, evoking a sense of exploration and wonder through nature, as seen in phrases like “inhale the aroma of adventure between the leaves” and “listening to the song of guiding birds.” It also conveys a deep sense of gratitude and reverence toward the teacher, whose silent patience and calm gaze are likened to an invisible symphony that nurtures and inspires. The poetic language and metaphors enrich the emotional resonance, inviting readers to reflect on the transformative guidance that helps individuals discover their own voices.
Annisa Muhasyafira 21019028 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Thank you, Teacher,
You let us explore,
breathing in the scent of adventure among the leaves,
leaping from branch to branch,
listening to the songs of birds that guide us.
In your silent patience and the gentle gaze of your eyes, there is an invisible symphony,
a melody you create for our souls,
so that we may find our own voice.
Annisa Muhasyafira 21019028 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Christy Yulianda Putri 21019033 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Christy Yulianda Putri 21019033 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
Literal Translation: The core meaning of each line was translated directly to maintain the original message, such as “Guruku, engkau bagaikan bintang-bintang” becoming “Teacher, you are like the stars.”
Maintaining Imagery: The rich imagery in the original was preserved, such as “stars that bring life to the night sky” and “decorating our path with constellations that shine brightly,” ensuring the visual and emotional impact remains intact.
Adapting Poetic Style: The structure and flow of the original stanza were kept, ensuring that the rhythm and cadence were not lost in translation. For instance, the use of parallel phrases like “guiding our steps” and “seeking direction” mirrors the repetition in the original.
Cultural Sensitivity: In cases where direct word-for-word translation could lose meaning, cultural nuances were considered, especially in terms of how teachers are revered as guides or “stars” in both the original and target languages.
Nama: Fefinta dwi erianti
Nim : 24042366
BI-NS-0970 NUA 22
Izin menanggapi Puisi “Guruku” sangat menyentuh! Penggambaran guru sebagai hutan rimbun yang melindungi dan membimbing murid-muridnya benar-benar menggambarkan betapa berharganya peran seorang pendidik. Saya suka bagaimana penulis menekankan pentingnya pengetahuan dan pengalaman belajar yang mendalam, serta bagaimana guru membantu murid menemukan jati diri mereka. Ini mengingatkan kita bahwa pendidikan bukan hanya tentang informasi, tetapi juga tentang membentuk karakter dan jiwa. Keren banget!
1. Puisi-puisi ini menggambarkan penghormatan dan rasa terima kasih kepada seorang guru yang dianggap sebagai sosok yang sangat berarti dalam kehidupan.
2. Bait yang menarik menurut saya ” Guruku, engkau bagaikan gema di lembah hening, mengisi celah-celah kosong dalam jiwa kami. Ketika kami terdiam, suaramu tetap bergaung, mengajarkan kami untuk mendengar yang tak terucapkan”.
3. Ide bisnis yang muncul setelah membaca puisi ini adalah Membangun platform pembelajaran online yang mengedepankan pendidikan karakter, kebijaksanaan, dan kecerdasan emosional.
Guruku, di fajar yang membeku, kami gemetar,
namun di sana ada engkau, bagaikan embun pagi,
menyusup lembut di balik keraguan,
mengantar kami pada terang yang berbinar.
Guruku, engkau bagaikan jendela menuju matahari,
menyiramkan keberanian, menghapus ketakutan,
mengguratkan jejak cahayamu di hati kami.
dari bait tersebut bermakna betapa pentingnya peran seorang guru terhadap muridnya, maka dri itu guru termasuk orang tua bagi murid di sekolah
Annisa Ulfaiza, No Urut 02, Teknologi Rekayasa Sistem Elektronika, 24 JD PKWU96 SN 1-2 LM
Nama: Apriiani Wulandari
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
1. What the meaning of poetry Guru, Hutan yang rimbun by Leni Marlina
Answer: In the poem, it means that the teacher is a person who patiently teaches us things we don’t know and teaches us to be a good person.
