Kau, aku, kita—
bukan sekadar angka dalam barisan,
bukan bayangan yang lenyap di balik lampu jalan.
Kita adalah tangan yang saling menaut,
jemari-jemari lemah yang berjuang untuk saling membahu dan bertahan.
Saling menolong, bukan transaksi,
bukan kalkulasi untung rugi di atas kertas lusuh,
tapi jiwa yang menjerit bersama badai,
merobek batas aku dan kamu,
menutup luka menjadi sayap yang baru.
Ada saat ketika dunia tak lagi berkedip,
dan waktu berhenti,
di antara detak yang terabaikan,
di situ, kita belajar membaca,
bahwa satu uluran tangan dapat menjadi jembatan,
yang menghubungkan dua jeritan hati.
Saat kau tersandung, aku bukan saksi bisu,
bukan penonton di kursi penyangga,
aku adalah lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu,
menjadi bumi yang lembut ketika kau jatuh.
Dan ketika aku lelah, kau menjadi air,
membasuh debu yang mengaburkan pandangan.
Kita terkadang jadi jalinan benang kusut,
yang saling mencari ujung,
dalam simpul yang kadang menyakitkan.
Tapi bukankah, setiap simpul itu juga menguatkan?
Mengajari kita arti kerapuhan,
dan bahwa keberanian bukanlah tanpa takut,
melainkan melangkah meski gemetar.
Mari kita pecahkan tembok penghalang,
batu demi batu, meski tangan berlumur luka.
Mari kita menjadi pelangi yang tak henti berpendar,
meski hujan terus mendera,
karena saling menolong adalah keajaiban sunyi,
yang menciptakan cahaya dan kebangkitan.
Tak ada aku, tak ada kau, kita ada untuk bertahan meski di dunia terasa tak adil.
Menjadi nafas bagi yang terengah,
menjadi detak bagi yang hampir mati rasa.
Inilah kita, tangan yang menyatu,
membangun dari reruntuhan,
menulis kisah baru dengan tinta keberanian.
Padang, Sumbar, 2006.
English Version
Joined Hands
Poem by Leni Marlina
You, I, we—
not mere numbers in a line,
not shadows that vanish beneath streetlights.
We are hands, tightly clasped,
frail fingers learning to hold, to lift, to endure.
Helping each other, no cold transaction,
no tally of gain or loss on worn-out paper—
but spirits crying out through storms,
tearing down walls between “I” and “you,”
sealing wounds into wings.
There are moments when the world halts,
and time slips into stillness,
in the beat we often miss,
and there we learn:
one hand outstretched becomes a bridge,
spanning two hearts’ silent cries.
When you stumble, I am no bystander,
no silent figure seated in the wings.
I am the ground rising to catch you,
the soft earth when you fall.
And when I grow weary, you are water,
washing away dust that clouds my sight.
Sometimes, we are tangled threads,
seeking loose ends,
knotted in ties that sting.
But do not these knots make us stronger?
Teaching us what it means to be fragile,
to know courage is not the absence of fear,
but moving forward, even as we tremble.
Let us tear down the walls that stand between,
stone by stone, though our hands are raw.
Let us be a rainbow that does not dim,
even as rain continues to fall,
for the miracle of helping is a quiet light
that heals, that raises us anew.
There is no “I,” no “you”—only a shared will to endure,
though the world may not be kind.
We are the breath of those who falter,
the heartbeat of those nearly numb.
This is us, hands intertwined,
building from brokenness,
writing a new story in the ink of courage.
Padang, West Sumatra Province, Indonesia, 2006
Puisi ini awalnya ditulis oleh Leni Marlina hanya sebagai hobi dan koleksi puisi pribadi tahun 2006. Puisi tersebut direvisi kembali serta dipublikasikan pertama kalinya melalui media digital tahun 2024.
From the poem I can conclude that the joined hands symbolize a friendship that complements each other. where they are not just ordinary friends but more than that. Friends who are willing to get hurt for each other and risk their lives for each other.a pure friendship without any use of each other. this is truly a very deep and inspiring friendship.
Thank you for your message. It is interesting and beautifully written. I enjoy reading your comment.
Thank you for your message. It is cool and beautifully written. I enjoy reading your comment.
The conclusion of this poem is that in this world we can’t stand alone, we definitely need the help of others. Therefore, we must help each other by uniting in both good times and bad. For example, if one of us needs assistance, we must be ready to help them. Thus, we must unite to solve any problems that come our way.
The conclusion is that you cannot stand alone without other people,Let’s help each other And maintain relationships with each other. Don’t let conflict ruin your friendship, conflict is a normal thing.It makes our relationship closer
Thank you for your message. It is great and beautifully written. I enjoy reading your comment.
Puisi ini menggambarkan kekuatan persahabatan atau cinta yang saling mendukung di tengah kesulitan, di mana dua jiwa saling menopang dan tumbuh bersama melalui luka dan perjuangan. Nama saya [Nama Lengkap], dari WA Group Kelas [Nama Kelas].
Ide bisnis: platform dukungan mental atau komunitas untuk saling berbagi dan membantu sesama, terinspirasi dari tema kebersamaan dan dukungan dalam puisi ini. Peluangnya besar karena semakin banyak orang membutuhkan ruang untuk bercerita dan saling menyemangati.
Muhammad Wirhan Syah/24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
The conclusion of this poem is that in this world we can’t stand alone, we definitely need the help of others. Therefore, we must help each other by uniting in both good times and bad. For example, if one of us needs assistance, we must be ready to help them. Thus, we must unite to solve any problems that come our way.
The poem is very touching and gives many messages in it. The poem is beautifully arranged and teaches us to stay together and not to be divided, the meaning of the poem is similar to the meaning of “bineka tunggal Ika” this poem describes the Indonesian people. This poem also teaches us how to establish relationships in friendship and siblinghood.
Puisi ini sangat menyentuh dan banyak mengandung pesan di dalamnya. Puisi ini disusun dengan dan mengajarkan kita untuk tetap bersatu dan tidak berpecah belah, makna dari puisi ini serupa dengan makna “bhinneka tunggal Ika” puisi sangat menggambarkan bangsa Indonesia. Puisi ini juga mengajarkan kita bagaimana menjalin hubungan dalam persahabatan dan persaudaraan.
We are ordinary human beings and not free from mistakes. It is good to help each other through life’s difficulties. In this life, it’s impossible to stand alone; we all need friends. Be a friend who is strong and strengthens others without being asked. Be a friend who helps selflessly. By being together, supporting one another, and respecting our differences, we can journey through life side by side, even when the world feels unfair and full of challenges.
The conclusion that can be drawn from this poem is that friendship becomes a place of refuge, keeping and being kept and sharing affection with each other. Not just a place to tell stories but a person who can be trusted, understood and resolved together. So, that’s what makes a friend meaningful.
This poem teaches us that we cannot stand alone, we need the help of others so that our lives can be useful.
puisi ini mengajarkan kita bahwa kita tidak dapat berdiri sendiri, kita memerlukan bantuan orang lain agar hidup kita bisa bermanfaat.
