Tanah yang Menangis
Tanah yang Menangis

Tanah yang Menangis

Aku adalah bumi yang diam,
melihat dan mengoyak lapisan tubuhku,
menggali hingga darahku mengucur,
diambil, dijual, diangkut ke negeri yang asing,
di mana cintaku hanya menjadi sisa,
suara yang tertinggal di antara bayang dan bisik.

Aku menanggung luka berdebu yang tak kunjung sembuh.

Aku adalah tanah yang dipijak dan diinjak,
tapi di balik lumpur ini, aku menyimpan rindu,
rindu untuk memelukmu,
anak-anakku yang berkhianat pada janji,
kalian menaburkan debu di mataku,
membutakan arah hingga aku tersesat
dalam sunyi yang memakan diri.

Masih saja aku rindu kalian anak-anakku, lebih dari sekadar cinta.

Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam,
bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa,
tapi dengan tubuh yang kembali kepadaku,
mencari hangat di lapisan terdalam,
dalam lubuk hati yang digali hingga hancur,
menyisakan lubang-lubang kosong di tempat napasku
perlahan terhenti.

Kalian berjanji,
anak-anak yang mencintai Ibu,
mencintai tanah ini dengan setengah hati,
seperti derak-derak tulang yang terbentur batu,
tak berdaya, tak bernyawa,
menjadi bisikan yang dihanyutkan angin.

Aku tak ingin hanya diingat dalam sepi, aku ingin disembuhkan.

Aku adalah tanah yang menangis,
menggeliat dalam diam,
mengais harapan di balik malam yang bisu,
menanti hari di mana cintaku bukanlah sekadar kalimat,
tapi langkah yang berpijak kembali,
di atas tubuhku yang retak.

Dan jika esok kalian lupa,
anak-anakku yang mengoyak cinta ini,
aku akan menjadi bara yang tersembunyi,
menunggu detik di mana luka ini
akan menyala, membakar,
menyisakan abu dari janji-janji yang pernah kalian ikrarkan.

Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.

Padang, Sumbar, 2020
English Version
The Crying Land
Poem by Leni Marlina

I am the silent earth,
watching and tearing apart my layers,
digging deep until my blood flows,
taken, sold, transported to foreign lands,
where my love becomes nothing but remnants,
a voice lingering between shadows and whispers.

I bear dusty wounds that never heal.

I am the soil beneath your feet,
but beneath this mud, I hold a longing,
a longing to embrace you,
my children who betrayed their promise,
you sprinkle dust in my eyes,
blinding my direction until I am lost
in the silence that devours itself.

Still, I long for you, my children, more than mere love.

I want to be remembered, not just grasped,
not merely hugged with empty hands,
but with bodies returning to me,
seeking warmth in the deepest layers,
in the depths of a heart dug until it shatters,
leaving empty holes where my breath
slowly comes to a halt.

You promised,
children who love Mother,
loving this land with half-heartedness,
like the creaks of bones striking stone,
helpless, lifeless,
becoming whispers carried by the wind.

I do not wish to be remembered in silence; I want to be healed.

I am the crying land,
squirming in silence,
sifting for hope behind the mute night,
waiting for the day when my love is not just words,
but footsteps that tread once more
upon my cracked body.

And if tomorrow you forget,
my children who tear this love apart,
I will become a hidden ember,
waiting for the moment when this wound
will ignite, burning,
leaving ash from promises you once made.

Though you become lost and cause me pain, I am the earth, loving you until my shards come to an end.

Padang, West Sumatra, 2020


Puisi ini awalnya ditulis oleh Leni Marlina hanya sebagai hobi dan koleksi puisi pribadi tahun 2020. Puisi tersebut direvisi kembali serta dipublikasikan pertama kalinya melalui media digital tahun 2024

Siniar Audio:

Poem Song:

  1. hanifah ganeca arya(23019009) 23 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
    1. Setelah membaca puisi ini, makna yang muncul adalah gambaran tentang penderitaan alam yang terluka akibat ulah manusia yang mengabaikan cinta dan janji pada tanah air. Tanah diibaratkan sebagai sosok ibu yang mencintai anak-anaknya tanpa pamrih, meskipun sering kali terluka dan dikhianati. Puisi ini menyuarakan rindu dan harapan agar manusia kembali menghargai dan merawat alam yang mereka pijak, bukan hanya sekadar memanfaatkannya.

    2. Dari sudut pandang wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang terinspirasi dari puisi ini adalah pengembangan usaha ecotourism atau wisata ramah lingkungan yang bertujuan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya menjaga alam. Alasan utamanya adalah karena puisi ini menyiratkan pesan yang kuat tentang perlunya menghargai dan merawat alam, sehingga bisnis wisata edukasi lingkungan bisa menjadi jembatan untuk membangkitkan kesadaran tersebut. Peluang usaha ini cukup besar, terutama di daerah dengan potensi alam yang indah dan butuh perhatian khusus dalam pelestariannya, seperti Sumatera Barat.

      1. Puisi ini menggambarkan Bumi yang terluka dan kecewa akibat eksploitasi manusia, namun tetap memiliki cinta dan harapan untuk diperhatikan serta dihargai. Nama saya [Nama Lengkap], dari WA Group Kelas [Nama Kelas].

        Ide bisnis: usaha ramah lingkungan seperti produk daur ulang atau energi terbarukan, terinspirasi dari harapan Bumi untuk disembuhkan. Peluangnya besar, mengingat kesadaran masyarakat yang semakin tinggi terhadap kelestarian alam.
        Muhammad Wirhan Syah/24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

    1. Fadhira Permata Febry (24019074) 24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
      What is the most heartbreaking and unconditionally love part of the poem that mentioned in the podcast?

      The most heartbreaking and unconditionally love part of the poem that mentioned in the podcast is “Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.” or “Though you become lost and cause me pain, I am the earth, loving you until my shards come to an end.”

      1. My favorite line of this poem is:

        “Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.”

        Fadhira Permata Febry
        24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

        1. Who is “aku” refers to based on the poem?
          = “The earth.”

          Fadhira Permata Febry
          24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

          1. My poem based on this poem:

            Beneath our feet, the earth is bruised,
            Her beauty lost, her grace abused
            But still she holds a soft embrace
            Forgiving us with every trace
            The rivers weep, the mountains sigh
            Yet still, they kiss the endless sky
            For in her tears, there’s love so pure
            A longing deep, a hope to cure

            Fadhira Permata Febry
            24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

    2. 1. Business Idea: The poem inspires a business idea related to sustainable environmental practices. One idea could be a green business focused on reforestation and environmental restoration. This could involve planting trees, cleaning polluted areas, and raising awareness about environmental issues to heal and restore the earth, as described in the poem.

      2. Character Traits: The character traits to apply in entrepreneurship are resilience and dedication. Just as the earth endures pain and continues to love despite being harmed, entrepreneurs need to be strong in overcoming challenges, remain committed to their mission, and work towards long-term healing and positive change, no matter the obstacles.
      hanifah ganeca arya(23019009) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 KM NK3 23 LM)

    3. 1. Business Idea: Launch an eco-restoration or sustainable farming initiative that reconnects people to the land, focusing on healing and revitalizing nature while fostering community involvement.

      2. Character Traits:

      Responsibility: Caring for the environment, recognizing its value beyond exploitation.

      Empathy: Understanding the land’s pain and striving to nurture it back to health.

      Commitment: Honoring promises and working tirelessly to repair what is damaged.

      hanifah ganeca arya(23019009)
      24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM

  2. hanifah ganeca arya(23019009)
    23 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
    1. Setelah membaca puisi ini, makna yang muncul adalah gambaran tentang penderitaan alam yang terluka akibat ulah manusia yang mengabaikan cinta dan janji pada tanah air. Tanah diibaratkan sebagai sosok ibu yang mencintai anak-anaknya tanpa pamrih, meskipun sering kali terluka dan dikhianati. Puisi ini menyuarakan rindu dan harapan agar manusia kembali menghargai dan merawat alam yang mereka pijak, bukan hanya sekadar memanfaatkannya.

    2. Dari sudut pandang wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang terinspirasi dari puisi ini adalah pengembangan usaha ecotourism atau wisata ramah lingkungan yang bertujuan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya menjaga alam. Alasan utamanya adalah karena puisi ini menyiratkan pesan yang kuat tentang perlunya menghargai dan merawat alam, sehingga bisnis wisata edukasi lingkungan bisa menjadi jembatan untuk membangkitkan kesadaran tersebut. Peluang usaha ini cukup besar, terutama di daerah dengan potensi alam yang indah dan butuh perhatian khusus dalam pelestariannya, seperti Sumatera Barat.

  3. Bahasa Indonesia:
    Puisi ini menggambarkan penderitaan tanah yang diperlakukan dengan semena-mena oleh anak-anaknya sendiri. Bumi melambangkan ibu yang terluka oleh perbuatan manusia yang menggali dan merusak lapisannya demi keuntungan. Namun, meskipun begitu, bumi tetap merindukan anak-anaknya kembali dengan penuh cinta dan harapan untuk diperbaiki. Ini adalah pesan tentang pentingnya kesadaran dan tanggung jawab manusia dalam menjaga lingkungan dan alam, serta kesedihan dari pengkhianatan terhadap alam yang seharusnya mereka cintai.

    This poem portrays the suffering of the earth mistreated by its own children. The earth symbolizes a mother hurt by human actions that exploit and damage its layers for profit. Despite the pain, the earth still longs for its children to return with genuine love and hope to heal. It is a message about the importance of human awareness and responsibility in caring for the environment and nature, as well as the sorrow from the betrayal of what should be loved and protected.

    1. 1. Puisi ini menggambarkan bumi yang rusak akibat di eksploitasi secara terus menerus. Meskipun begitu bumi tetap memberikan manfaatnya.
      2. Sebagai calon wirausahawan, terlintas ide untuk menciptakan inovasi yang ramah lingkungan agar dapat membantu menjaga bumi.

      (Muhammad Farras Dzikra 24 JD EPR KM NK 3 23 LM)

      1. Aula Fitria Zhahrah
        24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 Nkall21 LM

        Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam,
        bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa,
        tapi dengan tubuh yang kembali kepadaku,
        The stanza expresses a desire for genuine connection, where the speaker wants to be remembered and valued deeply, not just superficially embraced. It highlights the difference between empty gestures and meaningful presence. I chose this stanza because it reflects the universal longing for authentic relationships that leave a lasting impact.

  4. 1. Puisi ini menggambarkan perasaan Bumi yang terluka oleh eksploitasi dan pengkhianatan anak-anaknya, merindukan cinta dan janji untuk menjaga tanahnya. Meskipun terluka, Bumi tetap mencintai dengan sepenuh hati, berharap hubungan yang terjalin dapat diperbaiki.

    2. Jika di kaitkan ke Entrepreneur puisi ini mencerminkan perjalanan seorang entrepreneur yang menghadapi tantangan dan pengkhianatan, berjuang untuk mempertahankan visi mereka. Seperti Bumi yang menanti pemulihan, entrepreneur berharap usaha mereka dihargai dan memberi dampak positif bagi masyarakat.

    (Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)

  5. 1, Makna yang terbayang setelah membaca puisi ini adalah rasa sakit bumi yang terus dieksploitasi oleh manusia. Bumi merasa terluka, tetapi tetap merindukan kasih sayang yang tulus dari manusia.
    2. Dari sudut pandang wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang muncul adalah usaha pelestarian lingkungan dan edukasi tentang konservasi alam. Hal ini penting karena bumi semakin rusak oleh eksploitasi. Peluangnya besar karena semakin banyak kesadaran untuk menjaga alam, terutama di kalangan masyarakat yang peduli lingkungan.

    Agil Adrian Syah (24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM)

  6. Puisi ini menyampaikan pesan yang kuat tentang hubungan antara manusia dan alam, khususnya bumi. Dengan personifikasi bumi sebagai “ibu” yang merindukan anak-anaknya, puisi ini menggambarkan penderitaan dan pengkhianatan yang dialami oleh alam akibat eksploitasi manusia. Bumi berbicara tentang luka yang terus-menerus diterima—digali, diambil, dan diangkut hingga hanya tersisa kekosongan dan rasa sakit.

    Namun, meski disakiti, bumi tetap memiliki cinta yang mendalam dan rindu akan kedekatan yang nyata dengan anak-anaknya. Puisi ini juga menjadi peringatan: jika manusia terus melukai bumi tanpa menghargainya, suatu saat alam akan merespons—bukan dengan kasih, tetapi dengan amarah yang tak terpadamkan. Rangkaian kata-kata ini mengajak kita untuk introspeksi tentang bagaimana kita memperlakukan alam dan merenungkan kembali janji kita untuk menjaga tempat kita berpijak.

    Dari sudut pandang mahasiswa atau calon wirausahawan, puisi ini bisa menginspirasi ide bisnis yang berfokus pada keberlanjutan lingkungan dan etika dalam pengelolaan sumber daya alam. Bisnis yang menawarkan solusi ramah lingkungan atau mendukung konservasi alam akan sangat relevan dengan pesan yang disampaikan puisi ini. FACHRI ABIMANYU I.F 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

  7. Puisi ini menggambarkan bumi sebagai sosok yang terluka oleh eksploitasi manusia, namun tetap merindukan anak-anaknya untuk kembali dan memperlakukannya dengan cinta yang tulus. Bumi, seperti seorang ibu, menerima pengkhianatan dengan kesedihan namun berharap untuk diingat dan disembuhkan, bukan hanya dimanfaatkan dan dilupakan.

    Dari makna ini, muncul ide peluang berupa program edukasi lingkungan yang berfokus pada pentingnya menjaga kelestarian alam dan dampak eksploitasi terhadap lingkungan. Selain itu, bisnis berbasis keberlanjutan, seperti produk ramah lingkungan atau layanan rehabilitasi lahan, dapat membantu mengobati luka bumi, menciptakan solusi yang selaras dengan alam dan memperbaiki ekosistem.

    Dewinta Darmasari
    24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

  8. 1.Puisi ini menggambarkan Bumi sebagai ‘Ibu’ yang tersiksa dari exploitasi sumber daya oleh manusia yang dianggap sebagai ‘Anak’nya. Rasa sakit yang terus-menerus dari penebangan, penggalian, polusi lingkungan dan sebagainya. Namun, perihalnya seorang ibu, Bumi tetap menasuhi dan memberikan apa yang kita butuhkan, walaupun pada akhirnya manusia tetap durhaka kepadanya. Menjadi peringatan untuk menjaga lingkungan sekitar dan Bumi secara keseluruhan.
    2.Ide bisnis yang dapat di kelola dari puisi ini adalah bisnis yang berkaitan dengan pengelolahan sumber daya alam berkelanjutan yang lebih ramah lingkungan, dimana setiap proses pengelolahan harus di dampingi dengan upaya untuk menjaga alam di area proses tersebut, seperti reforestasi dan sebagainya

    Nawafil Satria Ramadhan
    [24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM]

  9. Dwi Alqauri Rizal
    [24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM]

    Puisi ini menggambarkan sosok Bumi sebagai ibu yang terluka dan terusir oleh anak-anaknya sendiri. Bumi mengalami penderitaan akibat eksploitasi berlebihan, namun tetap menyimpan kerinduan dan cinta pada manusia yang tinggal di atasnya. Ini adalah panggilan untuk kesadaran akan pentingnya menjaga alam dengan cinta dan tanggung jawab agar bumi tetap bisa bernafas.

    Sebagai calon wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang muncul adalah pengembangan produk-produk berbasis ekologis dan ramah lingkungan seperti produk daur ulang atau energi terbarukan. Melalui bisnis yang berfokus pada keberlanjutan ini, kita bisa menciptakan solusi yang mengurangi kerusakan alam. Peluang untuk bisnis ini sangat besar, terutama di era yang semakin sadar akan isu lingkungan.

  10. 1. Puisi ini mengandung peringatan: apabila eksploitasi terus berlanjut tanpa kepedulian atau tanggung jawab, luka-luka yang ditinggalkan pada bumi mungkin akan memicu kehancuran. Meski demikian, ada kasih dan kerinduan yang tidak hilang; bumi masih ingin menerima dan memeluk anak-anaknya jika mereka benar-benar kembali merawat dan mencintainya.

    2. Membaca puisi ini dari sudut pandang wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang kuat adalah membangun perusahaan yang berfokus pada produk atau layanan yang ramah lingkungan dan berbasis konservasi, seperti bisnis sustainable tourism atau produk ramah lingkungan yang terbuat dari bahan daur ulang. Ide ini bisa berupa ekowisata yang edukatif atau perusahaan yang memproduksi barang-barang kebutuhan sehari-hari dari bahan yang bisa terurai atau didaur ulang.