Puisi 1: Guru, Engkau Hutan Rimbun
1. What is the teacher likened to in this poem?
Answer: The teacher is likened to a giant, lush forest.
2. Where is the atmosphere described in this poem?
Answer: The atmosphere is described in a dense forest, full of branches, roots, and leaves.
3. Why does the author compare teachers to forests?
Answer: Because teachers provide protection, guidance, and knowledge like forests that provide life.
Elvi Zulhaini
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
What makes this poem stand up? (poem 1)
Elgibran Fanji Hazzano
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Dian Fhadlaini
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
1. what is compared to a forest ?
answer : The Teacher
How the Podcaster feel about the poem? They feel amaze and interested because the word the writer use is powerful.
Annisa Rahayu (23019039) 24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
What is the interesting about the poem? The writer use Nature imaginary and metaphore.
Name: Apriliani Wulandari
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
What does the author portray about the teacher’s role in their lives?
Answer: The author describes the teacher as a figure who guides and imparts knowledge, like a forest that protects and teaches the language of the wind and the secrets of the land, helping students understand the world and find their own voice.
why does the poet compare the teacher to a dense forest?
answer : because they provide shelter, knowledge, and wisdom, helping studentsgrow and find their way in life
Dian Fhadlaini
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
Name: Apriliani Wulandari
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
How would the authors describe their learning experience under the teacher’s guidance?
Answer: The author describes the learning experience as an adventure filled with knowledge and freedom, where they can explore, listen to the songs of birds, and find themselves in the patient silence and love of the teacher.
Who is compared to an echo in the silent valley?
Answer: The teacher is compared to an echo in the silent valley.
Anggia Febrilina Zani
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
Why does this poem mention “our own voice” as something to be found? (POEM 1)
Answer : because teachers guide students to discover their own identity and potential
Elgibran Fanji Hazzano
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Why we must to respect our teacher?
Because they have participated to make us know musch things.
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
where the student grow ?
under the teachers guidance.
Dian Fhadlaini
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
1.) who is described as the “Hutan Rimbun” in the first poem?
Answer: The teacher is described as the “Hutan Rimbun” (lush forest) in the poem.
2.) what does the poem compare the teacher’s guidance to?
Answer: the poem compares the teacher’s guidance to a large, protective forest that offers knowledge and wisdom.
3.) Where does the poem imagine exploring under the teacher’s “rindang”?
Answer: the poem imagines exploring the world of knowledge and the adventures hidden beneath the teacher’s shade.
What does the teacher’s silence teach the students?
Answer: The teacher’s silence teaches the students to listen to the unspoken and to find wisdom in quietness.
Anggia Febrilina Zani
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
Why does the poet compare the teacher to the vast ocean in this poem? The poet compares the teacher to the vast ocean to highlight the teacher’s endless and nurturing nature.
Annisa Rahayu
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Why is the teacher’s silence described as wisdom in the poem?
Answer: The teacher’s silence is described as wisdom because it allows the students to understand and interpret silence as a source of knowledge and meaning.
Anggia Febrilina Zani
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
What do the branches and roots mean in the poem?
Dinda Hayati Herman
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
How to showing that we respect our teacher?
With listening what they said, and help them when they need us to help them.
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
How does the teacher can help the student?
Answer: teacher help their student by providing knowlage, guidance, and inspiration.
Audia Rahma Aisyah
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
When should we respect our teacher?
Every time, no matter wat time it is.
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
-What is the main theme of the poem?
Answer: The main theme of the poem is gratitude to the teacher for their guidance and wisdom.
Aldava Mildli Koto
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Where do the students explore knowledge in this poem? (Poem 1)
Answer : The students explore knowledge among the leaves, from branch to branch, which symbolizes freedom in learning and seeking knowledge.
Elgibran Fanji Hazzano
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
-Why is the teacher’s silence significant in the poem?
Answer: The teacher’s silence is significant because it is not just emptiness.