This poem has a meaning about the strength of friendship. In a relationship with friends sometimes there are conflicts or disagreements, but with the problems that occur a sense of mutual understanding increases which will further strengthen the friendship. This is also a message of resilience and unity as a path to transcending individual adversity, writing a new story of courage and compassion.
Puisi ini mempunyai makna tentang kuatnya persahabatan. Dalam menjalin hubungan dengan sahabat terkadang terdapat konflik atau perbedaan pendapat, namun dengan adanya permasalahan yang terjadi maka rasa saling pengertian akan meningkat yang akan semakin mempererat persahabatan. Ini juga merupakan pesan ketahanan dan persatuan sebagai jalan untuk mengatasi kesulitan individu, menulis kisah baru tentang keberanian dan kasih sayang.
This poem captures the beauty of human connection and the strength we find in supporting each other. It shows that we are not meant to face life alone, but together, we can lift each other when we fall. The image of hands clasped, holding on to one another through struggles, feels real and heartfelt. I love how it talks about facing fear, not by pretending it doesn’t exist, but by having the courage to keep going despite it. The poem reminds us that even in pain, we can find strength through others, and that true connection goes beyond mere words—it is about being there for each other, no matter how hard things get. This deeply resonates with the core of friendship, love, and what it means to be human.
We are just ordinary humans who need each other, we are not used to doing everything ourselves. We need friends who will help us selflessly, and strengthen and support us when we are fragile. Sometimes in a relationship, there is always conflict, but that is where we learn to understand each other and correct mistakes.
The conclusion is that friendship gives strength and comfort, because there is someone who truly cares and appreciates us for who we are.
This poem describes the importance of supporting and strengthening each other in facing life’s difficulties. Through various metaphors, the author emphasizes that relationships between individuals are not just numbers or transactions, but deep emotional bonds. On our journey together, we learn the meaning of vulnerability and courage. This poem invites us to continue building hope and awakening even though the world feels unfair, by supporting each other and sharing love.
This poem beautifully captures a spirit of resilience and unity in the face of adversity. This poem is a moving testament to courage, compassion, and the strength that arises from shared struggles.
This poem is reflects the spirit of togetherness and caring through life’s Challenges. It shows that we live to help each other sincerely. Without looking at differences. We are not just here as spectators, we are meant to support and strengthen in need. Sometimes relationships can become strained, but that should not lead to separation. Instead, it can make the bond even stronger. Overall, the poem encourages us to always help, support and stand by each other, especially in difficult times. Helping each other can grow love and removing difficulties.
From what I got from this poem alone never make you feel better, as social creatures we need other to help each other as well we value being together instead alone in our life and for our better future
Dari apa yang saya dapatkan dari puisi ini sendiri tidak pernah membuat Anda merasa lebih baik, sebagai makhluk sosial kita membutuhkan orang lain untuk saling membantu dan kita menghargai kebersamaan dibandingkan sendirian dalam hidup kita dan untuk masa depan kita yang lebih baik
This poem speaks about hands joined together, symbolizing mutual help among people. A single helping hand can greatly assist others. In facing life’s trials, we must unite our strength to endure together and join forces to find solutions. In life, we can become strong and resilient with the support of others, especially those closest to us.
The conclusion is that friendship gives strength and comfort, because there is someone who truly cares and appreciates us for who we are.In friendship, happiness feels more meaningful when shared, and burdens feel lighter when carried together.
This poem captures the strength of human connection and the power of supporting each other. It reminds us we’re not meant to face life alone; together, we lift each other up. The image of clasped hands feels real, showing we face fear by moving forward despite it. True connection isn’t just words—it’s being there for one another through every struggle. This resonates deeply with the essence of friendship, love, and humanity.
Puisi ini menggambarkan kekuatan hubungan manusia dan kekuatan saling mendukung. Ini mengingatkan kita bahwa kita tidak seharusnya menghadapi hidup sendirian; bersama-sama, kita bisa saling menguatkan. Gambar tangan yang saling menggenggam terasa nyata, menunjukkan bahwa kita menghadapi ketakutan dengan terus maju meski sulit. Koneksi sejati bukan hanya kata-kata—tapi hadir untuk satu sama lain dalam setiap perjuangan. Ini sangat selaras dengan esensi persahabatan, cinta, dan kemanusiaan.
Menurut saya, puisi ini bermakna dalam. Persahabatan yang hangat sekarang menjadi asing. Namun, persahabatan tidak akan selalu berjalan mulus. Akan tetapi masalah tersebut bukanlah alasan untuk berhenti berteman
In my opinion, this poem has a deep meaning. A warm friendship has now become distant. However, friendship will not always go smoothly. But those problems are not a reason to stop being friends.
Dalam puisi ini, saya memahami makna tentang saling tolong menolong dalam pertemanan. Teman yang baik akan saling membantu saat ketika kita mudah maupun sedang susah. Teman yang baik akan selalu menolong kita dimanapun kita berada. Dengan teman kita akan dapat bertahan bersama di dunia ini
In this poem, I understand the meaning of mutual help in friendship. Good friends will help each other when it’s easy or difficult. A good friend will always help us wherever we are. With friends we will be able to survive together in this world.
Puisi ini menggambarkan hubungan antara individu sebagai sebuah ikatan yang kuat dan saling mendukung. Tidak hanya sebagai angka atau bayangan, tetapi sebagai entitas yang saling menguatkan. Konsep saling menolong di dalamnya bukanlah transaksi, melainkan sebuah hubungan yang dalam, di mana satu tangan dapat menjadi jembatan bagi yang lain. Ada momen-momen sulit yang mengajarkan kita tentang kerapuhan dan keberanian. Melalui kebersamaan, kita dapat mengatasi rintangan dan menciptakan keajaiban, meskipun dunia sering kali terasa tidak adil. Pada akhirnya, kita adalah satu kesatuan yang berjuang dan bertahan, menulis kisah baru dengan keberanian
This poem describes the relationship between individuals as a strong bond and mutual support. Not just as numbers or shadows, but as mutually reinforcing entities. The concept of helping each other in it is not a transaction, but a deep relationship, where one hand can be a bridge for another. There are difficult moments that teach us about fragility and courage. Through togetherness, we can overcome obstacles and create miracles, even though the world often feels unfair. In the end, we are one unit that fights and survives, writing a new story with courage
The conclusion of the poem above is that humans need other people in their lives, we help each other from one person to another to face a problem or an activity.
puisi ini menceritakan tentang keindahan solidaritas, kebersamaan, dalam sebuah hubungan yang saling mendukung. Tentang bagaimana tulus nya sebuah hubungan yang saling menguatkan dan mengajarkan tentang keberanian.
This poem tells about the beauty of solidarity, togetherness, in a mutually supportive relationship. About how sincere a relationship is that strengthens each other and teaches about courage.
Menurut saya, puisi ini bermakna dalam. Persahabatan yang hangat sekarang menjadi asing. Namun, persahabatan tidak akan selalu berjalan mulus. Akan tetapi masalah tersebut bukanlah alasan untuk berhenti berteman
In my opinion, this poem has a deep meaning. A warm friendship has now become distant. However, friendship will not always go smoothly. But those problems are not a reason to stop being friends.