    Alan Kurniawan
    24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

  11. Alya Nur Aziza
    24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

    Setelah membaca puisi ini, ide bisnis yang muncul adalah bisnis pertanian berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan.

    Ide Bisnis:
    Bisnis Pertanian Berkelanjutan

    Alasan: Puisi ini menggambarkan kerinduan tanah dan luka akibat eksploitasi. Masyarakat membutuhkan cara untuk menghargai dan merawat tanah mereka, bukan hanya mengambil hasilnya. Bisnis ini dapat menawarkan praktik pertanian yang menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem, seperti penggunaan pupuk organik dan teknik pertanian yang mengurangi dampak lingkungan.

  12. Alimin Sahid
    24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

    Setelah membaca puisi “Tanah yang Menangis,” muncul makna tentang penderitaan bumi akibat eksploitasi manusia dan harapan agar manusia kembali merawat alam dengan cinta. Dari sudut pandang wirausaha, puisi ini menginspirasi ide bisnis **ecotourism** atau **usaha ramah lingkungan**, seperti wisata edukasi atau produk daur ulang, yang mendukung kesadaran dan konservasi lingkungan.

  13. Puisi ini menggambarkan bumi sebagai entitas yang terluka akibat eksploitasi oleh manusia. Bumi di sini memiliki perasaan, menyimpan cinta dan kerinduan bagi manusia, namun dikhianati dan disakiti oleh tindakan mereka. Ketidakpedulian manusia terhadap kerusakan alam digambarkan dengan kuat, dan ada nuansa penyesalan serta kerinduan bumi untuk kembali ke hubungan yang harmonis dengan manusia.

    Sebagai calon wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang muncul adalah usaha berkelanjutan di bidang lingkungan, seperti perusahaan yang bergerak dalam daur ulang atau produk ramah lingkungan. Alasan di balik ide ini adalah semakin meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat terhadap pentingnya menjaga lingkungan dan potensi pasar untuk produk-produk yang mendukung keberlanjutan. Peluang usaha ini cukup menjanjikan, mengingat konsumen kini lebih banyak memilih produk yang ramah lingkungan, serta adanya dukungan dari pemerintah untuk mengurangi kerusakan alam dan polusi. Muhamad Hilmi Dafis 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

    1. English: This poem mean children shouldn’t be harmed, children should be protected from harm and danger and they need attention and affection from people

      Indonesia: Puisi ini memiliki makna, anak anak seharusnya dilindungi dari aniaya dan kekerasan bukan disakiti, mereka membutuhkan kasih sayang dan perhatian dari orang

  14. Makna Umum Puisi
    Puisi ini menggambarkan kesedihan dan kerinduan bumi terhadap anak-anaknya yang telah mengkhianati janji. Dengan simbolisme tanah, penulis mengekspresikan luka mendalam akibat eksploitasi dan pengabaian, serta harapan untuk kembali dipeluk dan dihargai.
    Ide Bisnis dari Sudut Pandang Wirausahawan
    Dari sudut pandang wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang muncul adalah program edukasi dan kampanye kesadaran lingkungan yang mengajak masyarakat untuk mencintai dan merawat tanah. Melalui workshop dan proyek komunitas, kita bisa membangkitkan rasa tanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan dan melibatkan generasi muda dalam pelestarian alam.
    (Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)

  15. Makna Umum Puisi
    Puisi ini menggambarkan kesedihan dan kerinduan bumi terhadap anak-anaknya yang telah mengkhianati janji. Dengan simbolisme tanah, penulis mengekspresikan luka mendalam akibat eksploitasi dan pengabaian, serta harapan untuk kembali dipeluk dan dihargai.
    Ide Bisnis dari Sudut Pandang Wirausahawan
    Dari sudut pandang wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang muncul adalah program edukasi dan kampanye kesadaran lingkungan yang mengajak masyarakat untuk mencintai dan merawat tanah.
    (Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)

  16. English:
    In this poem, there is a message that humans have a moral obligation and responsibility to protect the earth as a place to live together. The earth collects the promises made by humans who said they loved nature and promised to take care of it. However, as time goes by, many forget these promises and leave the earth in a damaged and wounded condition. This reminds readers that there is a relationship that must be maintained and renewed continuously with nature, not just empty promises that are only beautiful in words but empty in action.

    Indonesian :
    Dalam puisi ini, terdapat pesan bahwa manusia memiliki kewajiban moral dan tanggung jawab untuk melindungi bumi sebagai tempat tinggal bersama. Bumi menagih janji-janji yang pernah dibuat oleh manusia yang katanya mencintai alam dan berjanji merawatnya. Namun, seiring berjalannya waktu, banyak yang melupakan janji tersebut dan meninggalkan bumi dalam kondisi rusak dan terluka. Hal ini mengingatkan pembaca bahwa ada hubungan yang harus dijaga dan diperbaharui terus-menerus dengan alam, bukan sekadar janji kosong yang hanya indah di kata namun hampa dalam tindakan.

    Dian Fhadlaini
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  17. English:
    At the end, there is an implicit threat that the wounds inflicted by humans could ultimately lead to their own destruction. If humanity continues to damage the environment, the Earth will one day “retaliate” in the form of disasters or irreversible damage, such as landslides, forest fires, or other calamities resulting from human actions. This serves as a warning that nature has its limits of patience. Neglected wounds and broken promises will prompt nature to respond in a way that reminds humanity of their own mistakes.

    Pada bagian akhir, terdapat ancaman tersirat bahwa luka-luka yang dibuat oleh manusia bisa berbalik menjadi kehancuran bagi mereka sendiri. Jika manusia terus merusak alam, bumi suatu saat akan ‘membalas’ dengan bentuk bencana atau kerusakan yang tak terhindarkan, seperti tanah longsor, kebakaran hutan, atau bencana lain yang datang akibat perbuatan manusia. Ini adalah peringatan bahwa alam memiliki batas kesabaran. Luka-luka yang diabaikan dan janji-janji yang dikhianati akan membuat alam merespons dengan cara yang mengingatkan manusia akan kesalahan mereka sendiri.

  18. English:
    At the end, there is an implicit threat that the wounds inflicted by humans could ultimately lead to their own destruction. If humanity continues to damage the environment, the Earth will one day “retaliate” in the form of disasters or irreversible damage, such as landslides, forest fires, or other calamities resulting from human actions. This serves as a warning that nature has its limits of patience. Neglected wounds and broken promises will prompt nature to respond in a way that reminds humanity of their own mistakes.

    Pada bagian akhir, terdapat ancaman tersirat bahwa luka-luka yang dibuat oleh manusia bisa berbalik menjadi kehancuran bagi mereka sendiri. Jika manusia terus merusak alam, bumi suatu saat akan ‘membalas’ dengan bentuk bencana atau kerusakan yang tak terhindarkan, seperti tanah longsor, kebakaran hutan, atau bencana lain yang datang akibat perbuatan manusia. Ini adalah peringatan bahwa alam memiliki batas kesabaran. Luka-luka yang diabaikan dan janji-janji yang dikhianati akan membuat alam merespons dengan cara yang mengingatkan manusia akan kesalahan mereka sendiri.

    Alya desyaiful zahra
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  19. Setelah membaca puisi ini, makna yang saya dapat adalah sesosok Ibu yang terluka hatinya oleh karena ulah anak-anaknya sendiri. Dimana sang Ibu memiliki kerinduan yang teramat dalam akan cinta yang Tulus dan nyata dari anak-anaknya. Selain itu Sang Ibu Juga merasa kecewa pada anak-anaknya karena tidak menepati janji janji yang pernah mereka buat. dari sini saya belajar bahwa Kita sebagai seorang anak harus menunjukkan rasa Cinta kita secara tulus kepada orang tua serta memegang teguh Janji-janji kita.

    After reading this poem, the meaning I got is a Mother whose heart is deeply wounded by the actions of her own children. The Mother holds a profound longing for genuine and sincere love from her children. Additionally, the Mother feels disappointed in her children for not keeping the promises they once made. From this, I learn that, as children, we should show sincere love to our parents and hold steadfastly to the promises we make.

    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  20. Puisi tersebut bagi saya menggambarkan Bumi sebagai sosok ibu yang menderita akibat perlakuan manusia yang seharusnya menjaga dan merawatnya. Dengan metafora yang kuat, puisi ini menunjukkan kesedihan planet yang dieksploitasi, di mana sumber daya alamnya dikuras dan tubuhnya dihancurkan. Meskipun mengalami penderitaan, Bumi tetap mencintai manusia dan berharap anak-anaknya menghormati alam. Puisi ini menyadarkan saya akan pentingnya menjaga keseimbangan alam dan menegaskan tanggung jawab kita untuk melindungi planet ini dengan rasa hormat dan cinta yang tulus.

    The poem for me depicts the Earth as a mother figure suffering from the treatment of humans who are supposed to protect and care for her. With strong metaphors, the poem shows the sadness of an exploited planet, where her natural resources are drained and her body is destroyed. Despite the suffering, the Earth still loves humans and expects her children to respect nature. This poem made me realize the importance of maintaining the balance of nature and affirmed our responsibility to protect the planet with genuine respect and love.

    Atika Lufti Amanda
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  21. Meaning in English
    This profound poem depicts the close relationship between the speaker, who symbolizes humanity’s betrayal of nature. The speaker expresses pain and longing, reflecting the exploitation and neglect experienced from those they love. The imagery of blood, dust, and cracked earth conveys a sense of suffering and resilience, as the speaker yearns to be remembered and healed—not just with superficial affection, but with genuine heart. Ultimately, this poem serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of fostering a deep connection with the Earth and a call to love and appreciate once again the land that nourishes us.

    Meaning in Indonesian
    Puisi mendalam ini menggambarkan hubungan erat antara pembicara, yang merupakan simbol pengkhianatan umat manusia terhadap alam. Pembicara mengungkapkan rasa sakit dan kerinduan, mencerminkan eksploitasi dan pengabaian yang dialaminya dari orang yang dicintainya. Gambaran darah, debu, dan tanah retak menyampaikan rasa penderitaan dan ketabahan, sebagaimana penuturnya rindu untuk dikenang dan disembuhkan, bukan hanya dengan kasih sayang yang dangkal, namun dengan hati. Pada akhirnya, puisi ini adalah pengingat yang kuat akan pentingnya menjalin hubungan yang mendalam dengan bumi, dan panggilan untuk mencintai dan menghargai sekali lagi tanah yang memberi makan kita.

    Aldi Ranto.
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

    1. The most memorable part is that “aku akan menjadi bara yang tersembunyi, menunggu detik di mana luka ini akan menyala, membakar, menyisakan abu dari janji-janji yang pernah kalian ikrarkan” this sentence gives a sharp and impressive picture of the repercussions of betrayal.

  22. Bahasa Indonesia:
    Puisi ini menggambarkan personifikasi bumi atau tanah sebagai ibu yang mencintai anak-anaknya dengan sepenuh hati, meskipun mereka sering mengkhianati dan melukainya. Bumi digambarkan sebagai makhluk yang terluka karena eksploitasi dan pengabaian yang dilakukan oleh manusia. Manusia menggali, menjual, dan mengambil sumber daya alamnya tanpa memperdulikan kerusakan yang terjadi. Bumi merasakan kesedihan dan pengkhianatan dari anak-anaknya, yang seharusnya menjaga dan merawatnya tetapi malah melukai dan mengeksploitasinya demi keuntungan.

    This poem personifies the earth or land as a mother who loves her children deeply, even though they often betray and hurt her. The earth is portrayed as a wounded being due to the exploitation and neglect humans have caused. Humans dig, sell, and take its natural resources without regard for the damage inflicted. The earth feels the sadness and betrayal from its children, who should protect and nurture it but instead harm and exploit it for profit.

    Aldava Mildli Koto
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  23. English:
    The poem Tanah yang Menangis portrays the sorrow of our earth, wounded by the continuous harm caused by human actions. The earth is depicted as a mother watching her body being destroyed, yet she still longs for the love of her children, even though they have betrayed her. The land hopes that people will not just make empty promises but will truly work to restore and respect it. Beneath the pain, there is still a sincere love, but there is also a warning that wounds left unhealed could lead to a great disaster.

    Puisi Tanah yang Menangis menggambarkan kesedihan bumi yang terluka akibat ulah manusia yang terus merusaknya. Bumi digambarkan seperti ibu yang melihat tubuhnya dihancurkan, namun tetap merindukan cinta anak-anaknya, meski mereka telah mengkhianatinya. Tanah berharap manusia tidak hanya membuat janji kosong, tetapi benar-benar memulihkan dan menghormatinya. Di balik rasa sakit, masih ada cinta yang tulus, namun ada peringatan bahwa luka yang terus diabaikan bisa membawa bencana besar.

  24. 3 Questions (5W 1H)
    1. What does the earth feel about its children?
    = The Earth feels a deep sense of longing and betrayal from its children.

    2. When does the Earth hope for healing?
    = The Earth hopes for healing in the future when its children return

    3. How does the Earth want to be remembered?
    = The Earth wants to be remembered with genuine love and connection, not just as a distant memory.

    Dela Safira Chottami
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  25. 3 Questions (5W 1H)
    1.  What does the earth feel about its children?
    = The Earth feels a deep sense of longing and betrayal from its children.

    2. When does the Earth hope for healing?
    = The Earth hopes for healing in the future when its children return

    3.  How does the Earth want to be remembered?
    = The Earth wants to be remembered with genuine love and connection, not just as a distant memory.

    Dela Safira Chottami
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  26. 1.What the tittle of the poem?

    Answer : tanah yang menangis

    2.Who write the poem?

    Answer : leni marlina

    3.for who this poem written to? And to whom?

    Answer : from the earth suffering to human,because its tell a lot about how it get destroyed by human, but the earth still love the people despites the fact that the earth ruined by its people
    Fanny syifa hanania

  27. 1.What the tittle of the poem?
    Answer : tanah yang menangis
    2.Who write the poem?
    Answer : leni marlina
    3.for who this poem written to? And to whom?
    Answer : from the earth suffering to human,because its tell a lot about how it get destroyed by human, but the earth still love the people despites the fact that the earth ruined by its people

    Fanny syifa hanania

  28. English Version:
    This poem speaks to the deep sorrow of a land that feels abandoned and scarred by the very people who once promised to care for it. The land, like a mother, longs for real love and healing—not just to be remembered in silence. She warns that if her wounds keep being ignored, this hidden pain will eventually ignite, leaving only ashes of broken promises. Even in betrayal, she continues to love, waiting quietly.

    Indonesian Version:
    Puisi ini mengungkapkan kesedihan mendalam dari tanah yang merasa ditinggalkan dan dilukai oleh anak-anaknya sendiri, yang dulu berjanji akan menjaga. Tanah, seperti seorang ibu, merindukan cinta yang tulus dan ingin disembuhkan, bukan sekadar diingat dalam sunyi. Ia memperingatkan bahwa jika lukanya terus diabaikan, rasa sakit yang tersembunyi ini akan menyala, menyisakan abu dari janji-janji yang tak ditepati. Meski dikhianati, tanah tetap mencintai, menunggu dalam diam.

    1. In Indonesia
      Puisi ini menggambarkan tentang gambaran yang sangat menyentuh tentang bumi yang terluka dan dikhianati oleh manusia. Bumi digambarkan sebagai ibu yang menyayangi anak anaknya, dia rela memberikan apapun untuk anak anaknya. namun justru mendapatkan perlakuan buruk. Puisi ini juga memiliki pesan untuk kembali menghargai, melestarikan alam, dan merawat kembali bumi ini.

      In English
      This poem describes a very touching picture of the earth that is wounded and betrayed by humans. The earth is described as a mother who loves her children, she is willing to give anything for her children. but instead gets bad treatment. This poem also has a message to appreciate, preserve nature, and care for the earth again.

      Audia Rahma Aisyah
      24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  29. The choice of words in this poem creates a deep atmosphere of pain and damage to nature due to human actions, inviting us to reflect on the condition of the exploited earth, but also reminding us of the importance of caring for nature with compassion and responsibility. This poem is very emotional because it can grow our awareness and empathy for the damaged environment. This poem is a reminder for all of us to love and care for the earth, not only in words but also in real actions.

    Pilihan kata-kata dari puisi ini menciptakan suasana yang mendalam tentang rasa sakit dan kerusakan alam akibat tindakan manusia, mengajak kita untuk merenungkan kondisi bumi yang dieksploitasi, tetapi juga mengingatkan kita akan pentingnya merawat alam dengan kasih sayang dan tanggung jawab. Puisi ini sangat emosional karena dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran dan rasa empati kita terhadap lingkungan yang rusak. Puisi ini merupakan pengingat bagi kita semua untuk mencintai dan menjaga bumi, bukan hanya dalam kata-kata tetapi juga dalam tindakan nyata.