Aldava Mildli Koto
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
1. Why was the poem written? : To express gratitude to a teacher.
2. What’s the poem’s meaning? : Honoring and appreciating a teacher’s impact.
3. Who’s the poem dedicated to? : A revered and beloved teacher.
Who is compared to a giant forest?
Answer : The teacher
Arina Mazda
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
-How does the poem describe the students’ transformation?
Answer: The poem describes the students as becoming like an echo of the teacher’s teachings, flowing like a river without end, carrying the teacher’s influence in their hearts wherever they go.
Aldava Mildli Koto
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Who is described as the “hutan rimbun” in the poem?
Answer: The teacher(guru) is described as the hutan rimbun in the poem.
Aulia Rifqotul Farras
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Question: What is the meaning from the branches and roots in poem “Guru, engkau hutan rimbun”
Answer: It represented knowledge and value from the teachers.
Ciptati Handayani
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Why do the students feel grateful to the teacher?
Answer: Because the teacher guided and inspire them
Arina Mazda
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
When the writer writes the poem based from the podcast?
Answer: She got it after receiving national awards from her country
Ciptati Handayani
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
What does the teacher symbolize in the poem?
Answer: The teacher symbolizes a rimbun forest (hutan raksasa rimbun) that provides shades, knowledge, and guidance to the students.
Aulia Rifqotul Farras
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
How does the teacher inspire the students?
answer: Through patience and wisdom
Arina Mazda
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
When does the learning process occur?
In this poem, the teacher is likened to a forest because the forest is a symbol of life, knowledge and growth.
Audia Rahma Aisyah
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
1. What is the main theme of this poem?
Answer: The main theme of this poem is the role of a teacher as a guide, mentor, and source of knowledge. The teacher is compared to a “hutan rimbun” (dense forest) that provides shelter, wisdom, and space for students to grow, explore, and find their unique paths in life.
2. Who is being described as the “hutan rimbun” in the poem?
Answer: The teacher (guru) is described as the “hutan rimbun.” The teacher is portrayed as a large, protective, and nurturing presence, symbolizing wisdom, patience, and unconditional support for students.
3. Where does the imagery in the poem take place?
Answer: The imagery in the poem is set in a forest environment with elements like trees, roots, leaves, birds, and the sounds of nature. This forest represents the classroom or the learning environment, where the teacher allows students to explore, grow, and learn about the world.
JD A. LIST NK 2-23 SL 9-10 LM
What are the poems for?
The poems are meant to express gratitude to the teacher.
Dinda Hayati Herman
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Why does the teacher compared to a “hutan raksasa rimbun”?
Answer: Because they provide vast knowledge, protection and space for students to grow.
Aulia Rifqotul Farras
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
1. How to respect and say thanks to teacher? By studying and don’t being troublemaker if you don’t want teacher angry
2. Who is teacher? A professional that teach students in schools from elementary to high schools with different curriculum
3. Why teacher is important in our life? Because teacher is second family after parents and they teach us to became smart, kind and great person in the world
Febrian Wizar Pratama 23019008 24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Comment for poem entitled “Guru, Engkau hutan rimbun ”
– what does the teacher symbolize in this poem ?
The teacher symbolizes a large forest that provides guidance and shelter
-what do the students represent ?
The students are like small grasses that grow under the teacher’s care
– what is the teacher’s gift to the students?
The teacher gives them knowledge, patience, and the freedom to explore
Abid Alfurqan
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Who benefits from teacher guidence?
The ones who benefits from teacher’s guidance are the students.
Audia Rahma Aisyah
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
Embun yang Mengajarkan Sabda Matahari
1. How is the teacher described in this poem?
The teacher is like morning dew, gentle but full of strength.
2. What does the teacher bring to the students?
The teacher brings courage and light to overcome fear.
3. What do the students learn from the teacher?
The students learn to shine brightly and dream of becoming something greater.
Abid Alfurqan 24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
What the meaning that you got from “Embun yang mengajarkan sabda matahari” based on discussion in the podcast?
Answer: The teacher shared their light to their student than their student will share it back to the world.