Dari puisi tersebut saya mendapatkan pencerahan mengenai persatuan dan kesatuan dalam sebuah kelompok. Kesatuan tersebut selalu rapat dan bertahan baik dalam kondisi apapun dan kesusahan apapun. Dengan persatuan kita dapat mengahadapi segala hal dan dapat melewati segala rintangan . Persatuan dan kesatuan yang kokoh ini dilambangkan dengan tangan yang saling merangkul dan jari jari yang memegang erat satu sama lain.
The poem enlightened me about unity in a group. The unity is always tight and enduring in any condition and any hardship. With unity we can face all things and can overcome all obstacles. This solid unity is symbolized by hands that embrace each other and fingers that hold each other tightly.
24019056 Muhammad Zikri Alfurqan ( 24 JD Writing NK2-24 SL7-8 LM )
Puisi ini menggambarkan hubungan antara individu sebagai sebuah ikatan yang kuat dan saling mendukung. Tidak hanya sebagai angka atau bayangan, tetapi sebagai entitas yang saling menguatkan. Konsep saling menolong di dalamnya bukanlah transaksi, melainkan sebuah hubungan yang dalam, di mana satu tangan dapat menjadi jembatan bagi yang lain. Ada momen-momen sulit yang mengajarkan kita tentang kerapuhan dan keberanian. Melalui kebersamaan, kita dapat mengatasi rintangan dan menciptakan keajaiban, meskipun dunia sering kali terasa tidak adil. Pada akhirnya, kita adalah satu kesatuan yang berjuang dan bertahan, menulis kisah baru dengan keberanian
This poem describes the relationship between individuals as a strong bond and mutual support. Not just as numbers or shadows, but as mutually reinforcing entities. The concept of helping each other in it is not a transaction, but a deep relationship, where one hand can be a bridge for another. There are difficult moments that teach us about fragility and courage. Through togetherness, we can overcome obstacles and create miracles, even though the world often feels unfair. In the end, we are one unit that fights and survives, writing a new story with courage
English version:
This poem describes the meaning of togetherness and selfless mutual support. “I” and “you” merge into “we” who strengthen each other, cross boundaries, and rise together even though the world feels heavy. Courage and sincerity in this relationship is what creates new hope and strength to survive
Indonesian version:
Puisi ini menggambarkan makna kebersamaan dan saling mendukung tanpa pamrih. “Aku” dan “kau” melebur menjadi “kita” yang saling menguatkan, melewati batas, dan bangkit bersama meski dunia terasa berat. Keberanian dan ketulusan dalam hubungan inilah yang menciptakan harapan dan kekuatan baru untuk bertahan
This poem emphasizes the importance of deeper relationships between individuals. You, me, we show that we are not just separate individuals, but part of an interconnected community
Puisi ini berbicara tentang tangan yang disatukan, melambangkan gotong royong antar manusia. Satu uluran tangan bisa sangat membantu orang lain. Dalam menghadapi cobaan hidup, kita harus menyatukan kekuatan untuk bertahan bersama dan bersatu untuk mencari solusi. Dalam hidup, kita bisa menjadi kuat dan tangguh dengan dukungan orang lain, terutama orang-orang terdekat kita.
This poem speaks about hands joined together, symbolizing mutual help among people. A single helping hand can greatly assist others. In facing life’s trials, we must unite our strength to endure together and join forces to find solutions. In life, we can become strong and resilient with the support of others, especially those closest to us.
This poem means helping each other, about being sportsmanlike towards each other in any circumstances. and if we help each other, it will definitely create a symbiotic relationship of mutualism between us. Helping others will create new feelings of friendship.
puisi ini bermakna saling membantu satu sama kain, tentang sportif satu sama lain di keadaan apapun. dan jika sudah saling membantu, pasti akan memunculkan hubungan simbiosis mutualisme antara kita. membantu sesama akan menimbulkan rasa pertemanan baru.
Puisi ini menekankan kekuatan saling mendukung. Di saat-saat fase sulit, kita harus saling menguatkan. Keberanian sejati adalah menghadapi tantangan bersama, berdampingan karena peran teman sangat penting.
This poem emphasizes the power of supporting each other. In times of difficult phases, we must strengthen each other. True courage is facing challenges together, side by side because the role of friends is very important.
The conclusion that can be drawn from this poem is that friendship becomes a place of refuge, keeping and being kept and sharing affection with each other. Not just a place to tell stories but a person who can be trusted, understood and resolved together. So, that’s what makes a friend meaningful.We are ordinary human beings and not free from mistakes. It is good to help each other through life’s difficulties. In this life, it’s impossible to stand alone; we all need friends. Be a friend who is strong and strengthens others without being asked. Be a friend who helps selflessly. By being together, supporting one another, and respecting our differences, we can journey through life side by side, even when the world feels unfair and full of challenges
The poem reflects on the power of human connection and support in facing life’s hardships. It conveys that relationships are not merely transactional or superficial; they are rooted in empathy, unity, and resilience.
Puisi ini merefleksikan kekuatan hubungan dan dukungan antarmanusia dalam menghadapi kesulitan hidup. Puisi ini menyampaikan bahwa hubungan tidak hanya bersifat transaksional atau dangkal; hubungan tersebut berakar pada empati, persatuan, dan ketahanan.
From this poem, we learn about how important it is for us to help each other and work shoulder to shoulder with each other. There are many lessons that we can take as examples. There are various things that happen in life, from things that are absorbed to things that are the happiest in life. The most important thing is that we must support each other.
what a beautiful friendship we have had with our friends. meskipun disetiap pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan, namun kita tetap bersahabat. we help each other when we need it and are always ready whenever we need each other. thank you friend, distance is not a barrier for us. jalinan persahabatan kita akan abadi selamanya.
Joice Natasha L 24019013 24 JD WRITING NK 2-24 SL 7-8 LM
Puisi ini menekankan kekuatan saling mendukung. Di saat-saat fase sulit, kita harus saling menguatkan. Keberanian sejati adalah menghadapi tantangan bersama, berdampingan karena peran teman sangat penting.
This poem emphasizes the power of supporting each other. In times of difficult phases, we must strengthen each other. True courage is facing challenges together, side by side because the role of friends is very important.
This poem highlights the importance of presence and support in difficult times, where we learn from experiences and challenges. Painful knots illustrate the complexities in relationships, but also teach about strength and courage.
Ultimately, this poem calls on us to unite in the face of injustice, be a source of strength for each other, and create positive change in our lives. In this way, this poem celebrates togetherness and the magic of helping each other.
Puisi ini menyoroti pentingnya kehadiran dan dukungan dalam masa-masa sulit, di mana kita belajar dari pengalaman dan tantangan. Simpul yang menyakitkan menggambarkan kerumitan dalam hubungan, tetapi juga mengajarkan tentang kekuatan dan keberanian.
Akhirnya, puisi ini menyerukan kita untuk bersatu dalam menghadapi ketidakadilan, menjadi sumber kekuatan bagi satu sama lain, dan menciptakan perubahan positif dalam kehidupan. Dengan demikian, puisi ini merayakan kebersamaan dan keajaiban dari saling menolong.