  30. This poem depicts the earth feeling sick and sad because it is constantly being destroyed by humans. Although wounded, the earth still misses humans and hopes to be cared for, not just used. If humans continue to ignore it, the earth will give back for the wounds that have been inflicted. The message of this poem is that we should take care of the earth.

    Puisi ini menggambarkan bumi yang merasa sakit dan sedih karena terus-menerus dirusak oleh manusia. Meskipun terluka, bumi tetap merindukan manusia dan berharap untuk dirawat, bukan hanya dimanfaatkan. Jika manusia terus mengabaikannya, bumi akan memberi balasan atas luka-luka yang telah ditimbulkan. Pesan puisi ini adalah agar kita menjaga bumi.

    Ciptati Handayani
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  31. In Indonesian
    Puisi ini menggambarkan tentang hubungan antara manusia dengan bumi/tanah sebagai ibu yang terluka akibat ulah anak-anaknya. Sang tanah ini menyampaikan rasa sakit dan penderitaannya karena ulah manusia, yang terus-menerus menggali, mengambil dan merusak tanpa memikirkan akibatnya. Seorang ibu yang dengan penuh kasih mencintai anak-anaknya meski mereka mengkhianati janji untuk menjaga dan merawatnya. ini mengingatkan kita akan dampak perilaku manusia yang seringkali melupakan nilai alam sebagai ibu Pertiwi. Tanah meminta perhatian yang lebih dari sekadar eksplotasi, tapi kasih sayang yang nyata dalam bentuk tindakan menjaga dan memulihkannya.

    In English
    This poem illustrates the relationship between humans and the earth/land as mothers who are injured due to the actions of their children. The land expressed his pain and suffering because of human actions, which constantly explored, took and damaged without thinking about the consequences. A mother who loving loves her children even though they betrayed a promise to look after and care for her. This reminds us of the impact of human behavior that often forgets the value of nature as the motherland. Land asks for more attention than just exploration, but real affection in the form of acts of guarding and restoring it

  32. In Indonesian
    Puisi ini mengingatkan saya tentang penderitaan dan kerusakan yang dialami oleh alam, khususnya tanah, akibat keserakahan manusia. Tanah yang seharusnya menjadi sumber kehidupan justru diabaikan, dilukai, dan dieksploitasi. Ada perasaan rindu dan cinta yang mendalam dari alam kepada manusia, seolah tanah berharap manusia kembali mencintainya seperti dulu. Puisi ini juga menjadi seruan untuk menyadari dampak dari tindakan kita dan berjanji menjaga bumi sebelum terlambat.

    In English
    This poem reminds me of the suffering and destruction that nature, especially the land, experiences due to human greed. The land, which should be a source of life, is neglected, wounded, and exploited. There is a profound sense of longing and love from the land towards humans, as if it hopes we return to loving and nurturing it like we once did. The poem is also a call to recognize the impact of our actions and make a promise to protect the earth before it’s too late.

    Aulia Rifqotul Farras
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  33. In English:
    This poem describes the Earth suffering from damage caused by humans. The Earth is depicted as a mother who wishes to be treated better and loved by her children (humankind). The Earth is hurt because nature is constantly being destroyed. These actions can also damage humans’ relationship with nature. This poem gives us awareness to protect and respect nature for the sake of future prosperity.

    In Indonesian:
    Puisi ini menggambarkan Bumi menderita akibat kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh manusia. Bumi digambarkan sebagai seorang ibu yang ingin diperlakukan lebih baik dan dicintai oleh anak-anaknya (umat manusia). Bumi terluka karena alam terus-menerus dirusak. Perbuatan tersebut juga dapat merusak hubungan manusia dengan alam. Puisi ini menyadarkan kita untuk menjaga dan menghargai alam demi kesejahteraan masa depan.

    Dinda Hayati Herman
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  34. Puisi ini menceritakan tentang alam yang telah rusak karena ulah manusia yang hanya memanfaatkannya tanpa peduli dan menghargainya. Puisi ini juga mengajarkan kita untuk lebih menyadari bahwa kita hidup di alam semesta ini dan harus menghargai apa yang sudah ada di dunia ini.

    This poem tells about nature that has been damaged by humans who only use it without caring for and appreciating it. This poem also teaches us to be more aware that we live in this universe and must appreciate what already exists in this world.

    Dhia Awra 24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10M

    puisi ini mrnggambarkan hubungan mendalam antara tanah dan manusia, yang melambangkan rasa sakit dan kerinduan bumi yang diyinggalkan oleh anak anaknya yang mengeksploitasi sumber daya alam. dengan simbolisme luka dan oenyembuhan, puisi ini menyororti oentingnya tanggung jawab manusia terhadap alam, mengingatkan bahwa cinta sejati harus diwujudkan dalam tindakanbnyata bukan hanya sekedar kata kata. puisi ini juga mencerminkan kritik terhadap pengkhianatan manudia yang sering mrngabaikan keberlanjutan drmi keuntungan sesaat. secara keseluruhan puisi inibadalah oanggilan emosional untuk menyadari dan merawat hubungan kita dengan bumi, yang menekankan bahwa cinta terhadap alam harus diiringi dengan upaya nyata untuk mrlindunginya.

    This poem depicts the deep connection between land and man, symbolizing the pain and longing of the earth abandoned by its children who exploit its natural resources. With the symbolism of wounds and healing, this poem highlights the importance of human responsibility towards nature, reminding us that true love must be manifested in real actions, not just words. This poem also reflects a critique of human betrayal that often ignores sustainability for momentary gain. Overall, this poem is an emotional call to realize and care for our relationship with the earth, emphasizing that love for nature must be accompanied by real efforts to protect it.

  36. Adrian Rama Putra
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

    This poem portrays the earth as a living entity that suffers from exploitation and betrayal by humans, likened to its children. Despite its wounds and losses, the earth longs for its children and hopes to be remembered sincerely. It desires genuine love and deep attention, waiting for the restoration of lost connections. The poem reflects longing and hope even in a state of hurt.

    Bahasa Indonesia
    Puisi ini menggambarkan bumi sebagai entitas yang merasakan penderitaan akibat eksploitasi dan pengkhianatan oleh manusia, yang diibaratkan sebagai anak-anaknya. Meskipun terluka dan kehilangan, bumi tetap merindukan anak-anaknya dan berharap untuk diingat dengan tulus. Ia menginginkan cinta yang nyata dan perhatian yang mendalam, serta menantikan pemulihan hubungan yang hilang. Puisi ini mencerminkan kerinduan dan harapan meskipun dalam keadaan terluka.

  37. Puisi ini menggambarkan Bumi sebagai sosok ibu yang terluka akibat eksploitasi manusia. Ia merasakan sakit ketika tubuhnya digali dan rusak, namun tetap merindukan cinta sejati dari manusia, yang sering mengabaikan janji untuk merawatnya. Meski terluka, Bumi masih berharap manusia akan bertobat dan menyembuhkannya, bukan hanya memperlakukannya dengan kata-kata kosong. Di akhir, ada peringatan bahwa jika manusia terus lalai, luka ini bisa membara menjadi bencana. Meskipun demikian, Bumi tetap mencintai manusia hingga akhir.

    This poem depicts the Earth as a mother figure wounded by human exploitation. She feels pain when her body is dug up and damaged, but still longs for true love from humans, who often ignore their promises to care for her. Although wounded, the Earth still hopes that humans will repent and heal her, rather than just treating her with empty words. At the end, there is a warning that if humans continue to be negligent, this wound could flare up into a disaster. Nevertheless, the Earth continues to love humans until the end.

    Anggia Febrilina Zani
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  38. 1. Puisi ini menyampaikan kesedihan dan rasa sakit bumi karena dirusak oleh manusia. Bumi merasa seperti ibu yang dikhianati oleh anak-anaknya yang hanya mengambil kekayaannya tanpa merawatnya. Puisi ini mengingatkan kita agar lebih peduli dan menjaga lingkungan dengan baik.

    2. Ide bisnis yang muncul adalah membuka usaha penghijauan atau produk ramah lingkungan, seperti layanan penanaman pohon, pemulihan tanah yang rusak, atau produk-produk yang aman untuk lingkungan.
    Alasannya adalah puisi ini menekankan pentingnya merawat alam dan menunjukkan akibat buruk dari eksploitasi.
    Peluang: Bisnis ini punya peluang besar karena makin banyak orang yang sadar dan peduli pada masalah lingkungan. Dengan dukungan masyarakat dan potensi kolaborasi dengan organisasi yang peduli lingkungan, usaha ini bisa tumbuh dan berdampak positif.

    Adilla Putri Wilyon
    24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

    24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

    Makna umum dari puisi ini:

    Puisi ini menggambarkan perasaan kecewa dan sakitnya alam, khususnya tanah atau bumi, yang terus dieksploitasi tanpa dipedulikan. Tanah seperti seorang ibu yang mencintai anak-anaknya, walau mereka terus melukainya. Dia rindu dan ingin anak-anaknya kembali menghargai serta merawatnya, bukan hanya memanfaatkannya. Ini seolah jadi pengingat agar kita lebih menghargai dan menjaga alam, bukan sekadar mengambil manfaat darinya.
    Ide bisnis dari sudut pandang calon wirausahawan:

    Membaca puisi ini dari sudut pandang seorang calon wirausahawan, ide yang muncul adalah bisnis ramah lingkungan, seperti usaha daur ulang atau produk eco-friendly yang membantu merawat lingkungan. Misalnya, bisnis yang memproduksi kemasan biodegradable atau energi terbarukan untuk mengurangi dampak eksploitasi terhadap alam. Peluang bisnis ini bagus mengingat kesadaran akan pentingnya keberlanjutan lingkungan makin meningkat, dan orang-orang mulai mencari produk yang mendukung perawatan bumi kita.

  40. From the reading I really like this part:
    “Though you become lost and cause me pain, I am the earth, loving you until my shards come to an end”

    I like this because Even though the land is Even though he is hurt, he still loves humans and lets humans stand on him. It can be said that for someone who is always good to us even though we hurt him, if he still loves us, he will always be there for us to lean on and stand on.

  41. From the podcast, the lines that interested me is:
    “I bear dusty wounds that never heal”

    I really like this because the sentence I bear the wound that are still raw and never heal really touch my heart, it’s like bearing his own wounds without being able to heal, without anyone understanding, without a place to tell stories.

  42. From this poem the line that I like is
    “ Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya di genggam”
    because what I understand here is that we have to remember to always take care of the earth.

    1. From the poem the line that like is
      “ aku ingin diingat,bukan hanya di genggam”
      What I understand here is about people who want to be appreciated or loved sincerely, not just because they have a relationship.

  43. One of the most powerful lines according to the podcast is
    “kalian menaburkan debu di mataku,
    membutakan arah hingga aku tersesat
    dalam sunyi yang memakan diri”
    because in this line the statement is really perfect for expressing feelings of disappointment

  44. The part “Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.” Is the most interesting for me.
    The words is full of determination to stand up for what is right and this lines give spirit to me.

  45. In Poem
    the part that i mostly interest is ‘aku menanggung luka berdebu yang tak kunjung sembuh’ The most powerful part of this poetry extract is because the words are very deep and can have a very deep meaning

    In Podcast
    the part that i mostly rember and powerfull is ‘loving you until my shards come to end’ You can see the seriousness of the meaning of the words in this part which is very beautiful in its composition

  46. I like this stanza:
    “I am the soil beneath your feet,
    but beneath this mud, I hold a longing,
    a longing to embrace you,
    my children who betrayed their promise,
    you sprinkle dust in my eyes,
    blinding my direction until I am lost
    in the silence that devours itself.”

    This poem expresses the profound disappointment and sorrow of a nurturing figure—symbolized as the “soil beneath your feet”—toward those it has cared for but who have neglected or betrayed it. The “soil” embodies both grounding support and a sense of permanence, yet it feels abandoned by “children who betrayed their promise.” The imagery of “sprinkling dust” and “blinding my direction” suggests actions that obscure and harm, blurring the soil’s path and purpose. This leads to a state of confusion and loss, culminating in the haunting line, “lost in the silence that devours itself,” which powerfully conveys a painful, consuming solitude. The style is reflective and somber, capturing the emotional depth of loss and the complex relationship between care and betrayal.

    Yona Maygita (21019066) _24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall 21 LM

  47. Annisa Muhasyafira 21019028 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)

    Aku adalah tanah yang dipijak dan diinjak,
    tapi di balik lumpur ini, aku menyimpan rindu,
    rindu untuk memelukmu,
    anak-anakku yang berkhianat pada janji,
    kalian menaburkan debu di mataku,
    membutakan arah hingga aku tersesat
    dalam sunyi yang memakan diri.

    the reason why this stanza was chosen because it conveys feelings of sadness and longing from the figure who is considered to be the motherland towards her children who have neglected her. In these lines, the land represents itself as something that is often “stepped upon and trodden upon,” depicting endless but often unappreciated sacrifice. Even so, he still had a longing to embrace his children who had “betrayed their promise.” Phrases such as longing to hug you and you dusting my eyes give a deep impression of the disappointment and loneliness experienced.

    The meaning of this stanza is nature’s deep disappointment towards humans who do not maintain balance and promise for the environment. The motherland, which represents nature, shows unrequited loyalty and affection, even though humans are often negligent and even cause damage. The image of dust in my eyes and silence consuming itself reflects the pain of nature which is slowly being damaged due to human unconsciousness. This stanza reminds us of the importance of protecting the environment and not ignoring the inner bond with nature which truly supports us all.

  48. Poem “Tanah Yang Menangis” Karya Leni Marlina Bait ke-1
    Aku adalah bumi yang diam,
    melihat dan mengoyak lapisan tubuhku,
    menggali hingga darahku mengucur,
    diambil, dijual, diangkut ke negeri yang asing,
    di mana cintaku hanya menjadi sisa,
    suara yang tertinggal di antara bayang dan bisik.

    This poem symbolises the feeling of the earth experiencing suffering due to human exploitation. The earth is likened to a living creature that is still and watches its body being excavated and exploited, with “my blood” referring to natural resources that are taken non-stop. This pain is even more felt when the earth’s wealth is taken to a foreign place, leaving the earth alone only as a neglected “leftover”, left in “shadows and whispers.” This poem is interesting to me because the personification of the earth as a wounded figure makes the reader feel deep empathy for environmental damage, and the choice of poetic and touching words depicts invisible but meaningful damage.

  49. This poem is a powerful and emotional work that uses the metaphors of “earth” and “land” to depict the pain, loss, and longing experienced by an entity that has been exploited and neglected by its own children—who can be interpreted as humans, or more specifically, the successive generations who have exploited the earth without responsibility. The poem carries a strong social message and critique about the indifference towards nature and the environment, while also expressing deep love and yearning for something that has been forsaken and wounded.
    In the first stanza, “I am the silent earth”, the poet portrays the earth as a passive entity, silently witnessing the damage inflicted upon it. The earth is dug, exploited, its resources taken, sold, and exported to foreign lands. This can be interpreted as a critique of mining practices, environmental destruction, or the unsustainable exploitation of natural resources, which benefits only a few while destroying the earth that sustains all life.

    Ihsanul Eka Vitra 21019043 (24 JD-I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)

  50. Kalian berjanji,
    anak-anak yang mencintai Ibu,
    mencintai tanah ini dengan setengah hati,
    seperti derak-derak tulang yang terbentur batu,
    tak berdaya, tak bernyawa,
    menjadi bisikan yang dihanyutkan angin.

    The meaning of this poem is a child who really loves his mother from all his deepest heart without asking for anything and is sincere and is a true way for the sake of the mother he loves and a dutiful child who never fights and always loves him with all his heart.

    tyo kurniawan 21019113 _24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall 21 LM

  51. Poem ‘Tanah Yang menangis” Karya Leni Marlina Bait ke-1
    Aku adalah bumi yang diam,
    melihat dan mengoyak lapisan tubuhku,
    menggali hingga darahku mengucur,
    diambil, dijual, diangkut ke negeri yang asing,
    di mana cintaku hanya menjadi sisa,
    suara yang tertinggal di antara bayang dan bisik.

    his stanza conveys the perspective of the earth, personified as a silent witness to its own exploitation. The imagery of “seeing and tearing through my layers” and “digging until my blood flows” powerfully represents how natural resources are extracted, causing harm to the earth. These resources are then “taken, sold, transported to foreign lands,” symbolizing the disregard for the earth’s well-being in pursuit of profit. The phrase “where my love becomes residue, a voice left between shadows and whispers” suggests that the earth’s generosity and beauty are reduced to mere remnants, unappreciated and forgotten.