Ciptati Handayani
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
What does ‘teaches us the language of the wind’ mean?
Understand the thing that we cant get in the book.
Dinda Hayati Herman
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
1.) who is described as the “Hutan Rimbun” in the first poem?
Answer: The teacher is described as the “Hutan Rimbun” (lush forest) in the poem.
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
1. What does the teacher symbolize in this poem?
The teacher symbolizes a vast ocean full of knowledge.
2. How are the students described?
The students are like small boats learning to navigate the sea.
3. What lesson does the teacher give through the ocean metaphor?
The teacher teaches strength, understanding, and the value of freedom.
Abid Alfurqan
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
1. Why was the poem written?
: To express gratitude to a teacher
1. What is the main theme of this poem?
Answer: The main theme of this poem is the role of a teacher as a guide, mentor, and source of knowledge. The teacher is compared to a “hutan rimbun” (dense forest) that provides shelter, wisdom, and space for students to grow, explore, and find their unique paths in life.
2.) what does the poem compare the teacher’s guidance to?
Answer: the poem compares the teacher’s guidance to a large, protective forest that offers knowledge and wisdom.
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
3.) Where does the poem imagine exploring under the teacher’s “rindang”?
Answer: the poem imagines exploring the world of knowledge and the adventures hidden beneath the teacher’s shade.
2. Who is being described as the “hutan rimbun” in the poem?
Answer: The teacher (guru) is described as the “hutan rimbun.” The teacher is portrayed as a large, protective, and nurturing presence, symbolizing wisdom, patience, and unconditional support for students.
JD A. LIST NK 2-23 SL 9-10 LM
3. When was this poem written, and why might that time be significant?
Answer: The poem was written in Jakarta, 2004, a period when the role of teachers and education was being emphasized in Indonesia as a critical part of the nation’s development. This time may have been a moment of reflection on the importance of teachers in shaping future generations.
JD A. LIST NK 2-23 SL 9-10 LM
What the writer wanrs to convey to the reader in the first poem?
The first poem its talking about how the student respect and appreciate their teachers
How does the writer want to convey her respect to teachers?
= by writing words of thank and saying that a teacher will guide and create a new soul (knowledge) for her/his students
How is the teacher in the writer’s mind?
= teachers like heroes, teachers like guides, teachers like someone noble who will to teach us the knowledge that exists in the wold
2. What’s the poem’s meaning?
: Honoring and appreciating a teacher’s impact.
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
3. Who’s the poem dedicated to?
: A revered and beloved teacher.
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
1. How to respect and say thanks to teacher?
Answer: By studying and don’t being troublemaker if you don’t want teacher angry
Febrian Wizar Pratama
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
2. Who is teacher?
Answer: A professional that teach students in schools from elementary to high schools with different curriculum
Febrian Wizar Pratama
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
3. Why teacher is important in our life?
Answer: Because teacher is second family after parents and they teach us to became smart, kind and great person in the world
Febrian Wizar Pratama
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Puisi ini mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih dan penghargaan yang mendalam kepada seorang guru karena guru merupakan sosok yang sangat berpengaruh dalam kehidupan murid, memberikan inspirasi, pengetahuan, dan dukungan. bahwa guru juga merupak simbol pahlawan tanpa jasa . Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 96 SN 1-2 LM
Guruku, engkau bagaikan jendela menuju matahari,
menyiramkan keberanian, menghapus ketakutan,
mengguratkan jejak cahayamu di hati kami.
Bait/larik ini yang saya sukai karena mengandung makna bahwa gurulah yang mengajarkan kita dari nol dengan ilmu yang bermanfaat dan selalu sabar menghadapi muridnnya, ia juga yang menyiptakan sikap berani yang tidak takut akan ringatangan apapun pada murid. Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 96 SN 1-2 LM.
Ide yang terpikirkan oleh saya yaitu menjual buket bunga untuk hari guru yang dapat diberikan ke guru oleh muridnya. Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 96 SN 1-2 LM.