Puisi Tangan yang Menyatu memiliki makna yang dalam tentang kebersamaan dan kekuatan persatuan. Dalam setiap baitnya, tersirat rasa solidaritas dan kekuatan yang muncul ketika individu-individu bersatu. Pemilihan kata-kata seperti menyatu, erat,dan kokoh memberikan nuansa keteguhan dan kebersamaan yang kuat
The poem United Hands has a deep meaning about togetherness and the power of unity. In each stanza, there is a sense of solidarity and strength that arises when individuals unite. The choice of words such as united, tight, and solid gives a strong feeling of steadfastness and togetherness.
In my opinion, this poem is really touching. It shows how important it is to support each other in life. The idea of “You, me, we” illustrates that everyone has a meaningful role. I love how the poem encourages us to embrace vulnerability as part of courage.
Menurut saya, puisi ini sangat menyentuh. Ia menunjukkan betapa pentingnya saling dukung dalam hidup kita. Konsep “Kau, aku, kita” menggambarkan bahwa setiap orang punya peran yang berarti. Saya suka bagaimana puisi ini mengajak kita menerima kerapuhan sebagai bagian dari keberanian.
Puisi ini menekankan pentingnya hubungan yang lebih dalam antara individu. Kau, aku, kita menunjukkan bahwa kita bukan sekadar individu yang terpisah, melainkan bagian dari suatu komunitas yang saling terhubung.Penulis menekankan bahwa dalam momen sulit, kita harus saling membantu tanpa melihat untung rugi. Ada keinginan untuk saling menguatkan dan membantu satu sama lain, yang menjadi inti dari hubungan antarmanusia.
This poem emphasizes the importance of deeper relationships between individuals. You, me, we show that we are not just separate individuals, but part of an interconnected community.
The author emphasizes that in difficult moments, we must help each other without looking at the advantages and disadvantages. There is a desire to strengthen and help each other, which is the essence of human relationships.
From this poem, we learn about how important it is for us to help each other and work shoulder to shoulder with each other. There are many lessons that we can take as examples. There are various things that happen in life, from things that are absorbed to things that are the happiest in life. The most important thing is that we must support each other.
Dari puisi ini, kita belajar tentang betapa berartinya kita harus saling menolong dan bahu membahu satu sama lain. Banyak hikmah yang bisa kita ambil sebagai teladan. Ada berbagai hal yang terjadi dalam hidup, mulai dari hal yang diserap hingga hal yang paling membahagiakan dalam hidup. Yang terpenting kita harus saling mendukung.
Comment in English:
This poem beautifully expresses the essence of human connection and solidarity. The imagery of intertwining hands illustrates the depth of relationships, highlighting that true companionship goes beyond transactions. It emphasizes vulnerability and courage, showcasing how we uplift each other through life’s challenges. A heartfelt reflection on unity and strength!
Komentar dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Puisi ini dengan indah menggambarkan esensi hubungan manusia dan solidaritas. Imaji tangan yang saling terjalin menyoroti kedalaman hubungan, menunjukkan bahwa persahabatan sejati melampaui transaksi. Ini menekankan kerentanan dan keberanian, serta bagaimana kita saling mengangkat di tengah tantangan hidup. Sebuah refleksi yang tulus tentang persatuan dan kekuatan!
( English)
The conclusion of the poem above is that humans need other people in their lives, we help each other from one person to another to face a problem or an activity.
( Indonesia )
kesimpulan dari puisi di atas adalah manusia membutuhkan orang lain dalam kehidupannya, kita saling membantu dari orang satu ke orang lainnya untuk menghadapi suatu permasalahan atau suatu kegiatan
Puisi ini menggambarkan arti kebersamaan dan keajaiban saling menolong dalam menghadapi kesulitan. “Aku,” “kau,” dan “kita” bukan hanya sekadar angka atau bayangan yang hilang; mereka adalah tangan-tangan yang saling menaut dan bahu-membahu, melampaui batas ego dan perhitungan. Ada kesediaan untuk saling menopang, memeluk ketika jatuh, dan menghapus luka bersama, yang menjadikan kebersamaan sebagai kekuatan untuk bertahan. Setiap simpul dalam hubungan ini, meski kadang menyakitkan, juga menjadi penguat yang mengajarkan makna keberanian dan kerapuhan.
Dari puisi ini, muncul ide peluang berupa program atau inisiatif yang mempromosikan kerja sama dan solidaritas dalam komunitas, misalnya program mentoring, support groups, atau aplikasi yang menghubungkan orang-orang untuk saling membantu. Selain itu, dapat dikembangkan bisnis berbasis komunitas seperti platform dukungan sosial, tempat setiap orang dapat berbagi dan saling memberikan dukungan emosional maupun praktis. Hal ini bukan hanya tentang bantuan fisik, tetapi juga menghidupkan kembali semangat kebersamaan dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup.
Dewinta Darmasari
The poem above is very good, it has a very deep meaning about friendship, sometimes there are times when friendships experience problems, but together with friends we can solve various problems.
Puisi di atas sangat bagus maknanya sangat dalam tentang persahabatan yang kadang ada masanya dalam teman mengalami masalah namun dengan bersama teman kita bisa menyelesaikan berbagai masalah
From the poem I can conclude that the joined hands symbolize a friendship that complements each other. where they are not just ordinary friends but more than that. Friends who are willing to get hurt for each other and risk their lives for each other.a pure friendship without any use of each other. this is truly a very deep and inspiring friendship.
Dari puisi tersebut saya dapat menyimpulkan bahwa tangan yang bergandengan melambangkan sebuah persahabatan yang saling melengkapi. dimana mereka bukan sekedar teman biasa tapi lebih dari itu. Sahabat yang rela terluka satu sama lain dan mempertaruhkan nyawanya demi satu sama lain. persahabatan yang murni tanpa ada gunanya satu sama lain. ini benar-benar persahabatan yang sangat mendalam dan menginspirasi.
This poem is reflects the spirit of togetherness and caring through life’s Challenges. It shows that we live to help each other sincerely. Without looking at differences. We are not just here as spectators, we are meant to support and strengthen in need. Sometimes relationships can become strained, but that should not lead to separation. Instead, it can make the bond even stronger. Overall, the poem encourages us to always help, support and stand by each other, especially in difficult times. Helping each other can grow love and removing difficulties.
Dari puisi di atas saya dapat menyimpulkan bahwa tangan saling berpegangan melambangkan persahabatan yang saling melengkapi okeh karena itu kita harus saling membantu dengan satu dalam suka maupun duka, di dunia ini kita tidak bisa berdiri sendiri kita pasti membutuhkan bantuan orang lain
From the poem above I can conclude that holding each other’s hands symbolizes friendship which complements each other, okay therefore we have to help each other in joy and sorrow, in this world we cannot stand alone we definitely need the help of other people
Comment in English:
This poem beautifully expresses the essence of human connection and solidarity. The imagery of intertwining hands illustrates the depth of relationships, highlighting that true companionship goes beyond transactions. It emphasizes vulnerability and courage, showcasing how we uplift each other through life’s challenges. A heartfelt reflection on unity and strength!
Muhamad Faizal 24 JD Writing NK 2-24 SL7-8 LM
Komentar dalam Bahasa Indonesia:
Puisi ini dengan indah menggambarkan esensi hubungan manusia dan solidaritas. Imaji tangan yang saling terjalin menyoroti kedalaman hubungan, menunjukkan bahwa persahabatan sejati melampaui transaksi. Ini menekankan kerentanan dan keberanian, serta bagaimana kita saling mengangkat di tengah tantangan hidup. Sebuah refleksi yang tulus tentang persatuan dan kekuatan!