    Choosing this stanza highlights the profound message about environmental exploitation and the often-ignored impact of human actions on nature. It serves as a powerful reminder of the earth’s silent suffering and the need for empathy and responsibility toward the environment.

  52. Aku adalah tanah yang dipijak dan diinjak,
    tapi di balik lumpur ini, aku menyimpan rindu,
    rindu untuk memelukmu,
    anak-anakku yang berkhianat pada janji,
    kalian menaburkan debu di mataku,
    membutakan arah hingga aku tersesat dalam sunyi yang memakan diri.

    This stanza describes the feelings of the “I” persona, who experiences betrayal and loneliness. The line “I am the ground that is stepped on and trampled” illustrates how “I” is a loyal and self-sacrificing figure but is unappreciated.
    In conclusion, this stanza expresses the disappointment of the “I” persona, who is often unappreciated and betrayed by those they love.

    Siti Aurora Putri Ardsya 21019111 (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)

  53. Puisi ini menggambarkan keinginan mendalam untuk diingat dengan cara yang lebih berarti, bukan sekadar sebagai kenangan fisik, tetapi dalam kedalaman hati. Bait-bait seperti “tangan yang hampa” dan “tubuh yang kembali kepadaku,” menciptakan gambaran kesepian dan kerinduan akan hubungan yang lebih intim, sementara “lubuk hati yang digali hingga hancur” menyoroti luka emosional yang ditinggalkan. Penutupan dengan “lubang-lubang kosong di tempat napasku perlahan terhenti” menyiratkan perasaan kehilangan yang mendalam, menggambarkan bagaimana sebuah ingatan atau hubungan bisa meninggalkan bekas yang abadi, namun juga membawa kekosongan. Puisi ini dengan indah menggambarkan keresahan dan keinginan untuk dikenang dengan cara yang lebih tulus dan berarti.

    Sitoresmi Pramudyawardhani – 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM

  54. SALSABILLA KHAIRANI (21019058) – 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM

    Bait yang menarik bagi saya adalah:

    Aku adalah tanah yang dipijak dan diinjak,
    tapi di balik lumpur ini, aku menyimpan rindu,
    rindu untuk memelukmu,
    anak-anakku yang berkhianat pada janji,
    kalian menaburkan debu di mataku,
    membutakan arah hingga aku tersesat
    dalam sunyi yang memakan diri..

    Bait ini menggambarkan alam yang penuh dengan penderitaan dan ketabahan. Pembicara merasa seperti “tanah yang dipijak dan diinjak,” sebuah gambaran dari alam yang terus-menerus dieksploitasi dan terabaikan. Meski begitu, di balik “lumpur” yang terkadang menghalangi, ada kekuatan alam yang terus bertahan, menyimpan “rindu” untuk tumbuh dan hidup. Alam yang terluka ini, meski terkoyak dan dihancurkan, tetap berdiri teguh. “Menaburkan debu di mata” melambangkan dampak kerusakan yang mengaburkan pandangan, membuat alam seakan tersesat dalam kehancuran. Namun, meskipun terperangkap dalam “sunyi yang memakan diri,” alam tetap berjuang untuk bertahan hidup dan melanjutkan siklusnya, meski sering terlupakan dan terabaikan.

  55. Bait: “Aku adalah tanah yang menangis,
    menggeliat dalam diam,
    mengais harapan di balik malam yang bisu,
    menanti hari di mana cintaku bukanlah sekadar kalimat,
    tapi langkah yang berpijak kembali,
    di atas tubuhku yang retak.”

    This verse is a touching tribute that captures the transformative power of a teacher’s influence. It illustrates how teachers don’t just impart knowledge but also instill values, resilience, and guidance that stay with students throughout their lives. The imagery of the ocean suggests that a teacher’s impact is profound, enduring, and even mystical, shaping the students’ journey even when they are no longer together. It’s a reminder of the lifelong connection and gratitude that many feel toward their teachers.
    Nurul Hidayah 21019100 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall 21 LM

  56. Nur Aini Raswati 21019099 (JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)
    Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam,
    bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa,
    tapi dengan tubuh yang kembali kepadaku,
    mencari hangat di lapisan terdalam,
    dalam lubuk hati yang digali hingga hancur,
    menyisakan lubang-lubang kosong di tempat napasku perlahan terhenti.
    Behind someone who looks happy on the outside, there is a hidden wound that cannot be expressed verbally or in writing, it can only be kept in silence.

  57. Aku adalah tanah yang menangis,
    menggeliat dalam diam,
    mengais harapan di balik malam yang bisu,
    menanti hari di mana cintaku bukanlah sekadar kalimat,
    tapi langkah yang berpijak kembali,
    di atas tubuhku yang retak
    this makes me so touch, This verse carries a powerful message of sorrow, resilience, and hope, expressed through the metaphor of “the land” as a silent yet wounded being yearning for genuine care.
    This verse is an evocative reflection on the need for love that goes beyond words, conveyed through the imagery of land that suffers in silence, awaiting true restoration. The land’s cracks and silent endurance symbolize how people or nature itself can endure great hardship, all while hoping for care that is tangible rather than superficial. It resonates as a plea for genuine action and respect, rather than empty promises, especially relevant in the context of environmental degradation or personal relationships. This verse reminds us of the power and responsibility we hold in nurturing and healing what has been damaged – whether it is the land, a relationship, or a person’s spirit.
    Nurul Hidayah 21019100 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall 21 LM

  58. I chose this verse because it is very relevant to environmental issues and the destruction of nature that often occurs due to over-exploitation and lack of awareness of the importance of protecting the earth. This stanza reminds us of how the earth and nature are not just resources that can be utilized, but also have the value of life and feelings that should be respected and protected.
    This stanza depicts the land as an entity full of patience and love, even though it is constantly stepped on and damaged by its children—humans. “I am the ground that is stepped on and trodden on” suggests that the land is often treated without respect by humans, but the land still exists and supports life. The land is not angry, but behind the wounds it bears, there is a “longing to embrace you,” which shows the land’s affection and desire to be treated well and appreciated.

  59. “Aku adalah tanah yang dipijak dan diinjak,
    tapi di balik lumpur ini, aku menyimpan rindu,
    rindu untuk memelukmu.”
    Saya memilih bait ini sangat relevan dengan isu-isu lingkungan dan kehancuran alam yang sering terjadi akibat eksploitasi berlebihan dan kurangnya kesadaran akan pentingnya menjaga bumi. Bait ini mengingatkan kita akan betapa bumi dan alam ini bukan sekadar sumber daya yang dapat dimanfaatkan, tetapi juga memiliki nilai kehidupan dan perasaan yang seharusnya dihargai dan dilindungi.
    Bait ini menggambarkan tanah sebagai entitas yang penuh kesabaran dan cinta, meskipun ia terus-menerus diinjak dan dirusak oleh anak-anaknya—manusia. “Aku adalah tanah yang dipijak dan diinjak” mengisyaratkan bahwa tanah sering kali diperlakukan tanpa rasa hormat oleh manusia, namun tanah tetap ada dan menopang kehidupan. Tanah ini tidak marah, tetapi di balik luka-luka yang ia tanggung, terdapat “rindu untuk memelukmu,” yang menunjukkan kasih sayang dan keinginan tanah untuk diperlakukan dengan baik dan dihargai.

    1. I chose this verse to be very relevant to environmental issues and the destruction of nature that often occurs due to over-exploitation and lack of awareness of the importance of protecting the earth. This stanza reminds us of how the earth and nature are not just resources that can be utilized, but also have the value of life and feelings that should be respected and protected.
      This stanza depicts the land as an entity full of patience and love, even though it is constantly stepped on and damaged by its children—humans. “I am the ground that is stepped on and trodden on” suggests that the land is often treated without respect by humans, but the land still exists and supports life. The land is not angry, but behind the wounds it bears, there is a “longing to embrace you,” which shows the land’s affection and desire to be treated well and appreciated.

  60. Muhammad Abdurrosyid Dzakhwan (JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)

    Saya sangat tertarik dan memilih bait ini
    Aku adalah tanah yang menangis,
    menggeliat dalam diam,
    mengais harapan di balik malam yang bisu,
    menanti hari di mana cintaku bukanlah sekadar kalimat,
    tapi langkah yang berpijak kembali,
    di atas tubuhku yang retak.

    Bait diatas menggambarkan dengan dalam bagaimana tanah tersebut merupakan interpretasi dari manusia itu sendiri yang penuh dengan harapan dan diselimuti perasaan rapuh

  61. “Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.” The text is tle last stanza of the poem. even though it just a sentence. it tells about genuine affection given without conditions even when hurt by the behavior and unconsciousness of others.
    Sohibul Aminudin, 24 JD IE Trans JM9-10 NKall21 LM

  62. the part that really stuck with me was Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.

    Here it gives us a lesson that a mother will always love her child no matter what the circumstances, her affection will never fade even if her child forgets her.or there is no time for her mother.

  63. from the podcast I took one part namely
    Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam,
    bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa.

    in this part it’s like giving me a slap or giving me a warning that the mother wants to be remembered always by her child not just a regular hug and then just leave it.

  64. Melcya Putri N. H. – 210109087 – 24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM
    Puisi ini menyiratkan keinginan mendalam untuk diingat dengan kehadiran yang nyata, bukan sekadar di permukaan. Penulis menginginkan hubungan yang tulus dan intim, bukan hanya pelukan yang kosong atau genggaman tanpa makna. Ada kerinduan akan seseorang yang kembali mencari kehangatan dan kenyamanan dalam dirinya, bahkan hingga ke lapisan terdalam hati.

    Gambaran “lubuk hati yang digali hingga hancur” menggambarkan rasa sakit yang mungkin telah dialami penulis, namun tetap ada kerinduan dan kerelaan untuk membuka diri, meskipun itu membuatnya rentan dan terbuka pada luka. “Lubang-lubang kosong” ini bisa dilihat sebagai sisa dari hubungan yang intens, di mana napasnya – simbol dari hidup dan kehadirannya – terasa perlahan hilang.

  65. Muthia Rahmah Fadhilah
    (JD 24 I-E TRANS JM 9-10 NK-ALL21 LM)

    “Aku adalah tanah yang menangis,
    menggeliat dalam diam,
    mengais harapan di balik malam yang bisu,
    menanti hari di mana cintaku bukanlah sekadar kalimat,
    tapi langkah yang berpijak kembali,
    di atas tubuhku yang retak.“

    This stanza depicts a powerful metaphor of the land “weeping” as a symbol of suffering and sorrow, seen in silence and helplessness. “Writhing in silence” implies an invisible effort, a struggle to survive and find hope in the midst of silence and hardship (“the silent night”).

  66. The most interested and clear part to me is “Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam”
    Because The meaning is very deep, which means we need to remember and protect the earth, not just use it .

  67. From the poem, I like this part:
    “Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.”

    I like this part because even though we have hurt the land, it doesn’t hate and still loves humans. He also allowed humans to stand on it until the pieces ended.

  68. From the podcast, I like this part:
    “Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam, bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa.”

    I like this part because this sentence signals that the land wants to be appreciated and paid more attention.

    1. The most touching or meaningful part in my opinion is the part “Aku adalah tanah yang menangis,
      menggeliat dalam diam,
      mengais harapan di balik malam yang bisu,
      menanti hari di mana cintaku bukanlah sekadar kalimat,
      tapi langkah yang berpijak kembali,
      di atas tubuhku yang retak. “This part teaches that true love means loyalty and unconditional sacrifice.

  69. When I read this poem, I felt deeply moved by the line ” Aku tak ingin hanya diingat dalam sepi, aku ingin disembuhkan.”because it expresses a hope not to be forgotten.

  70. The most powerful part of the podcast is “diambil, dijual, diangkut ke negeri yang asing,
    di mana cintaku hanya menjadi sisa” because it portrays a love lost and taken far away, leaving only memories in a foreign place.

  71. How is the poem conveyed ?
    Answer : the poem conveyed in the emotional way because it tells about
    People that cannot keep their promises to their land and damaged it
    Moammar Hian Alrafid
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  72. question:
    how the poem make us feel sore of the land?
    Because there’s a specific language such as: didging, blood, and dust.

    Rifki Prayoga – 24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  73. Question :
    When the poem has been published ?
    Answer : the poem was publish on october 29th 2024

    Rahmanul Hakim Darli
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 Int LM

  74. How the poet express a deep sorrow feeling in the poem?
    She use a persona that can emphasis the tension of lane pain , humanity thing, feeling betrayal for broken promises and she also use powerful word to express that the lane is pyhsically violated
    Marisa Devi
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK lnt LM

  75. How does the poem make us feel the sorrow of the land?

    = The author, Leni Marlina, uses a specific language, literary techniques, and the word choices for the poem, making us sympathize and feels experience the pain and sorrow as well.

    Javier Graysa
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  76. Who does the speaker address in the poem?
    = The speaker addresses her “children,” which represent humankind, particularly those who have exploited and harmed the Earth.

    Dewi Sasmaya Acintya Putri
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK INT LM

  77. What is the main feeling expressed by the Earth in this poem?
    = The main feeling expressed by the Earth is sadness and longing. The Earth feels hurt because its children, humans, have taken its resources and caused harm, but it still loves them deeply and hopes they will return to care for it.

    Winaya Asa
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  78. What is the poem talks about?
    The poem expresses the pain, longing, and betrayal felt by the earth due to human actions such as exploitation, environmental degradation, and the breaking of promises to care for it

    Muhammad Dzikry Rahmadana Putra
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  79. Question:
    What does the line “diambil, dicual, diangkut ke negeri yang asing dimana cintaku hanya menjadi sisa” show about the Earth in the poem?

    The line shows that the Earth feels hurt because its resources are taken, sold, and sent far away, leaving only leftovers. It shows the Earth’s pain and how it feels forgotten and used by people.

    Dela Safira Chottami
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

    1. Base on this poem how’s the land relationship with its children?
      Answer : the land loves its children unconditionaly like mother to their children depsites how badly it get treated by its children, its still. They didnt keep their promise that they alredy swear to the land , the land miss to be hold to be loved by its children. The land hopes its children will return to it with innocent gesture..not to just to take advantages.

      Fanny syifa hanania

  80. The podcaster mention about global conversation about climate change and sustainabilty, what is the relation about those topic and this poem?
    > The poem, Tanah Yang Menangis implied a poetic expression of all those anxiety. Its a warning about the path where those global conversation was on topic back on those years.

    Nabilla Izzati Putri
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK int LM

  81. How does the Earth hope to be treated by its children?
    ~>The Earth hopes to be healed and remembered not just through words, but by actions that show true care and respect, restoring the bond between it and humanity.

    Aldi Syaputra
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK int LM

  82. what is the personification of land the podcaster talk about?
    the land as a living feeling entity that can feel pain and lost that make reader gets emotional when read about poem ‘tanah yang menangis’.

    Saskiya Putri Haifa
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  83. What’s the meaning of this poems?
    Answer : In my own opinion, this poem tells about how the land or earth that we stand on, that we live in is waiting for us to take care of it. Waiting for us to remember it and take care of it again. Not just use it without taking care of it. This land, this earth, can also be angry if we do something wrong to it.

    Tiffany Amanda Syahira
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  84. What role does natural imagery play in building the mood of this poem?
    > The imagery of nature in this poem plays an important role in creating an atmosphere full of sadness, regret, and despair.
    Najla Azzahra
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  85. What is the main theme of the poem “Tanah yang Menangis”?
    : The main theme of this poem is the sadness and suffering of nature, as well as the reflection on the relationship between humans and the environment.

    Raya Nadira
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  86. what is the theme of the poem

    This poem centers on the anguish and struggles of nature, offering a reflection on humanity’s relationship with the natural world.

  87. How does the speakers feel about the poem?
    –THe speakers think and feel that the poem talks about a message and warning about our consequences on how we take the resource without even thinks about the consequenceson what we have done to our world

  88. The main theme of the poem?:

    The central theme of this poem revolves around the sorrow and hardship experienced by nature, along with a contemplation on the connection between humans and the environment.

    Fairrel Athaillah Rheynri
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  89. what speaker feel about the poem??

    The speakers believe that the poem conveys a message and a warning about the consequences of our actions in exploiting natural resources without considering the impact on our world. They feel that it reflects on how our careless behavior has repercussions for the environment and our future.

  90. what speaker feel about the poem??

    The speakers believe that the poem conveys a message and a warning about the consequences of our actions in exploiting natural resources without considering the impact on our world. They feel that it reflects on how our careless behavior has repercussions for the environment and our future

    Valentino All Varel (24019032) 24 JD Listeing ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  91. from the poem i really like is “Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.
    i really like this part because it’s really touched my heart
    from the podcast “Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam,
    bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa.
    these word teach us to remember and appreciate sincerely and it has very deep meaning

  92. I think the powerful part is “Aku tak ingin hanya diingat dalam sepi, aku ingin disembuhkan.” In English “I don’t want to just be remembered in silence, I want to be healed. ”
    This really touched me because this part means that our feelings will be meaningless if we don’t act, we won’t be able to help if there is no action.

  93. 1. Puisi ini menggambarkan kepedihan dan luka yang dialami oleh bumi akibat tindakan manusia yang merusak dan mengeksploitasi alam. Meski terluka, bumi tetap menyimpan cinta dan kerinduan kepada “anak-anaknya” (manusia) agar kembali memperlakukannya dengan cinta dan kepedulian. Puisi ini membawa pesan yang dalam tentang pentingnya menjaga alam dan memenuhi tanggung jawab kita terhadap lingkungan.

    2. Membaca puisi ini dari sudut pandang wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang kuat adalah usaha restorasi ekologi atau pertanian regeneratif yang mendukung pelestarian alam dan pemulihan lahan yang rusak. Usaha ini bisa berupa bisnis penanaman kembali pohon (reforestasi), pembenahan lahan kritis, atau menyediakan jasa pertanian organik yang tidak merusak lingkungan.

  94. 1. Business Idea: The poem inspires a business idea related to sustainable environmental practices. One idea could be a green business focused on reforestation and environmental restoration. This could involve planting trees, cleaning polluted areas, and raising awareness about environmental issues to heal and restore the earth, as described in the poem.

    2. Character Traits: The character traits to apply in entrepreneurship are resilience and dedication. Just as the earth endures pain and continues to love despite being harmed, entrepreneurs need to be strong in overcoming challenges, remain committed to their mission, and work towards long-term healing and positive change, no matter the obstacles.

    hanifah ganeca arya(23019009) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 KM NK3 23 LM)

  95. 1. One business idea inspired by poetry is a creative writing and publishing service for personalized poetry collections or custom-written poems for special occasions.
    2. The traits from poetry needed for entrepreneurship include creativity, sensitivity, resilience, courage to express ideas, and perseverance.

    Fifi Helya Putri (23019047)
    24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM

  96. Business Idea:
    A platform to connect individuals with the land and the stories of their homeland, fostering emotional healing and reconciliation with their roots. I Am the Earth That Waits would create a space where people can reflect on their past, their connection to the land, and work towards healing the wounds left by betrayal and loss.
    Required Traits:
    • Healing: Providing a space for emotional recovery and reconnecting with the land.
    • Reconciliation: Fostering understanding and mending broken ties between the land and its people.
    • Cultural Legacy: Celebrating and preserving the memories, promises, and bonds tied to one’s homeland.
    Name: Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093) 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM

  97. 1. Possible business idea:
    A community-based social enterprise focused on promoting self-improvement and collective well-being. This could involve programs for personal growth, conflict resolution, and community building, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect, forgiveness, and the well-being of the collective, just as the poem highlights the joy of seeing others thrive and the sorrow of seeing them fall.

    2. Necessary character traits:
    Empathy, integrity, and resilience. Just like the speaker in the poem, a business leader should value the well-being of others, forgive mistakes, and encourage growth, while holding firm to ethical principles, especially when facing challenges or witnessing others’ downfalls.

    (Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari, 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)

  98. 1. Business idea inspired by the poem:
    “Mother Earth Revival,” a sustainable eco-business focusing on land rehabilitation through reforestation, community-driven conservation projects, and organic farming. The business would promote responsible land use and educate future generations on nurturing the earth.

    2. Character traits to apply:
    Resilience to face challenges, responsibility for the environment, and dedication to restoring balance and nurturing growth.

    Gibran Alikhsan (23019049) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.

  99. 1. Business idea inspired by the poem:
    “Mother Earth Revival,” a sustainable eco-business focusing on land rehabilitation through reforestation, community-driven conservation projects, and organic farming. The business would promote responsible land use and educate future generations on nurturing the earth.

    2. Character traits to apply:
    Resilience to whatever face challenges, responsibility for the environment, and dedication to restoring balance and nurturing growth.

    Gibran Alikhsan (23019049) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.

  100. 1. Business Idea: Launch an eco-restoration or sustainable farming initiative that reconnects people to the land, focusing on healing and revitalizing nature while fostering community involvement.

    2. Character Traits:

    Responsibility: Caring for the environment, recognizing its value beyond exploitation.

    Empathy: Understanding the land’s pain and striving to nurture it back to health.

    Commitment: Honoring promises and working tirelessly to repair what is damaged.

    hanifah ganeca arya(23019009)
    24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM

  101. 1. Possible business idea:
    An eco-restoration and sustainable farming enterprise that focuses on rehabilitating degraded land while promoting environmental awareness. The business could include agroforestry, organic farming, and reforestation projects, engaging local communities to rebuild and cherish the land.

    2. Necessary character traits:
    Responsibility, environmental consciousness, and dedication. These traits are critical for caring for the earth, recognizing its sacrifices, and committing to reversing the damage caused by human actions.

    3. Type and form of entrepreneurship:
    Environmental and social entrepreneurship. This could involve a hybrid model where profits from sustainable farming fund environmental restoration activities, creating a balance between economic growth and ecological preservation.

    (Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari, 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)

  102. Entrepreneurial ideas inspired by “Tanah yang Menangis” include environmental restoration services, sustainable resource management initiatives, community education on ecological preservation, and eco-friendly product development to address exploitation, healing, and reconciliation with nature.
    Fifi Helya Putri (23019047)
    24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23

  103. 1. Business idea inspired by the poem:
    The poem’s depiction of the earth as a wounded yet forgiving mother suggests a business idea centered around environmental restoration called “Earth’s Embrace.” This initiative could focus on sustainable reforestation, soil regeneration, and eco-conscious agricultural practices. The business could also produce storytelling campaigns and educational programs that inspire communities to reconnect with the land. Products might include artisanal goods made from sustainably sourced materials, with proceeds supporting ecological repair efforts.

    2. Character traits to apply:
    Empathy and responsibility are essential, as the earth’s voice in the poem reflects deep care and pain. Patience and commitment are also critical traits, mirroring the earth’s enduring love despite ongoing harm, ensuring the business remains focused on long-term healing and sustainability.

    Gibran Alikhsan (23019049) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.

  104. Puisi ini menggambarkan kesedihan dan penderitaan bumi sebagai ibu yang memberi kehidupan, namun dihianati oleh anak-anaknya—manusia yang mengeksploitasi dan merusaknya. Dari perspektif ini, kita dapat mengidentifikasi beberapa ide usaha dan karakteristik yang perlu diterapkan untuk memulai dan menjalankan bisnis:
    1. Ide Usaha yang Dapat Dijalankan Berdasarkan Puisi:
    Puisi ini sangat kental dengan tema kerusakan lingkungan dan perasaan bumi yang terluka oleh tindakan manusia. Oleh karena itu, *usaha yang berfokus pada keberlanjutan lingkungan dan restorasi alam* akan sangat relevan dengan pesan puisi ini. Beberapa ide usaha yang bisa dijalankan adalah:

    – Usaha Pengelolaan Sampah dan Daur Ulang: Mengingat perasaan bumi yang merasa dihianati dan terluka, usaha yang berfokus pada pengelolaan sampah dan daur ulang akan sangat relevan. Usaha ini dapat mencakup program edukasi masyarakat untuk mengurangi limbah plastik, mendaur ulang, dan mempromosikan penggunaan bahan ramah lingkungan yang lebih baik.

    – Restorasi Alam dan Reboisasi: Membangun usaha yang fokus pada penghijauan kembali tanah yang gundul atau lahan yang tercemar. Bisnis ini bisa melibatkan program-program penghijauan, reboisasi, serta perlindungan terhadap ekosistem yang terancam punah, untuk “menyembuhkan” bumi yang telah terluka.

    – Energi Terbarukan dan Teknologi Hijau: Mengembangkan usaha yang mendukung penggunaan energi terbarukan seperti tenaga surya, angin, atau biomassa. Ini juga bisa mencakup penyediaan teknologi ramah lingkungan yang membantu mengurangi dampak negatif terhadap bumi, seperti kendaraan listrik atau peralatan berbasis energi bersih.

    – Edukasi dan Kampanye Kesadaran Lingkungan: Menginisiasi kampanye kesadaran lingkungan yang mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya menjaga bumi dan memitigasi kerusakan alam. Usaha ini bisa berupa platform online, seminar, atau even-even yang menyebarkan pengetahuan mengenai cara-cara merawat bumi.

    2. Karakter yang Perlu Diterapkan dalam Memulai dan Menjalankan Bisnis/Wirausaha:
    Dalam puisi ini, karakter bumi menunjukkan kesabaran, ketulusan cinta, dan kesediaan untuk terus memberikan meskipun disakiti. Karakter-karakter ini dapat diadaptasi untuk menjalankan usaha dengan prinsip-prinsip berikut:

    – Kesabaran dan Ketekunan: Seperti bumi yang tak pernah berhenti memberikan meski terus menerus dilukai, seorang wirausahawan harus memiliki kesabaran dalam menghadapi tantangan. Bisnis yang berfokus pada keberlanjutan dan restorasi alam sering kali membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk memberikan dampak yang terlihat. Oleh karena itu, ketekunan dan keuletan adalah hal yang penting.

    – Keberanian untuk Melawan Kerusakan: Seperti dalam puisi yang menggambarkan bumi yang “akan menjadi bara yang tersembunyi,” seorang wirausahawan perlu memiliki keberanian untuk menantang kebiasaan atau sistem yang merusak. Bisnis yang bertujuan untuk perubahan sosial atau lingkungan harus berani mengambil langkah-langkah yang berbeda dan berani melawan arus untuk membawa dampak positif.

    – Komitmen terhadap Keberlanjutan: Bumi dalam puisi ini menginginkan cinta yang nyata, bukan sekadar kata-kata. Demikian pula, seorang wirausahawan yang mengelola usaha yang berorientasi pada keberlanjutan harus benar-benar berkomitmen pada prinsip-prinsip ramah lingkungan, memastikan bahwa setiap langkah dalam operasional usaha mendukung tujuan tersebut.

    – Keterlibatan dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial: Sebagaimana puisi ini mengisyaratkan bahwa bumi merindukan anak-anaknya yang menghianati janji, wirausahawan harus memiliki rasa tanggung jawab sosial yang tinggi. Ini termasuk memastikan bahwa usaha yang dijalankan tidak hanya menguntungkan, tetapi juga memberi manfaat bagi masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar.

    – Empati dan Kepedulian terhadap Lingkungan: Seperti cinta bumi yang mendalam kepada manusia meskipun ia terus-menerus disakiti, seorang wirausahawan harus memiliki empati terhadap masalah yang lebih besar, seperti perubahan iklim, kerusakan alam, dan ketidakadilan sosial. Ini akan mendorong bisnis untuk berfokus pada solusi yang membawa kebaikan bagi semua pihak.

    24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

  105. Jenis wirausaha yang bisa dilakukan adalah membuka usaha edukasi lingkungan, seperti workshop daur ulang atau bisnis produk ramah lingkungan. Ini bisa membantu menjaga alam dari kerusakan yang tergambar dalam puisi ini.

    24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
    Alimin Sahid

  106. The poem reflects deep themes of environmental degradation, longing, and redemption, offering inspiration for impactful entrepreneurial ventures. Some ideas include eco-restoration initiatives, sustainable farming practices, environmental education programs, cultural preservation projects, art installations highlighting environmental issues, eco-friendly home decor, and community-driven conservation efforts. These ventures require entrepreneurial characteristics such as ecological awareness, empathy, resilience, and a strong commitment to creating meaningful change for both people and the planet.

    Alya Nur Aziza

  107. Puisi Tanah yang Menangis mencerminkan isu kerusakan lingkungan dan ketidakseimbangan antara manusia dan alam. Usaha yang bisa dijalankan untuk menangani masalah ini meliputi:

    1. Pertanian Berkelanjutan: Bisnis berbasis teknik agroekologi atau organik.
    2. Produk Ramah Lingkungan: Produksi barang daur ulang atau alternatif plastik.
    3. Edukasi Lingkungan: Workshop atau program kesadaran lingkungan untuk masyarakat.
    4. *Rehabilitasi Lahan: Usaha penghijauan atau pengelolaan sampah terpadu.

    Aditya Ibnu Pratama
    24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

  108. Puisi ini menyuarakan keberanian dan ketangguhan menghadapi tantangan zaman. Dengan metafora badai, arus, dan akar, puisi menggambarkan perjuangan melawan keterpurukan serta tekad untuk merebut kembali kebanggaan dan identitas. Di dalamnya terdapat pesan harapan bahwa cita-cita dan kebanggaan tidak akan pernah padam, meski dunia terus berubah.
    Muhammad Wirhan Syah/24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

  109. This poem is about the Earth’s suffering and betrayal at the hands of the humans that inhabits it, personafied as it’s children with the Earth as the mother. As a mother would, it continues to care for their children and hope for their love despite the constant exploitation. One business idea to get from this poem is about a business that focuses on both environmental restoration and consumer education to take meaningful action in reversing ecological damage. Engage local communities in environmental restoration efforts while also building awareness about the importance of sustainable living and the long-term benefits of protecting the planet.

    Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam, bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa.

    Bait ini menyampaikan harapan mendalam untuk dihargai dengan tulus, bukan hanya dengan tindakan simbolis. Ini mencerminkan kerinduan akan hubungan yang sejati dan penuh makna.

    Jenis usaha:

    Layanan edukasi lingkungan untuk mengajarkan pentingnya menjaga alam.
    Produk ramah lingkungan seperti kompos atau eco-bag untuk mengurangi kerusakan tanah.

  111. what do i feel about this poem

    “The Crying Land” by Leni Marlina is a deeply moving and poignant poem. It evokes a strong sense of empathy and sorrow as it personifies the earth, expressing its pain and longing for its children who have betrayed it. The imagery of the earth’s wounds and the longing for genuine connection resonates with readers, highlighting themes of environmental degradation and the emotional bond between humans and nature. The poem’s vivid and evocative language, such as “dusty wounds that never heal” and “a longing to embrace you,” captures the reader’s attention and elicits a profound emotional response. Overall, it is seen as a powerful meditation on the consequences of neglecting and harming the environment, urging a return to a more respectful and loving relationship with the earth.

    1. indonesia

      “Tanah yang Menangis” oleh Leni Marlina adalah puisi yang sangat mengharukan dan menyentuh. Puisi ini membangkitkan rasa empati dan kesedihan yang mendalam saat mempersonifikasikan bumi, mengungkapkan rasa sakit dan kerinduannya terhadap anak-anaknya yang telah mengkhianatinya. Imaji tentang luka-luka bumi dan kerinduan akan hubungan yang tulus sangat menggugah pembaca, menyoroti tema degradasi lingkungan dan ikatan emosional antara manusia dan alam. Bahasa puisi yang hidup dan menggugah, seperti “luka berdebu yang tak pernah sembuh” dan “kerinduan untuk memelukmu,” menarik perhatian pembaca dan membangkitkan respons emosional yang mendalam. Secara keseluruhan, puisi ini dilihat sebagai meditasi yang kuat tentang konsekuensi dari mengabaikan dan merusak lingkungan, mendorong kembalinya hubungan yang lebih hormat dan penuh kasih dengan bumi.

  112. This podcast talk about the poem with title “Tanah yang menangis “Creation of leni marlina. This poem has the meaning of an emotional attitude which is depicted by the crying land. A word of kalian berjanji anak- anak yang mencintai Ibu It turns out that it was just a false promise that was never kept. This poem is o promotional event to remember rights that are not fufilled. This context makes the poem hurt because broken relationship.

  113. The speaker discussed a poem called “Tanah yang Menangis” discusses the grief of the land, personifying it as crying due to human exploitation and environmental damage. Readers discuss its emotional depth, connecting the themes of loss, sorrow, and the consequences of neglecting nature. They reflect on how the poem conveys a sense of responsibility for the earth, emphasizing the need for care and respect for the environment.

  114. The poem “Tanah Yang Menangis” is a poem that is quite heartbreaking. This poem describes the earth that is damaged by human actions. This poem describes the earth that longs for the love of humans who guard and care for the earth. This poem is also a warning; if humans continue to exploit the earth continuously, one day the earth will respond, namely pent-up anger. This poem invites us to guard and protect the earth.