The poem of joined hands is about togetherness and the power of unity. In each feed, there is a strong sense of solidarity and strength that arises when individuals unite. The choice of words such as “united”, “tight”, and “solid” gives a feeling of steadfastness and a strong sense of togetherness.
puisi tangan yang menyatu bermakna tentang kebersamaan dan kekuatan persatuan. Di dalam setiap baitnya, terbesit rasa solidaritas yang tinggi dan kekuatan yang muncul saat individu-individu bersatu. Pemilihan kata seperti “menyatu,” “erat,” dan “kokoh” memberi nuansa keteguhan dan rasa kebersamaan yang kuat
kita sebagai manusia tidak bisa hidup sendiri, pastinya butuh orang lain. karena itulah kita dinamakan sebagai makhluk sosial. jikalau suatu pekerjaan dilakukan bersama sama maka akan lebih cepat selesai. oleh karena itu kita harus saling tolong menolong antar sesama tanpa pamrih.
We as humans cannot live alone, we definitely need other people. That’s why we are called social creatures. If a job is done together it will be completed more quickly. Therefore we must help each other selflessly.
This poem is reflects the spirit of togetherness and caring through life’s Challenges. It shows that we live to help each other sincerely. Without looking at differences. We are not just here as spectators, we are meant to support and strengthen in need. Sometimes relationships can become strained, but that should not lead to separation. Instead, it can make the bond even stronger.
Puisi ini mencerminkan semangat kebersamaan dan kepedulian melalui tantangan hidup. Ini menunjukkan bahwa kita hidup untuk saling membantu dengan tulus. Tanpa melihat perbedaan. Kita tidak hanya ada di sini sebagai penonton, kita dimaksudkan untuk mendukung dan memperkuat yang membutuhkan. Terkadang hubungan bisa menjadi tegang, tetapi itu tidak seharusnya berujung pada perpisahan. Sebaliknya, hal itu bisa membuat ikatan menjadi lebih kuat.
This poem speaks about the strength and bonds we discover through supporting one another. It reminds us that we are more than just numbers or strangers we are people who can reach out, share burdens, and heal together. Helping others isn’t about calculations; it’s about being there for each other in tough times, lifting each other up, and being the support someone needs. Even though life and relationships can often be complicated, every challenge makes us stronger. The poem invites us to break down walls, embrace struggles together, and become a quiet miracle of resilience. We are here to be each other’s breath and heartbeat when the world feels heavy, building a new story of hope and courage together.
Puisi ini berbicara tentang kekuatan dan hubungan yang kita temukan saat saling mendukung. Puisi ini mengingatkan kita bahwa kita lebih dari sekadar angka atau orang asing, kita adalah manusia yang bisa saling merangkul, berbagi beban, dan menyembuhkan bersama. Membantu orang lain bukan soal hitung-hitungan, tetapi tentang hadir untuk satu sama lain saat hidup terasa sulit, mengangkat saat jatuh, dan menjadi penopang yang dibutuhkan. Meski hidup dan hubungan sering kali rumit, setiap tantangan membuat kita lebih kuat. Puisi ini mengajak kita untuk meruntuhkan tembok pemisah, menerima perjuangan bersama, dan menjadi keajaiban kecil yang penuh ketangguhan. Kita ada untuk menjadi nafas dan denyut bagi sesama ketika dunia terasa berat, membangun cerita baru penuh harapan dan keberanian bersama.
Puisi “Tangan yang Menyatu” mengingatkanku akan arti kebersamaan dan saling mendukung. Bagi saya, puisi ini menunjukkan bahwa kita tidak hanya berdiri sendiri, tetapi saling menolong tanpa pamrih. Dalam kebersamaan, kita menemukan kekuatan untuk bangkit, meski menghadapi tantangan yang sulit.
The poem “Tangan yang Menyatu” reminds me of the meaning of unity and mutual support. To me, it shows that we don’t stand alone but support each other selflessly. Through togetherness, we find strength to rise, even when facing tough challenges.
Meaning in English:
This poem is a reflection of the power of unity and empathy, purporting numbers and passerby encounters to hold people together. This is when people come forward to support one another sans expectations; true connection actually takes place, which then turns individual struggles into shared resilience. We find strength, courage, and hope through mutual compassion, even in life’s harshest moments.
Meaning in Indonesian:
Puisi ini merupakan refleksi dari kekuatan kebersamaan dan empati, menunjukkan bahwa bukan sekadar angka atau pertemuan sekilas yang mengikat manusia. Ketika orang saling mendukung tanpa mengharapkan imbalan, di situlah tercipta koneksi sejati, yang kemudian mengubah perjuangan individu menjadi ketahanan bersama. Melalui belas kasih, kita menemukan kekuatan, keberanian, dan harapan, bahkan di saat-saat terberat dalam hidup.
Aldi Ranto.
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL 9-10 LM
In my opinion this poem is absolutely beautiful and has a deep meaning in togetherness. This poem is about support and help each other without expecting anything from anyone. This poem is a good remember for us to always be there for each others. A small of our kindness can give big impact for others without we knowing it. All of the words are powerful and make me imagining everything clearly. This poem is really changed the way i think.
Menurut saya puisi ini sangat indah dan memiliki makna yang dalam tentang kebersamaan. Puisi ini tentang saling mendukung dan membantu tanpa mengharapkan balasan dari siapa pun. Puisi ini adalah pengingat yang baik bagi kita untuk selalu ada bagi satu sama lain. Kebaikan kecil kita dapat memberikan dampak besar bagi orang lain tanpa kita sadari. Semua kata-katanya kuat dan membuat saya membayangkan segalanya dengan jelas. Puisi ini benar-benar mengubah cara berpikir saya.
The poem emphasizes the deep connection and solidarity between individuals, portraying “you” and “I” as intertwined in a shared journey of mutual support and compassion. It highlights that true help comes from empathy rather than transactional exchanges, using imagery of hands reaching out to symbolize the strength found in unity, where one person’s struggle becomes a collective experience. Acknowledging the challenges in relationships, the poem depicts them as knots that, while painful, ultimately strengthen bonds.
Puisi ini menekankan hubungan mendalam dan solidaritas antara individu, menggambarkan “kau” dan “aku” sebagai jiwa-jiwa yang saling terkait dalam perjalanan bersama yang penuh dukungan dan kasih sayang. Puisi ini menyoroti bahwa bantuan sejati lahir dari empati, bukan dari pertukaran yang bersifat transaksi, menggunakan citra tangan yang saling meraih untuk melambangkan kekuatan yang ditemukan dalam kebersamaan, di mana perjuangan satu orang menjadi pengalaman kolektif. Sambil mengakui tantangan dalam hubungan, puisi ini menggambarkannya sebagai simpul-simpul yang, meski menyakitkan, pada akhirnya memperkuat ikatan.