  115. The poem is narrated by the personified “silent earth” and “crying land”, who powerfully describes their agonizing experience. As the narrator, they recount how they are watched and torn apart, their layers stripped away until their very blood flows, only to be taken, sold, and transported to foreign lands where their love becomes nothing but remnants – a mere voice lingering between shadows and whispers. The narrator bears “dusty wounds that never heal”, positioning themselves as the soil beneath the feet of their betrayers, the children who have broken their promise to this land.

    24 JD Listening JM5-6 NK3-24 LM

  116. In the podcast I listened to once, it was mentioned that this poem is titled Tanah yang Menangis and was written by Leni Marlina in 2020. The podcasters said the poem is very interesting, touching, and inspiring. What I remember is that they said: “You promised, children who love their mother. Taken, sold, transported to a foreign land, where my love becomes a remnant. You scatter dust in my eyes, blinding my direction until I get lost in a silence that devours me.” The podcasters said this could be interpreted as a symbol of suffering or sadness.

  117. you sprinkle dust in my eyes,
    blinding my direction until I am lost
    in the silence that devours itself.
    It is the part that means a lot for me and the most part that i remember.

  118. This podcast discusses a poem titled “Tanah yang Menangis”. The poem was written by Leni Marlina in 2020 and highlights the theme of the natural environment. The line “Aku menanggung luka berdebu yang tak kunjung sembuh” is a deeply meaningful part of this poem. The message of the poem is that we must take care of nature.

  119. “The crying land” is poem from leni Marlina. She is a univeristy Lecturer. From the title we can feel the pain and ask to the reader about the emotion about crying land, it has a deep meaning. We can feel the pain by the line “digging deep until my blood flows” this sounds really emotional. “kalian berjanji anak-anak yang mencintai ibu” We can’t break trust and promises, we must always keep the trust and promises. “kalian menaburkan debu di mataku, membutakan arah hingga aku tersesat” this line is very powerful, this looks like the consequence or karma because of exploiting children. “Aku dinding, bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa” the world is being blinded and does not want to see to help children who are in trouble, they feel like they are being helped but it is just empty. this poem reminds the natural world to maintain connections and not to forget that many people in this world who need help. this poem remind us for always remember that if you commit a crime there will be consequences.

  120. The poem speaks from the perspective of the earth, personifying it as a wounded, neglected entity that endures exploitation and pain inflicted by humanity. The earth expresses its deep sorrow and longing for healing and genuine love from those who have betrayed it. Despite its suffering, the earth’s love remains steadfast and hopeful, yearning to be remembered, embraced, and healed. Ultimately, the poem conveys the earth’s enduring love and its hope that humanity will return to it with genuine care and respect, fulfilling their broken promises.

    Puisi tersebut berbicara dari sudut pandang bumi, mempersonifikasikannya sebagai entitas yang terluka dan terabaikan yang menanggung eksploitasi dan penderitaan yang ditimbulkan oleh mausia yang tidak berprikemanusiaan. Bumi mengungkapkan duka mendalam dan kerinduannya akan kesembuhan serta cinta tulus dari mereka yang telah mengkhianatinya. Meski menderita, bumi tetap teguh dan penuh harapan, rindu untuk dikenang, dipeluk, dan disembuhkan. Pada akhirnya, puisi tersebut menyampaikan cinta abadi bumi dan harapannya bahwa umat manusia akan kembali ke bumi dengan perhatian dan rasa hormat yang tulus, memenuhi janji-janji mereka yang telah diingkari.

    Kartika Handayani Putri (24019014) 24 JD LISTENING JM5-6 NK3- 24 LM

  121. This poem tells about the land where the house was destroyed. Where here the children are confused because they lost their mother. And the parents, especially the mother, are confused looking for their child. All of this happened because the land where they took shelter was destroyed. So they cried and lost their way looking for a place to take shelter.

  122. after listening to this podcast once. I conclude that this podcast explains the poem entitled “Crying Land”. In this podcast the speaker mentions that this poem teaches us to understand the language of emotions. The speaker says that the author has an impressive background. the speaker states that this poetry comes from words such as anakistik. The speaker mentions several powerful lines of poetry. The speaker mentions a verse of poetry that conveys the impression of a broken promise. and the speaker also said that this poem was very powerful.

  123. The podcast talk about a poem with tittle “Tanah yang menangis” made by Leni Marlina, a great lecture at university since 2006. This poem has a deep meaning full of emotional about theme of nature, loss, and human impact of it. It talk about how land and earth are suffering and of increasingly damaged because human activities. The speakers remind us how important earth we muat take care of it. The main message is, as human we muat more care and safe our nature for the next generation.

  124. After listening to this podcast once, I concluded that the hosts were talking about how good Mrs. Leni Marlina’s poem was, and there were many meanings to be gained. one of which is very powerful for them, namely “Kalian menaburkan debu dimataku , membutakan arah hingga aku tersesat dalam sunyi yang memakan diri.” Then Also nature can be a place that always participates in whatever we do.

    24 JD Listening JM5-6 NK3 24 LM

  125. After listening to this podcast once, I concluded that the hosts were talking about how good Mrs. Leni Marlina’s poem was, and there were many meanings to be gained. one of which is very powerful for them, namely “Kalian menaburkan debu dimataku , membutakan arah hingga aku tersesat dalam sunyi yang memakan diri.” Then Also nature can be a place that always participates in whatever we do.

  126. After i listened to the podcast about “tanah yang menangis” it is a poem full of meaning.This poem describes the earth suffering from the action of human who should be protecting and caring for it. this poem shows the sadness of the planet that continue to exploited by human, even so the earth still loves human and after i read this poem . this poem made me aware of the importance of maintaining the balance of the world

  127. 1. After I heard the audio once, what I understood from the speaker was about the suffering of nature which is likened to the earth being a mother. “I am the silent earth, looking and shaking the layers of my body”. It’s as if because of human actions the earth on which we stand often experiences suffering. Humans do whatever they want as if they no longer need the land they stand on. The mother we live on is now getting old and we have to take care of it, but we just ruined it.
    2. The sentence I remember after hearing the speaker once is: Exploitation of nature, broken relationship, Taken, sold, transported to a foreign land, you sprinkle dust in my eyes.

  128. From the audio we can conclude that :
    Tanah yang menyatu is a poem writed by Leni Marlina a University Literature Lecturer. The poem writed in Padang, West Sumatera 2020. The audio speakers argument that overall this poem is interesting, emotional and really injuring poem. The one of meaningful part of the poem is “Dan jika esok kalian lupa,
    anak-anakku yang mengoyak cinta ini,
    aku akan menjadi bara yang tersembunyi,
    menunggu detik di mana luka ini
    akan menyala, membakar,
    menyisakan abu dari janji-janji yang pernah kalian ikrarkan.” The poem conveys a sense of profound sadness and disillusionment. The speaker is expressing a desire to isolate themselves from the world and allow their pain to consume them. It’s a dark and bleak perspective, but it also highlights the devastating impact of broken promises and betrayal.

    Anggelina Putri
    (24 JD Listening JM5-6 NK3-24 LM)

  129. This podcast teaches us many lessons. In the sentence “Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam, bukan sekadar di peluk dengan tangan yang hampa.” It has the meaning that the land we step on every day wants to be appreciated. This land signals that humans must care about it and not cause damage. He wants to be remembered forever. He does not want humans to cause damage, because he has given them a place to step on.

  130. Bait ini menyampaikan kesedihan dan kepedihan bumi sebagai makhluk hidup yang diam dan tak berdaya saat tubuhnya dilukai. “Aku adalah bumi yang diam” menunjukkan posisi bumi yang hanya bisa menyaksikan dirinya dirusak—dengan lapisan-lapisannya dikoyak, sumber daya digali, diambil, dan dibawa pergi. Dalam proses ini, bumi merasa cintanya diabaikan, hanya menjadi “sisa” atau “suara yang tertinggal di antara bayang dan bisik,” menggambarkan kerusakan lingkungan yang sering dianggap sepele dan diabaikan. Bait ini menarik karena menunjukkan perspektif bumi yang dilukai secara puitis dan emosional, membuat kita merenungkan dampak dari eksploitasi manusia.

    Yona Maygita 24 JD I-E Trans JM 9-10 NKALL 21 LM

  131. Desma Fauziah 21019006 24JD TRANS I-E NKall JM9-10 LM

    “Aku adalah tanah yang menangis,
    menggeliat dalam diam,
    mengais harapan di balik malam yang bisu,
    menanti hari di mana cintaku bukanlah sekadar kalimat,
    tapi langkah yang berpijak kembali,
    di atas tubuhku yang retak.”

    Bait ini dipilih karena menyampaikan kesedihan yang mendalam dan harapan akan pemulihan. Maknanya adalah jeritan bumi yang terluka, merindukan cinta dan tindakan nyata untuk menyembuhkan kerusakan yang telah terjadi.

  132. ● my favorite part of the poem is
    Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam,
    bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa,
    tapi dengan tubuh yang kembali kepadaku,
    mencari hangat di lapisan terdalam,
    dalam lubuk hati yang digali hingga hancur,
    menyisakan lubang-lubang kosong di tempat napasku
    perlahan terhenti.
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int L

  133. When the background time of the poem?
    While the poem was written in 2020, its timeframe is timeless, referring to the ongoing and
    cumulative nature of environmental exploitation and its consequences.
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int L

  134. I loved you, my love
    even when you ignored my touch,
    as I lay through your body,
    keeping your heartbeat alive.
    But now you are strangers,
    drinking lifeless water from plastic bottles,
    forgetting the embrace I once gave.
    You promised to protect me,
    but I hear that promise break,
    like glass held too tightly.
    You forget I am the start of your life,
    and one day,
    I will be the end of it.
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int L

  135. my favorite part of the poem is
    Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam,
    bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa,
    tapi dengan tubuh yang kembali kepadaku,
    mencari hangat di lapisan terdalam,
    dalam lubuk hati yang digali hingga hancur,
    menyisakan lubang-lubang kosong di tempat napasku
    perlahan terhenti.
    Alessyanaila De Rosev
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  136. What is the meaning of this poem?
    The poem expresses the deep sorrow and pain of the Earth, personified as a mother, who feels betrayed and forgotten by her children human beings.
    Alessyanaila De Rosev
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  137. for the highs and lows and moments between, mountains and valleys, and rivers and streams, for where you are now and where you will goo for “I’ve always known” and “I told you so, ”
    for “nothing is happening,” and “all has gone wrong,” it 3 here in this journey you will learn to be strong you will get where you’re going, landing where you belong.
    Alessyanaila De Rosev
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  138. Poem:
    Beneath the skies so vast and grey,
    The weeping earth calls night and day.
    Her tears carve rivers through her soul,
    A wound unhealed, a tale untold.

    The trees once sang in joyful tune,
    Now silent beneath the pale moon.
    Her cries are whispers in the breeze,
    A mother’s grief none can appease.

    O heed her wail, O mend her pain,
    Lest tears become a fatal rain.
    For earth that cries may one day break,
    And life itself she’ll then forsake.

    Muhammad Dzikry Rahmadana Putra
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  139. ●What is the poem about?
    ->The poem reflects on the sorrow of the earth, symbolized as “weeping” due to human neglect, destruction, or imbalance in nature.

    Muhammad Dzikry Rahmadana Putra
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  140. My favorite line from the poem is
    ->”Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam,
    bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa,
    tapi dengan tubuh yang kembali kepadaku”

    Muhammad Dzikry Rahmadana Putra
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  141. My favorite line from the poem
    “Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam, bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa, tapi dengan tubuh yang kembali kepadaku.”

    Dela Safira Chottami
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  142. Question
    ☆ Why does the earth feel pain in the poem?
    = The earth feels pain because it is exploited and abandoned by its children, left to suffer from broken promises and forgotten love.

    Dela Safira Chottami
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  143. Poem :
    “I Am the Earth”

    I am the earth,
    worn thin and torn apart,
    my love turned to dust in the wind.

    I long for your return,
    my children who sold me short,
    yet I still wait, heart wide open.

    I want to be remembered,
    not just a passing thought,
    but footsteps on my shattered skin.

    If you forget,
    I will rise like fire from the ashes,
    burning the promises you broke.

    Though you hurt me,
    I love you until the last grain of me falls.

    Dela Safira Chottami
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  144. My favorite part of poem :
    Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka
    Aku adalah tanah,
    Yang mencintaimu,
    Hingga serpihanku berakhir
    Marisa Devi – 24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK lnt LM

  145. The poem :
    To hold you close, my children dear
    A bond we shared , so crystal clear
    But now you’ve turned, your promise broke,
    And scattered dusk, a bitter smoke
    You’ve blinded me , and lost my way
    In solitude, i pine and pray,
    A silent void consumes my heart,
    As memories of the past depart
    Marisa Devi
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK lnt LM

  146. Question:
    1. How does the Earth feel about the destruction? Deeply wounded, betrayed, and longing for healing
    2.What is the overall message the poem is trying to convey? The importance of respecting and protecting the Earth, and the consequences of failing to do so
    3.why are the children betrayed the land? Because of their greed and ignorance
    Marisa Devi
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK lnt LM

  147. the best line based on the poem is “Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.”

    Raya Nadira
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  148. What does the “Bara yang tersembunyi” symbolize in this poem?
    symbolizes repressed anger or fury, which can erupt at any moment due to deep wounds and betrayal.

    Raya Nadira
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK NK LM

  149. the poem:

    I am the ocean, waiting,
    carrying a love that endures the test of time,
    though you wound and pollute me,
    I keep rolling with tides of longing.

    Yet remember, my children,
    my love is not without limits.
    If you forget the way home,
    I will halt my currents,
    stop the pulse that gives you life.

    For I am the ocean,
    loving you with unending pain,
    until every drop of my water turns to rain,
    and you are left to mourn,
    remembering me as a tale that once was.

    Raya Nadira
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  150. What if the kids broke their promise ??
    And if tomorrow you forget,
    my children who tear this love apart,
    I will become an ember hidden away,
    waiting for the moment when this wound
    will ignite, burn,
    leaving behind ashes of the promises you once made.

    Valentino All Varel
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  151. the best line on this poem is
    ” Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir ”
    Valentino All Varel
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  152. the poem :
    In the quiet of the evening’s glow,
    A mother’s heart whispers soft and low.
    Memories of laughter, a distant song,
    Echo where her son belongs.

    The stars may shine, the moon may weep,
    But her love runs steadfast, deep.
    Until his steps come near once more,
    She’ll wait by the open door.

    Valentino All Varel
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  153. My favorite part from this poem is :
    Aku adalah bumi yang diam,
    melihat dan mengoyak lapisan tubuhku,
    menggali hingga darahku mengucur,
    diambil, dijual, diangkut ke negeri yang asing,
    di mana cintaku hanya menjadi sisa,
    suara yang tertinggal di antara bayang dan bisik.

  154. What is the writer trying to tell in the first line ?
    Answer :
    In this line, the writer is telling to us about the land was exploited by the people by sold it for their personal interest.
    Moammar Hian Alrafid
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  155. I made a poem that inspired from this poem, here’s my poem :
    Exploited Land

    Once verdant hills, now stripped to bone,
    A barren earth, a muted tone.
    The forest’s whispers, silenced cries,
    Beneath the smog-filled, heavy skies.

    Rivers choked with poisoned veins,
    Fields now bear industrial chains.
    Where seeds of life once boldly grew,
    Lie scars of greed, both deep and new.

    The plow once tilled with tender care,
    Now gouges wounds too great to bear.
    Mountains crumble, their hearts laid bare,
    For wealth pursued, no cost too rare.

    A solemn cry from soil and stone:
    “How long before we’re left alone?
    Your hunger carves, your fires take,
    Yet even land has bones that break.”

    But hear the whisper, soft and low,
    A plea for change, a chance to grow.
    The exploited land still holds its might,
    To heal, to bloom, to claim the light.

    If hands once cruel now learn to mend,
    The earth’s great song might never end.
    Restore the wild, let balance reign,
    And mend the scars of human gain.
    Bahasa Indonesia :
    Tanah yang Terkuras

    Dulu bukit hijau, kini tinggal tulang,
    Bumi gersang, warna muram terbayang.
    Bisik hutan kini tangis senyap,
    Di bawah langit berat, penuh asap.

    Sungai tersedak oleh racun di alirannya,
    Ladang terbelenggu rantai industrinya.
    Di mana benih dulu berani tumbuh,
    Kini luka kerakusan mengalir deras dan lusuh.

    Bajak yang dulu mengolah dengan lembut,
    Kini mencabik luka yang sulit ditutup.
    Gunung runtuh, hatinya terpapar,
    Demi harta, tak ada yang dianggap sukar.

    Jeritan lembut dari tanah dan batu:
    “Berapa lama kami harus menunggu?
    Lapar kalian melukai, api kalian merampas,
    Namun bahkan tanah pun bisa patah tulangnya.”