This poem describes the strength of solidarity that supports each other selflessly. “You, me, us” are not just ordinary relationships but bonds that strengthen us in difficult times. Even though life is full of challenges, courage grows when we walk together. From every hardship, we learn the meaning of fragility that builds strength. In essence, this poem invites us to unite, support each other, and be a place to lean on in the face of the world’s unfairness.
Puisi ini menggambarkan kekuatan solidaritas yang saling mendukung tanpa pamrih. “Kau, aku, kita” bukan sekadar hubungan biasa, tapi ikatan yang menguatkan di tengah cobaan. Meski hidup penuh tantangan, keberanian tumbuh saat kita melangkah bersama. Dari setiap kesulitan, kita belajar arti kerapuhan yang membangun kekuatan. Intinya, puisi ini mengajak kita untuk bersatu, saling mendukung, dan menjadi sandaran satu sama lain di tengah ketidakadilan dunia.
Atika Lufti Amanda
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
In English:
This poem conveys a powerful message about unity, compassion, and resilience. It highlights the importance of supporting each other through life’s struggles, not as a transaction or out of self-interest, but as a genuine act of solidarity. The verses describe how “we” are more than individuals; we are intertwined souls that lean on one another to grow stronger, even when the journey is difficult.
In Bahasa Indonesia:
Puisi ini menyampaikan pesan yang kuat tentang kesatuan, kasih sayang, dan keteguhan hati. Puisi ini menekankan pentingnya saling mendukung melalui kesulitan hidup, bukan sebagai transaksi atau demi kepentingan diri, tetapi sebagai tindakan solidaritas yang tulus. Baris-barisnya menggambarkan bahwa “kita” bukan sekadar individu; kita adalah jiwa-jiwa yang saling terkait, yang bertumpu pada satu sama lain untuk menjadi lebih kuat, bahkan saat perjalanan terasa sulit.
Aldava Mildli Koto
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL 9-10 LM
This poem reminds us that deep relationships, whether love or friendship, don’t always run smoothly. In fact, strong relationships always grow from sacrifices and fragile and painful moments. Like a tangled thread trying to find its end, relationships often go through difficult times that cause pain. We are taught that relationships are not about seeking perfection, but about having the courage to stick by someone’s side, despite the occasional fear or doubt. And, that’s where we find the true meaning of sacrifice and deep commitment.
Puisi ini mengingatkan kita bahwa hubungan yang mendalam, entah cinta atau persahabatan tidak selalu berjalan mulus. Justru hubungan yang kuat selalu tumbuh dari pengorbanan dan momen-momen rapuh dan menyakitkan. Seperti benang kusut yang mencoba menemukan ujungnya, hubungan sering kali melewati masa sulit yang menimbulkan rasa sakit. Kita diajarkan bahwa hubungan bukan tentang mencari kesempurnaan, tetapi tentang keberanian untuk terus bertahan fi samping seseorang, meskipun kadang takut atau ragu. Dan, di situlah kita menemukan makna sejati dari pengorbanan dan komitmen yang mendalam.
The poem emphasizes the deep connection and solidarity between individuals, portraying “you” and “I” as intertwined in a shared journey of mutual support and compassion. It highlights that true help comes from empathy rather than transactional exchanges, using imagery of hands reaching out to symbolize the strength found in unity, where one person’s struggle becomes a collective experience. Acknowledging the challenges in relationships, the poem depicts them as knots that, while painful, ultimately strengthen bonds.
Puisi ini menekankan hubungan mendalam dan solidaritas antara individu, menggambarkan “kau” dan “aku” sebagai jiwa-jiwa yang saling terkait dalam perjalanan bersama yang penuh dukungan dan kasih sayang. Puisi ini menyoroti bahwa bantuan sejati lahir dari empati, bukan dari pertukaran yang bersifat transaksi, menggunakan citra tangan yang saling meraih untuk melambangkan kekuatan yang ditemukan dalam kebersamaan, di mana perjuangan satu orang menjadi pengalaman kolektif. Sambil mengakui tantangan dalam hubungan, puisi ini menggambarkannya sebagai simpul-simpul yang, meski menyakitkan, pada akhirnya memperkuat ikatan.
Adrian Rama Putra
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
This poem reminds us that deep relationships, whether love or friendship, don’t always run smoothly. In fact, strong relationships always grow from sacrifices and fragile and painful moments. Like a tangled thread trying to find its end, relationships often go through difficult times that cause pain. We are taught that relationships are not about seeking perfection, but about having the courage to stick by someone’s side, despite the occasional fear or doubt. And, that’s where we find the true meaning of sacrifice and deep commitment.
Puisi ini mengingatkan kita bahwa hubungan yang mendalam, entah cinta atau persahabatan tidak selalu berjalan mulus. Justru hubungan yang kuat selalu tumbuh dari pengorbanan dan momen-momen rapuh dan menyakitkan. Seperti benang kusut yang mencoba menemukan ujungnya, hubungan sering kali melewati masa sulit yang menimbulkan rasa sakit. Kita diajarkan bahwa hubungan bukan tentang mencari kesempurnaan, tetapi tentang keberanian untuk terus bertahan fi samping seseorang, meskipun kadang takut atau ragu. Dan, di situlah kita menemukan makna sejati dari pengorbanan dan komitmen yang mendalam.
Dian fhadlaini
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
for me this poem has a meaning that in this world we cannot live alone and definitely need the help of others. therefore we must help each other and that is everyone’s obligation. this poem shows that we don’t have to be perfect to help each other, by helping each other we can get through all the obstacles that exist.
Bagi saya puisi ini memiliki arti bahwa didunia ini kita tidak bisa hidup sendiri dan pasti membutuhkan bantuan orang lain. oleh karena itu kita harus saling tolong menolong dan itu adalah kewajiban setiap orang. Puisi ini menunjukkan bahwa kita tidak harus menjadi sempurna untuk saling membantu, dengan saling membantu kita dapat melewati segala rintangan yang ada.
Audia Rahma Aisyah
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-LM10
This poem illustrates the power of togetherness in the face of life’s difficulties. In a relationship, we not only rely on each other for benefits but to support each other in all circumstances. Despite complicated challenges, every problem we face together strengthens our bond. Togetherness becomes a source of strength to survive in a harsh and sometimes unfair world.
Puisi ini menggambarkan kekuatan dari kebersamaan dalam menghadapi kesulitan hidup. Dalam sebuah hubungan, kita tidak hanya saling mengandalkan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan tetapi untuk saling mendukung di segala keadaan. Meski ada tantangan yang rumit, setiap masalah yang kita hadapi bersama justru memperkuat ikatan kita. Kebersamaan menjadi sumber kekuatan untuk bertahan di tengah dunia yang keras dan kadang tak adil.
Ciptati Handayani_23019004
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
This poem speaks about the strength and bonds we discover through supporting one another. It reminds us that we are more than just numbers or strangers we are people who can reach out, share burdens, and heal together. Helping others isn’t about calculations; it’s about being there for each other in tough times, lifting each other up, and being the support someone needs. Even though life and relationships can often be complicated, every challenge makes us stronger. The poem invites us to break down walls, embrace struggles together, and become a quiet miracle of resilience. We are here to be each other’s breath and heartbeat when the world feels heavy, building a new story of hope and courage together.