    Namun dengarkan bisikan lembut nan pilu,
    Sebuah permohonan untuk berubah, sebuah harapan baru.
    Tanah yang terkuras masih menyimpan daya,
    Untuk pulih, tumbuh, dan merebut cahaya.

    Jika tangan yang dulu kejam belajar menyembuhkan,
    Nyanyian bumi mungkin tak akan berkesudahan.
    Kembalikan liar, biarkan keseimbangan bertahan,
    Dan obati luka dari kerakusan manusia.
    Moammar Hian Alrafid
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

    1. After reading this poem, the meaning that emerges is a picture of the suffering of nature that is injured by human actions that ignore love and promises to the homeland. The land is likened to a mother who loves her children selflessly, even though she is often hurt and betrayed. This poem expresses the longing and hope that humans will again appreciate and care for the nature they live on, not just exploit it. 2. From an entrepreneur’s perspective, the business idea inspired by this poem is the development of an ecotourism business or environmentally friendly tourism that aims to educate the public about the importance of protecting nature. The main reason is because this poem implies a strong message about the need to appreciate and care for nature, so that the environmental education tourism business can be a bridge to raise this awareness. This business opportunity is quite large, especially in areas with beautiful natural potential and need special attention in its preservation, such as West Sumatra

      Muhammad Farras Dzikra 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK 3 23 LM

  156. WH question
    1. What is the main emotion conveyed by the poem?
    The main emotion conveyed by the poem is sadness and despair.
    2. What is the significance of the title “Tanah yang Menangis”?
    Its symbolize the land’s suffering and please for help.
    3. What is the central message or theme of the poem?
    Its about impact of human activities on the environment and also importance of keeping promises.

    My favorite line
    “Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.”

    My own poem
    “Though you slumber, heedless of my pain,
    I am the Earth, your love I’ll sustain.
    Though scarred and wounded, my heart does mend,
    To cherish you, my love will never end.”

    Nabilla Izzati Putri 24019058
    24 JD listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  157. This passage expresses deep sorrow and betrayal, personifying the land as a mother who has been trampled upon but still holds a longing to embrace her children. The “children” are those who have broken their promises, causing pain and disillusionment. The land, covered in mud, reflects the hardship and struggle, while the “dust” in her eyes symbolizes the blindness of betrayal, leaving her lost in silence and despair. It conveys a sense of loss, regret, and the emotional toll of being forsaken.
    24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM

  158. 1. WH question
    What is the poem talking about?
    The poem talks about the Earth’s pain from exploitation and its longing for healing and care from humanity.

    Aldi Syaputra
    24 JD listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  159. 2. Favorite Line:

    “I want to be remembered, not just grasped, not merely hugged with empty hands, but with bodies returning to me.”

    Aldi Syaputra
    24 JD listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  160. 3. My own poem:
    A Land’s Cry

    I am the earth beneath your steps,
    Holding the pain, the dust, the regrets,
    Once rich with life, now hollowed deep,
    By children’s hands that made me weep.

    You take, you sell, you leave me bare,
    Forgotten love, no longer there.
    Still, I wait in silent plea,
    For your return to heal and see.

    Remember me, not just in name,
    But in the touch that ends the blame.

    Aldi Syaputra
    24 JD listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  161. These lines convey resilience and hidden strength, symbolized by a “hidden ember” that waits for the right moment to ignite. Even if forgotten or betrayed, the speaker’s power remains, ready to burn away broken promises.

    In entrepreneurship, this represents the perseverance of an entrepreneur who, despite setbacks or lack of recognition, holds on to their inner drive and is prepared for a breakthrough when the time is right. The “ember” is the potential waiting to transform challenges into success.
    24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM

  162. Wirausaha yang relevan dengan makna puisi ini adalah bisnis berbasis lingkungan yang berfokus pada pelestarian dan pemulihan alam. Bentuknya bisa berupa usaha agrikultur berkelanjutan, program reboisasi, atau pengelolaan limbah untuk mendukung harmoni antara manusia dan bumi. Selain itu, edukasi tentang cinta lingkungan melalui kampanye atau platform kreatif dapat menjadi cara untuk membangkitkan kesadaran kolektif terhadap pentingnya menjaga “tanah” sebagai rumah bersama. 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

  163. 1. idea: Community-supported agriculture (CSA): Establishing programs where communities invest in local farms, fostering stronger bonds between consumers and producers while protecting the environment.
    2. character: Vision for regeneration, Resilience and determination
    indah ayu lestari, (23019052) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM

  164. 1. Business Idea
    A sustainable environmental restoration initiative focusing on reforestation and soil rehabilitation. This idea addresses the exploitation and degradation of the earth depicted in the poem, aiming to heal damaged land and promote eco-friendly practices.

    2. Necessary Character Traits
    Empathy: Understanding the earth’s suffering and nurturing a sense of care for its well-being.
    Accountability: Taking responsibility for the damage caused and committing to restoration efforts.
    Resilience: Working through challenges and maintaining long-term commitment to environmental recovery.
    3. Type of Entrepreneurship
    A social enterprise that combines ecological and community benefits, such as creating jobs through tree-planting programs, educating locals on sustainable farming, and developing eco-tourism initiatives that highlight restored natural areas. This approach not only addresses environmental degradation but also fosters community involvement and education. Jesica Imelda Pasaribu (23019054) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM

  165. 1. idea: The imagery of “loving the land” and the references to roots and disconnection suggest a business centered on reconnecting people with nature and the land. Examples:
    Sustainable farming or organic produce: Promoting environmentally friendly agricultural practices that nurture the soil and honor the earth’s resources.
    2. character: Vision for regeneration, Deep commitment and authenticity
    indah ayu lestari, (23019052) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM

    1. Puisi ini menggambarkan sosok Bumi sebagai ibu yang terluka dan terusir oleh anak-anaknya sendiri. Bumi mengalami penderitaan akibat eksploitasi berlebihan, namun tetap menyimpan kerinduan dan cinta pada manusia yang tinggal di atasnya. Ini adalah panggilan untuk kesadaran akan pentingnya menjaga alam dengan cinta dan tanggung jawab agar bumi tetap bisa bernafas.

      Sebagai calon wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang muncul adalah pengembangan produk-produk berbasis ekologis dan ramah lingkungan seperti produk daur ulang atau energi terbarukan. Melalui bisnis yang berfokus pada keberlanjutan ini, kita bisa menciptakan solusi yang mengurangi kerusakan alam. Peluang untuk bisnis ini sangat besar, terutama di era yang semakin sadar akan isu lingkungan.Irsyad Hakimi 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM

  166. Business Idea:
    A gratitude journal business inspired by the themes of self-discovery and resilience from the poems. This journal would include prompts encouraging reflection on personal growth, acknowledging inner strength, and finding beauty in overcoming challenges. Each section could include motivational quotes derived from the poems, such as “Langkah kita mengisi ruang yang belum bernama” (Our steps fill spaces yet unnamed) and “Kita adalah api semangat yang tak kan usai sebelum dunia berdamai” (We are the fire of spirit that won’t end until the world finds peace). The journal serves as a companion for individuals navigating their paths, making it a meaningful gift for those embracing change or starting new chapters in life.

    Character Traits: Resilience, creativity, empathy
    Hanifah Fathiyah Aini
    24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

  167. Puisi ini menggambarkan Bumi sebagai ibu yang terluka, diperlakukan buruk oleh anak-anaknya sendiri. Meskipun Bumi terus menderita akibat eksploitasi yang berlebihan, ia tetap mencintai dan merindukan umat manusia yang tinggal di atasnya. Ini adalah seruan untuk kesadaran, mengingat betapa pentingnya menjaga alam dengan penuh cinta dan tanggung jawab, agar Bumi tetap hidup dan bisa mendukung kehidupan.
    Sebagai calon wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang dapat muncul adalah pengembangan produk-produk ramah lingkungan, seperti barang daur ulang, energi terbarukan, atau produk yang mengurangi jejak karbon. Bisnis yang berfokus pada keberlanjutan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan solusi yang mengurangi dampak buruk terhadap lingkungan. Dengan meningkatnya kesadaran masyarakat akan isu-isu lingkungan, peluang bisnis semacam ini semakin besar, memberi kesempatan untuk berkontribusi pada pelestarian alam sambil menciptakan peluang ekonomi yang berkelanjutan.
    Khafifah Masrurah Adnan / 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM

  168. 1. WH Question
    ●What is the poem talking about?
    => the poem tells about the exploited earth and the sorrow it feels.
    2. My favorite line:
    “Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.”
    3. My own poem
    Beneath the skies, the Earth is singing
    A cradle of life, in the endless ring
    Mountains are rise, their peaks so grand
    Oceans whisper to the sand
    Forests breathe, their green embrace
    A haven for life, a timeless place
    Earth, our home, your beauty is forever

    Rahmanul Hakim Darli
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 KN Int LM

  169. My favourite part from this poem is
    “ Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.”
    this is have something mean for me.

    Dewi Sasmaya Acintya Putri
    24JD LIST ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  170. Iqram Arrahman Candra(24019049)
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
    My favourite line from this poem is “I do not wish to be remembered in silence; I want to be healed.”

  171. 5W + 1H question (only one)
    1. What is your favorite part from this poem?
    “ Meskipun kalian terlena dan membuatku terluka, aku adalah tanah, yang mencintaimu, hingga serpihanku berakhir.”

    Dewi Sasmaya Acintya Putri
    24JD LIST ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  172. My fav from this poem is :
    Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam,
    bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa,tapi dengan tubuh yang kembali kepadaku,
    mencari hangat di lapisan terdalam,
    dalam lubuk hati yang digali hingga hancur,
    menyisakan lubang-lubang kosong di tempat napasku
    perlahan terhenti.


  173. 1. My favorite part of the poem “Aku tak ingin hanya diingat dalam sepi, aku ingin disembuhkan. “
    2. To whom this poet dedicated to? ( to childrens who forgetting their parents and never see them)
    3. My own poem : Aku tak ingin menjadi nama yang pudar,
    Diterbangkan angin, hilang tanpa sadar.
    Aku ingin menjadi cerita yang kau bawa,
    Dalam tawa dan tangis, dalam suka dan duka.
    Jadi, jangan hanya ingat aku dalam sepi,
    Sembuhkan aku, dan biarkan hati ini bersemi.

  174. Make your own poem based on this poemm :
    = Honestly i get an inspiration based on this poem, so here’s mine :
    Aku adalah tanah yang rapuh,
    tercerai-berai oleh tangan yang menjarah.
    Cinta yang kuberikan hilang tanpa jejak,
    tinggal bisu, menunggu waktu untuk bangkit kembali.

    Dewi Sasmaya Acintya Putri
    24JD LIST ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  175. Iqram Arrahman Candra(24019049)
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
    How does the speaker feel about the poem?
    They said that they feel this poem interpret earth as a living being that talks directly to us

  176. What the poem is about?
    – the poem about earth that wanna be love by us human
    In this poem what the relation between the earth and the human?
    – a mother that love her child, despites being hurt many times

    Fanny syifa hanania

  177. 1. WH question
    What is the poem talk about?
    -The poem speaks about Earth’s pain and love, as it feels hurt by human exploitation but still hopes for care and healing before it’s too late.

    1. 1. My favorite part of the poem “Aku tak ingin hanya diingat dalam sepi, aku ingin disembuhkan. “
      2. To whom this poet dedicated to? ( to childrens who forgetting their parents and never see them)
      3. My own poem : I do not wish to be remembered in silence,
      a fleeting shadow in the stillness of night.
      I long to be healed,
      to be held in the light of undying warmth.
      Let my name echo in the chambers of solace,
      not as a whisper lost to the void,
      but as a song of renewal,
      a voice that finds its way back to wholeness.
      Do not leave me to linger in the quiet,
      where memories fade into empty skies.
      I do not wish to be remembered in silence—
      I long to be healed.

  178. My favorite line from this poem is “Aku tak ingin hanya diingat dalam sepi, aku ingin disembuhkan.”

    Najla Azzahra (24019020)
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  179. WH Question
    Who is the central focus of the poem?
    Answer: The poem centers on “tanah” (land), symbolizing nature or homeland.

    Najla Azzahra (24019020)
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  180. 2. Favorite line of the poem
    – Aku tak ingin hanya diingat dalam sepi, aku ingin disembuhkan.

    Winaya Asa

  181. The Weeping Land

    Beneath the sky, the earth laments,
    Its wounds too deep, its heart too spent.
    Once lush with life, now scarred and torn,
    A cradle of life, now forlorn.

    The trees that whispered ancient songs,
    Are silenced now by human wrongs.
    Rivers murmur, their voices thin,
    Choked by the greed that lies within.

    Yet still, the land holds seeds of grace,
    A silent plea for love’s embrace.
    Will we restore what we destroy,
    And heal the earth for future joy?

    Najla Azzahra (24019020)
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  182. 3. My own poem
    Aku tak ingin hanya diingat
    seperti angin yang lewat,
    menyentuh sebentar, lalu hilang,
    meninggalkan sepi yang berkepanjangan.

    Aku ingin disembuhkan,
    dari retak di tubuhku,
    dari perih yang kau goreskan,
    agar aku tetap berdiri untukmu.

    Jangan jadikan aku bayangan,
    yang hadir hanya dalam kerinduan.
    Jangan biarkan luka ini membisu,
    menunggu waktu untuk merengkuhmu.

    Aku adalah tanahmu,
    yang mencintai meski terluka.
    Sembuhkan aku,
    dan aku akan selalu menjadi rumah untukmu.

    Winaya Asa

  183. 1. My fav part of this poem: Aku tak ingin hanya diingat dalam sepi, aku ingin disembuhkan

    Icha Ariany

  184. 2. What is this poem about
    Tentang tanah yang memberi banyak manfaat, yang akan mencintai tanpa syarat meskipun diinjak-injak.
    Icha Ariany

  185. 3. My own poem
    Aku adalah tanah yang diam,
    tergores, terluka, dan terlupakan,
    darahku mengalir,
    rindu mengais di kedalaman hati.
    Anak-anak yang kuharap pulang,
    menabur debu di mataku,
    lupa pada janji yang pernah terucap,
    tapi aku tetap menanti,
    seperti tanah yang menunggu hujan.
    Meski terluka, cintaku tak pernah pudar,
    hingga serpihanku habis dan hilang.

    Icha Ariany

  186. Aku lah bumi yang dalam diam ku terluka dan menangis,
    Menggenggam rindu di tengah dusta manusia.
    Luka ku menganga lebar namun cinta ku pada mu tak sirna,
    Menanti mereka yang membawa asa dengan penuh harap.

    Fanny syifa hanania

    1. What is the poem about?
      The poem describes the Earth as yearning for love and care from humanity.

      Fairrel Athaillah Rheynri
      24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  187. Iqram Arrahman Candra(24019049)
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
    Sorrow from the land

    A land stands, a land falls, a land grief.
    Lands always hold its place, always hold those who stays.
    Yet who are they to contaminate the land.
    Thus, the land still stands. It accepts and it heals.
    Yet those who stands contaminate you again, still you stand even for them.
    You stand until their time comes, which I am only a land.
    A place to hold and keep you.

  188. 1. Favorite Line : “I want to be remembered, not just grasped, not merely hugged with empty hands.”

    2. Q: What emotions does the earth express in the poem?
    A: The earth expresses sorrow, betrayal, longing, and unconditional love. It also conveys frustration at being exploited and a desire to heal.

    3. Poems inspired by this Poems :
    “The Silent Mother”
    I am the earth, your silent mother, torn and weeping,
    Layers stripped bare, my heart silently bleeding.
    You dig and take, leaving wounds that never heal,
    My breath grows faint beneath your unyielding steel.
    I cradle your steps, though my body shatters,
    Yet your promises fall, like whispers that scatter.

    Still, I wait, longing for love to take root,
    For hands that restore, not destroy or pollute.
    If you forget, my children, the embers will rise,
    A fiery cry beneath the darkened skies.
    But even in pain, I hold you near,
    For I am your mother, forever sincere.

    Tiffany Amanda Syahira
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  189. my favorite line from this poem is
    “aku tak ingin hanya diingat dalam sepi,aku ingin disembuhkan”

  190. My own poem
    I Am the Earth That Longs

    I am the earth, cracked by promises,
    waiting for hands that once embraced,
    you dig my breath, trade it for ashes,
    yet this longing never fades.

    I await your steps filled with love,
    not empty traces that leave me broken,
    though I am silent, I still speak,
    within these fractures, I remain unshaken.

    Fairrel Athaillah Rheynri
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  191. my favorite line from the poem is :
    “aku tak ingin hanya diingat dalam sepi,aku ingin disembuhkan.”