Puisi ini berbicara tentang kekuatan dan hubungan yang kita temukan saat saling mendukung. Puisi ini mengingatkan kita bahwa kita lebih dari sekadar angka atau orang asing, kita adalah manusia yang bisa saling merangkul, berbagi beban, dan menyembuhkan bersama. Membantu orang lain bukan soal hitung-hitungan, tetapi tentang hadir untuk satu sama lain saat hidup terasa sulit, mengangkat saat jatuh, dan menjadi penopang yang dibutuhkan. Meski hidup dan hubungan sering kali rumit, setiap tantangan membuat kita lebih kuat. Puisi ini mengajak kita untuk meruntuhkan tembok pemisah, menerima perjuangan bersama, dan menjadi keajaiban kecil yang penuh ketangguhan. Kita ada untuk menjadi nafas dan denyut bagi sesama ketika dunia terasa berat, membangun cerita baru penuh harapan dan keberanian bersama.
Puisi ini menggambarkan makna kebersamaan dan saling mendukung di antara manusia, di mana setiap orang bukan sekadar individu yang berjalan sendiri, tetapi bagian dari sebuah kesatuan. Ketika satu orang jatuh, yang lain hadir untuk menopang,ketika lelah, yang lain memberi ketenangan. Meski hubungan ini kadang rumit dan penuh tantangan, simpul-simpul itu justru memperkuat ikatan kita. Puisi ini mengajak kita untuk terus bersama mengatasi rintangan, menjadi pelangi di tengah badai, dan menciptakan keajaiban melalui kepedulian yang tulus, membangun keberanian, dan melangkah bersama meski dunia tak selalu adil.
This poem reflects the meaning of togetherness and mutual support among people, where each person is not just an individual walking alone, but part of a unity. When one person falls, others are there to lift them up,when someone is weary, others provide comfort. Although these relationships can be complex and challenging, the struggles only serve to strengthen our bonds. The poem invites us to face obstacles together, to become a rainbow amid storms, and to create quiet miracles through genuine compassion, building courage and moving forward together, even when the world may not seem fair.
Alya desyaiful zahra
JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
This poem describes the deep meaning of togetherness in facing various challenges of life. Through a close relationship, it is likened to an entity that supports each other selflessly. Every difficulty always has ease if done together, even in conditions full of injustice. This poem invites us to remain a light, even though we have to struggle amidst difficulties
Puisi ini menggambarkan makna yang mendalam dari kebersamaan dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan hidup. Melalui hubungan yang erat ibaratkan sebagai entitas yang saling mendukung tanpa pamrih. Setiap kesulitan selalu ada kemudahan jika dilakukan bersama-sama, bahkan dalam kondisi yang penuh ketidakadilan. puisi ini mengajak kita untuk tetap menjadi penerang, meskipun harus berjuang ditengah kesulitan
The meaning of this Poem for me is strength and courage in facing challenges even in difficult situations. Emphasizes the value of supporting one another. Holding on to hope even in difficult times, reminds us that better days are ahead. By going through difficulties together with courage, everything will be resolved.
Makna Poem ini bagi saya adalah kekuatan dan keberanian dalam menghadapi tantangan meskipun dalam situasi sulit. Menekankan pentingnya mendukung satu sama lain. Tetap berpegang pada harapan bahkan di saat-saat sulit, mengingatkan kita bahwa hari-hari yang lebih baik ada di depan. Dengan melewati kesulitan bersama dengan keberanian, semua akan terselesaikan.
Dinda Hayati Herman
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Puisi ini mengangkat tema kebersamaan dan saling mendukung sebagai kekuatan untuk menghadapi kesulitan hidup. Penyair menegaskan bahwa dalam hubungan manusia yang tulus, saling membantu bukanlah soal perhitungan, melainkan sebuah keajaiban sunyi yang memberi harapan. Meski penuh rintangan, kebersamaan membuat kita lebih kuat dan berani, memungkinkan kita bangkit kembali dari keterpurukan. Puisi ini menyampaikan bahwa bersama-sama, kita bisa menjadi sumber kekuatan dan harapan bagi satu sama lain.
This poem raises the theme of togetherness and supporting each other as a strength to face life’s difficulties. The poet emphasizes that in sincere human relationships, helping each other is not a matter of calculation, but a silent miracle that gives hope. Although full of obstacles, togetherness makes us stronger and braver, allowing us to rise again from adversity. This poem conveys that together, we can be a source of strength and hope for each other.
Anggia Febrilina Zani
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Puisi ini memiliki makna bahwa kebersaman itu sangat berarti. bahwa “kau” dan “aku” bukanlah entitas yang terpisah, melainkan kesatuan yang dapat melahirkan kekuatan serta saling tolong menolong dalam kelemahan . Dengan saling mengulurkan tangan setiab individu menjadi bagian dari kehidupan yang menyatukan Setiab individu. bukan saja dalam senang tapi juga menjadi tempat berpijak bagi setiap pribadi yang terluka. puisi ini mengajar kan bahwa bahkan dalam kesulitan sekalipun jika ada kebersamaan maka kita akan dapat bertahan.
This poem means that togetherness is very meaningful.that “you” and “I” are not separate entities but a unity that can generate strength and mutual support in weakness. By reaching out to each other, every individual becomes part of a life that unites each one of us—not only in joy but also as a place of support for those who are hurt. This poem teaches us that even in difficult times, if there is togetherness, we will be able to endure.
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
For me, this poem describes the power of unity and mutual support. This poem shows that togetherness goes beyond ordinary interactions; it’s about helping each other without expecting anything in return. The image of “joined hands” emphasizes the strength that emerges when we support each other in difficult times. This poem speaks of the beauty of compassion and resilience, inspiring us to work together to overcome obstacles.
Bagi saya, puisi ini menggambarkan kekuatan persatuan dan saling mendukung. Puisi ini menunjukkan bahwa kebersamaan melampaui interaksi biasa; ini tentang saling membantu tanpa mengharapkan imbalan. Gambaran “tangan yang menyatu” menekankan kekuatan yang muncul saat kita saling mendukung di masa-masa sulit. puisi ini berbicara tentang keindahan kasih sayang dan ketangguhan, menginspirasi kita untuk bekerja sama mengatasi rintangan.
Aulia Rifqotul Farras
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
(In Indonesia)
Puisi ini menggambarkan semangat solidaritas dan kepedulian yang diperlukan saat menghadapi tantangan hidup. Puisi ini menunjukkan betapa tulusnya kita membantu satu sama lain. Tanpa menyadari perbedaan Tidak hanya menjadi penonton, kita harus saling membantu dan menguatkan satu sama lain saat dibutuhkan. Meskipun hubungan kadang-kadang menjadi renggang, perpisahan tidak seharusnya terjadi. Sebaliknya, itu dapat meningkatkan ikatan. Secara keseluruhan, puisi ini mendorong kita untuk selalu membantu, mendukung, dan mendukung satu sama lain, terutama saat situasinya sulit. Saling membantu dapat menumbuhkan cinta dan mengatasi masalah.
(In English)
This poem depicts the spirit of solidarity and caring that is needed when facing life’s challenges. This poem shows how sincerely we help each other. Without realizing the differences Not only being spectators, we must help each other and strengthen each other when needed. Although relationships sometimes become strained, separation should not happen. Instead, it can strengthen the bond. Overall, this poem encourages us to always help, support, and support each other, especially when the situation is difficult. Helping each other can grow love and overcome problems.