    Fahrel Maulanna
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  192. who is the writer of this poem?
    =Leni Marlina

    Fahrel Maulanna
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  193. My favorite line
    Aku tak ingin hanya diingat dalam sepi, aku ingin disembuhkan.

    Fairrel Athaillah Rheynri
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  194. my own poem based on this poem :
    Tanah Air

    Tanah subur, air kehidupan,
    Langit biru, saksi perjuangan.
    Darah dan cinta melebur jadi satu,
    Untukmu, Ibu Pertiwi yang tak pernah layu.

    Kaulah rumah, kaulah jiwa,
    Abadi di hati sepanjang masa.

    Fahrel Maulanna
    24 JD Listenin ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  195. 1. What does the earth desire from its children?
    = The earth desires genuine love and respect, for its children to return to it not with empty gestures but with meaningful actions and care.

    2. My favorite line from the poem is “I do not wish to be remembered in silence; I want to be healed.”

    3. My own version of the poem:

    The Crying Earth

    I am the soil, cracked and stained with tears,
    Bearing the weight of your unspoken fears.
    You pierce my heart, dig deep through my veins,
    Leaving only emptiness and lingering pains.
    Yet I still whisper through the winds that roam,
    Calling my children to return me home.

    I ache for your touch, for steps that mend,
    For love that heals and promises that bend.
    Do not leave me in silence, buried and torn,
    A mother forgotten, weathered and worn.
    For even as my body crumbles to dust,
    I will love you still, though you betray my trust.

    Javier Graysa (24019050)
    NK 1
    24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM

  196. Tanah yang Menangis
    Aku menanggung luka berdebu yang tak kunjung sembuh.
    I bear dusty wounds that refuse to heal.

    The meaning or impression of this verse conveys a sense of enduring pain or emotional scars that persist over time. The “dusty wounds” suggest neglect or a burden from the past that remains unresolved, evoking feelings of sorrow, resilience, and longing for closure or relief.
    Nurul Hidayah_21019100_ (24 JD I-E TRANS JM9-10 NKall21 LM)

  197. Nama : Fefinta Dwi Erianti
    Nim: 24042366
    BI-NS-0970 NUA 22
    Izin menanggapi Puisi ini sangat menyentuh! Penggambaran seorang ibu sebagai bumi yang terluka, namun tetap mencintai anak-anaknya meskipun merasa dikhianati, benar-benar menggugah emosi. Saya terkesan dengan bagaimana penulis mampu menyampaikan rasa sakit dan kerinduan yang mendalam, sekaligus harapan untuk disembuhkan. Ini mengingatkan kita akan kekuatan cinta seorang ibu yang tak tergoyahkan, bahkan di tengah penderitaan. Sangat powerful dan penuh makna.

  198. 1. puisi ini adalah seruan dari bumi yang mengingatkan umat manusia untuk lebih menghargai dan merawat alam, karena meskipun bumi terus mencintai, ada batasan atas kesabaran dan pengorbanannya.
    2. Bait yang menarik menurut saya adalah ” Aku adalah tanah yang menangis, menggeliat dalam diam, mengais harapan di balik malam yang bisu, menanti hari di mana cintaku bukanlah sekadar kalimat, tapi langkah yang berpijak kembali, di atas tubuhku yang retak”.
    3. Ide bisnis yang muncul setelah membaca puisi ini adalah Mengembangkan produk yang mendukung gaya hidup ramah lingkungan dan mengurangi kerusakan tanah, seperti produk pertanian organik, pakaian berbahan ramah lingkungan, atau barang-barang daur ulang. Bisnis ini bisa meliputi pembuatan dan penjualan barang-barang yang terbuat dari bahan alami, biodegradable, atau diproduksi dengan proses yang meminimalkan dampak pada bumi.

  199. Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam,
    bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa,
    tapi dengan tubuh yang kembali kepadaku,
    mencari hangat di lapisan terdalam,
    dalam lubuk hati yang digali hingga hancur,
    menyisakan lubang-lubang kosong di tempat napasku
    perlahan terhenti.
    ide wirausaha yang ingin saya buat adalah membuka platform jasa makanan dan minuman
    Annisa Ulfaiza, No Urut 02, Teknologi Rekayasa Sistem Elektronika, 24 JD PKWU96 SN 1-2 LM

  200. What is the main focus of the poem?
    answer : the earth or soil, depicted as a wounded mother.

    Dian Fhadlaini
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  201. 1.How does the Poem related with the environment that happened on the land? Pain,blood,sad
    2.Why the land feel pain and sadness? Because of the wars
    3.When this poem was created? On Padang, West Sumatera, 2020

    Febrian Wizar Pratama 23019008 24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  202. How does the poem describe the students’ connection to the teacher’s guidance?
    Answer: The students are described as echoes of the teacher’s voice, flowing like a river without an end, carrying the teacher’s lessons wherever life takes them.

    Anggia Febrilina Zani
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  203. Nama: Apriiani Wulandari
    24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
    What portrayal of the bond between the earth and its offspring does the author make?
    Answer: Although the earth still loves her offspring, she feels deceived by them since they ruin the planet.

  204. 1. What is the “I” in this poem?
    Answer: I am the earth that is stepped on, trampled on, but still full of longing and love for its children.
    2. Why does the earth feel hurt and cry?
    Answer: The earth feels hurt because humans have ignored the promise to love and protect it, instead destroying it until it leaves empty holes and cracks.
    3. How does the earth feel about its children even though they have been hurt?
    Answer: Even though it has been hurt, the earth still loves its children sincerely, even longing to hug them and hoping that they will return to their feet with full affection.

    Elvi Zulhaini
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  205. Where does the poem take place?
    on the earth that has been exploited by humans

    Dian Fhadlaini
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  206. Nama: Apriiani Wulandari
    24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
    What does the land want in this poem?
    Answer: The soil wants to be healed and embraced with love, not with empty arms.

  207. Who is speaking in the poem?
    answer : the earth or soil, personified as a mother

    Dian Fhadlaini
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  208. When will the Earth’s hidden pain turn into something destructive?
    Answer: The Earth’s hidden pain will turn destructive when her wounds are ignored, and her children continue to betray her promises, causing the pain to “burn” like hidden embers.

    Anggia Febrilina Zani
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

    1. Why does the earth (nature) continue to love its “children” despite the harm and destruction caused?
      The earth continues to love its “children” because nature’s love is unconditional and eternal. It longs to embrace and nurture humanity, even when humans fail to honor their connection to it.

      24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  209. What does the Earth express in the poem?
    Answer: The Earth expresses its pain, longing, and disappointment towards its children who exploit and neglect it.

    Anggia Febrilina Zani
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  210. How does the speaker express their pain and desire for healing in the poem? The speaker expresses their grief and wish for healing using images of scars, longing, and the earth’s quiet suffering, as well as a request to be remembered and cared for.
    Annisa Rahayu (23029039), 24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  211. Nama: Apriiani Wulandari
    24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
    What is the meaning of the statement “Aku adalah tanah yang menangis, menggeliat dalam diam”?
    Answer: This statement describes the suffering of the land that silently bears the wounds of human destruction.

  212. Who are the “children” in the poem, and what is their role in the condition of nature?
    The “children” symbolize humans or society who have exploited and betrayed nature. They are supposed to be caretakers, yet they cause harm through exploitation, abandonment, and broken promises.

    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  213. When does the speaker hope for their children to remember their promises? The speaker hopes that their children will remember their promises and return in the future, to heal the wounds caused.
    Annisa Rahayu (23029039), 24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  214. What form of betrayal is expressed in the poem regarding nature and the earth?
    The betrayal is depicted through human actions like digging, exploiting resources, and abandoning nature after taking everything. The earth’s body is torn, its resources are sold, and humanity forgets its responsibility to protect and preserve it.

    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  215. – Where is the land crying?
    Answer: The land is crying in every corner of the Earth, from forests to rivers, fields, and mountains, affected by environmental harm and degradation.

    Aldava Mildli Koto
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  216. -When does the land cry?
    Answer: The land cries in times of suffering and destruction, symbolizing the damage caused by human greed, pollution, and the loss of natural beauty

    Aldava Mildli Koto
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  217. What emotions does the speaker express throughout the poem?
    Answer : The speaker expresses sorrow, betrayal, longing, and a deep desire for healing and reconciliation.

    Elgibran Fanji Hazzano
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  218. 1. How does Earth see its relationship with humans?
    Earth feels sad and disappointed.

    2. When does Earth hope to heal?
    Earth hopes for a better future.

    3. How does Earth want to be remembered?
    Earth wants loving remembrance.

  219. when tanah yang menangis publish?
    oct 29, 2024

    atika lufti amanda
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  220. what “tanah yang menangis” in english?
    the crying land

    atika lufti amanda
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  221. -How does the poem describe the land’s suffering?
    Answer: The poem describes the land’s suffering as a silent cry that echoes through the earth, a deep sorrow that reflects the pain and loss of nature, which yearns for healing and care.

    Aldava Mildli Koto
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  222. What is the speaker hope in this poem? The speaker hopes for the children to remember their promises and return to care for the land, rather than just taking from it.
    Annisa Rahayu (23029039), 24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  223. what “Aku ingin diingat, bukan hanya digenggam,
    bukan sekadar dipeluk dengan tangan yang hampa,” means?

    according to the woman on the talk, that line is really powerfull, because that reveals how deeply the lands desires genuine relationship with humanity

    atika lufti amanda
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  224. Why does the speaker long to be remembered and healed?
    Answer : The speaker longs to be remembered and healed because the earth sustains humanity, yet it is harmed and forgotten, leaving it in pain and decay.

    Elgibran Fanji Hazzano
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  225. 1. What is the poem about?
    It’s about the earth feeling hurt and used by people.

    2. How does the earth feel?
    The earth feels sad but still loves its people.

    3. What does the earth represent?
    The earth represents nature or the homeland.

    Abid Alfurqan
    24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  226. 1. What: What is the main message of the poem?
    The poem conveys the earth’s pain and longing caused by human exploitation and neglect.

    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  227. What is the first information that you got from the poem
    Answer: This poem was created because environmental distraction, exploitation of natural resource and broken bone between community

    Ciptati Handayani
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM


  228. Where does the speaker’s “blood” flow?
    Answer : The speaker’s “blood” flows as the earth is exploited , dug up, and its resources and taken and sold to foreign lands.

    Elgibran Fanji Hazzano
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  229. 2. Who: Who is the earth addressing in the poem?
    The earth is addressing humans, specifically calling them its “children.”

    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  230. 3. When: When does the earth express its pain and longing?
    The earth expresses its pain whenever humans exploit and betray it, ignoring their promises to protect it.

    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  231. What makes the earth feel hurt?
    answer: The earth exploited and sold, while, its love is only a remnant

    Arina Mazda
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  232. Who is considered to have betrayed the earth?
    answer: The children who forgot their promises

    Arina Mazda
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  233. 1. How does Earth see its relationship with humans?
    Earth feels sad and disappointed.

    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  234. 1.How does the Poem related with the environment that happened on the land?
    Answer: Pain, blood, sadness
    Febrian Wizar Pratama
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  235. 2. When does Earth hope to heal?
    Earth hopes for a better future.

    24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  236. When does the earth express its hurt and longing?
    When it is forgotten and wounded.

    Arina Mazda
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  237. 1. What is the main message of the poem?
    Answer: The main message of the poem is about environmental destruction and the exploitation of nature. The poem conveys how the Earth (personified as a mother) feels pain, betrayal, and longing for her “children” (humans) who exploit her. It highlights the urgency for humanity to stop harming nature and to restore their relationship with the environment before irreversible damage occurs.

  238. 3. How does Earth want to be remembered?
    Earth wants loving remembrance.

    24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM

  239. What is the poem about?
    Answer: The poem is about the earth’s suffering because humans damage and neglect it.

    Aulia Rifqotul Farras
    24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  240. 2. Who is being addressed as “anak-anakku” (my children) in the poem?
    Answer: The “anak-anakku” refers to human beings, especially those who exploit the Earth through mining, deforestation, and other forms of environmental destruction. The Earth, as the “mother,” addresses humans as her children, symbolizing a close, familial relationship that has been broken by greed and negligence.

  241. 2.Why the land feel pain and sadness?
    Answer: Because of the wars
    Febrian Wizar Pratama
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  242. 3. Where does the setting or imagery of the poem take place?
    Answer: The setting of the poem is symbolically placed in the Earth itself — represented as a mother figure with elements like soil, dust, and the “lapisan tubuhku” (layers of my body) referring to the Earth’s crust. This setting reflects places affected by human exploitation, such as mining sites, deforested areas, or lands ravaged by industrialization.

  243. 3.When this poem was created?
    Answer:On Padang, West Sumatera, 2020
    Febrian Wizar Pratama
    24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  244. What does the line taken, sold, transported to foreign lands, where my love becomes nothing but remnants, mean?
    The way the land wants to be respected.

    Dinda Hayati Herman
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  245. Why is the earth crying?
    Answer: The earth is crying because it is hurt and exploited by humans.

    Aulia Rifqotul Farras
    24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  246. How does the earth show its love?
    Answer: The earth show its love by stll longing for and forgiving its children despite the pain.

    Aulia Rifqotul Farras
    24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  247. Who is the ‘I’ in the poem?
    The ‘I’ in the poem is the earth that feels pain due to human actions.

  248. What does the lane ‘ you sprinkle dust in my eyes, blinding my direction until I am lost in the silence that devours itself.’ mean?
    Consequences of human exploitation on land.

    Dinda Hayati Herman
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  249. What does the earth feel in the poem?
    Destruction, betrayal by humans towards the earth and deep sadness.

  250. How are humans described in this poem?

    Humans are described as someone who often breaks promises

  251. What does the line I want to be remembered, not just grasped, not merely hugged with empty hands, mean?
    It means the land wants to connect and have a strong relationship with human.

    Dinda Hayati Herman
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  252. What is the writer’s mean by“You sprinkle the dusk to my eyes blinding my direction until I lost in the silence that consumes me”
    Answer: she means that the consequence of exploitation to the world. The dusk is kind of the pollution that will give the long term damage for environment in the future.

    Ciptati Handayani
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  253. puisi ini memiliki makna yang sangat mendalam untuk mengajak kita menjaga lingkungan dan bumi ini, majas yang digunakan dalam puisi ini pun sangat lah menyentuh para pembaca

  254. Puisi ini memiliki makna kritikan apabila manusia merusak alam, maka alam akan memberikan balasan yang sepadan. Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 96 SN 1-2 LM

  255. Tanah yang menangis
    larik itu yang sukai dari puisi karena mengandung makna bahwa tanah mengungkapkan kesedihannya atas perlakuan manusia dan ia bisa merasakan itu semua. Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 96 SN 1-2 LM

  256. Ide kewirausahaan yang terpikirkan oleh saya yaitu membuat satu kegiatan cocok tanam dengan tujuan membudidayakan pohon agar menumbuhkan rasa peduli akan lingkungan. Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 96 SN 1-2 LM

  257. Why is this poem considered important in a modern context?
    Answer: Because in the context of the current environmental crisis, this idea reminds us of the importance of a harmonious relationship with the earth and respect for nature.

    Ciptati Handayani
    24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM

  258. Luar biasa puisinya menyampaikan rasa sakit dan rindu dari perspektif tanah yang merasa diabaikan dan disakiti oleh manusia. Bahasa yang digunakan cukup emosional, membuat pembaca merasa seolah-olah tanah benar-benar hidup dan merasakan penderitaan. Pesannya jelas, yaitu mengingatkan kita untuk lebih peduli sebelum semuanya terlambat. Puisi ini sederhana tapi sangat menyentuh.

  259. Makna Umum Puisi
    Puisi ini menggambarkan kesedihan dan kerinduan bumi terhadap anak-anaknya yang telah mengkhianati janji. Dengan simbolisme tanah, penulis mengekspresikan luka mendalam akibat eksploitasi dan pengabaian, serta harapan untuk kembali dipeluk dan dihargai.
    Asti marito rambe
    24 JD PKWU96 SN1-2 LM

  260. Ide bisnis yang muncul adalah membuka usaha penghijauan atau produk ramah lingkungan, membuat usaha dari sampah yang masih bisa di daur ulang seperti tas dari plastik dan pot bunga dari botol bekas atau produk-produk yang aman untuk lingkungan. Alasannya untuk membuat lingkungan agar tetap terjaga dan bersih.
    Asti marito rambe
    24 JD PKWU96 SN1-2 LM

  261. Bait yang paling berkesan pada puisi di atas ialah “Masih saja aku rindu kalian anak-anakku, lebih dari sekadar cinta”.
    24 JD PKWU96 SN1-2 LM

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