Elvi Zulhaini
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
Meaning of the Poem “Tangan yang Menyatu”
In English
This poem speaks about togetherness and solidarity. It reminds us that we are not just isolated individuals or shadows, but hands that join together to support and uplift each other. Helping one another is not about gain or loss; it’s about sharing a spirit that endures life’s storms. When someone stumbles, others are there not as mere witnesses but as a soft ground to catch them. And in moments of weakness, we become the water that washes away each other’s doubts.
Through struggles and even painful knots in our journey, we grow stronger, learning the beauty in vulnerability and courage that persists despite fear. The poem urges us to break down barriers together, to be a constant light even in the darkest times, and to sustain each other in an unfair world. It is a reminder of unity, building resilience from brokenness, and writing a story of courage together.
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Puisi ini menggambarkan tentang kebersamaan dan solidaritas. Kita diingatkan bahwa kita bukan hanya individu yang terpisah atau bayangan yang hilang, tetapi tangan-tangan yang bersatu untuk saling mendukung dan menguatkan. Saling menolong bukan tentang untung-rugi, melainkan tentang jiwa yang bertahan bersama di tengah badai kehidupan. Saat ada yang jatuh, kita tidak sekadar menjadi saksi, tetapi menjadi tanah yang lembut untuk menampungnya. Di saat kita lelah, kita menjadi air yang menghapus keraguan.
Lewat perjuangan dan simpul-simpul sulit dalam perjalanan, kita justru semakin kuat, belajar arti dari rapuh dan keberanian yang tetap melangkah meski takut. Puisi ini mengajak kita untuk bersama-sama menghancurkan dinding penghalang, menjadi cahaya yang terus menyala meski dalam kegelapan, dan bertahan di dunia yang kadang tak adil. Ini adalah pengingat tentang persatuan, membangun ketahanan dari reruntuhan, dan menulis kisah keberanian bersama.
Abid Alfurqan
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Puisi ini menggambarkan esensi solidaritas dan kebersamaan dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup. Ia menekankan bahwa hubungan antara individu bukan sekadar transaksi, melainkan sebuah ikatan yang mendalam, di mana saling membantu dan mendukung menjadi inti dari keberadaan kita. Dalam setiap kesulitan, kita belajar untuk saling menguatkan, merangkul kerapuhan, dan menemukan kekuatan dalam kebersamaan. Dengan mengatasi rintangan bersama, kita menciptakan keajaiban yang mampu menerangi kegelapan dan membangun harapan baru.
This poem describes the values of solidarity and togetherness in facing challenges and obstacles in life. It also emphasizes that the relationship between individuals is not just a transaction, but a bond where they help and support each other. In every obstacle, we learn to strengthen each other and find strength in togetherness. By going through obstacles and challenges together, we are able to create miracles that illuminate the darkness and create new hope.
Elgibran Fanji Hazzano
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
hanufah ganeca arya(23019009)
23 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
1. Setelah membaca puisi ini, makna yang saya tangkap adalah tentang kekuatan kebersamaan dan solidaritas dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup. Puisi ini mengajarkan bahwa saling menolong dan berbagi beban bukan sekadar tindakan, tetapi bentuk kasih sayang yang mendalam. Dalam kebersamaan, kita menemukan dukungan, kekuatan, dan harapan untuk bangkit bersama meski dalam keadaan sulit.
2. Sebagai wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang muncul adalah membangun platform atau komunitas sosial yang fokus pada solidaritas dan dukungan antarsesama, seperti layanan mentoring atau jejaring bantuan untuk individu yang membutuhkan motivasi dan dukungan mental. Alasan utamanya adalah puisi ini menggambarkan betapa pentingnya uluran tangan dalam kehidupan kita. Dengan platform seperti ini, kita bisa membantu lebih banyak orang untuk merasa didukung dan terhubung, yang berpotensi menguatkan mentalitas kebersamaan. Peluang usaha ini besar, terutama di era modern ini di mana banyak orang membutuhkan tempat untuk saling berbagi dan menemukan semangat baru.
1. Dari puisi ini kita belajar tentang pentingnya rasa solidaritas. Dengan solidaritas yang tinggi kita dapat menyelesaikan permasalahan bersama sama.
2. Jika di kaitkan dengan enterpreneurship, hal serupa adalah dengan membuat komunitas.
(Muhammad Farras Dzikra 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK 3 23 LM)
1. Puisi ini menekankan pentingnya solidaritas dan saling membantu dalam menghadapi kesulitan hidup, menggambarkan hubungan antarindividu sebagai upaya bersama yang menciptakan kekuatan meskipun ada tantangan dan luka. Dengan kolaborasi dan keberanian, mereka dapat mengatasi rintangan dan membangun kebangkitan.
2. Jika di kaitkan ke Entrepreneur puisi ini mencerminkan semangat kolaborasi yang krusial bagi entrepreneur, di mana kerja sama dan saling mendukung antara rekan dan tim sangat penting. Seperti dalam puisi, entrepreneur mengandalkan satu sama lain untuk menciptakan solusi dan inovasi, membangun masa depan yang lebih baik melalui kebersamaan.
1. Puisi ini menekankan pentingnya solidaritas dan saling membantu dalam menghadapi kesulitan hidup, menggambarkan hubungan antarindividu sebagai upaya bersama yang menciptakan kekuatan meskipun ada tantangan dan luka. Dengan kolaborasi dan keberanian, mereka dapat mengatasi rintangan dan membangun kebangkitan.
2. Jika di kaitkan ke Entrepreneur puisi ini mencerminkan semangat kolaborasi yang krusial bagi entrepreneur, di mana kerja sama dan saling mendukung antara rekan dan tim sangat penting. Seperti dalam puisi, entrepreneur mengandalkan satu sama lain untuk menciptakan solusi dan inovasi, membangun masa depan yang lebih baik melalui kebersamaan.
(Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
Puisi ini menggambarkan kekuatan kebersamaan dan dukungan antarmanusia dalam menghadapi kesulitan.
Ide bisnis yang muncul adalah platform dukungan komunitas untuk mempertemukan orang-orang yang saling membantu. Peluangnya tinggi karena banyak yang membutuhkan ruang untuk berbagi dan mendukung.
Agil Adrian Syah (24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM)
Puisi ini penuh makna tentang solidaritas, dukungan, dan kekuatan dalam kebersamaan. Setiap barisnya mengisyaratkan betapa pentingnya saling membantu dan menopang, terutama di saat-saat sulit. Dengan metafora seperti tangan yang menjadi jembatan, lantai yang memeluk, dan pelangi yang tetap bersinar meski diterpa hujan, puisi ini menggambarkan bahwa dukungan antarindividu adalah kekuatan luar biasa yang mampu menciptakan harapan baru.
Puisi ini juga mengingatkan kita bahwa keberanian sejati muncul saat kita mampu tetap melangkah meski penuh ketakutan, dan bahwa hubungan yang kuat seringkali terbentuk melalui rasa sakit dan tantangan. Ini adalah ajakan untuk saling menguatkan, untuk menjadi nafas dan detak bagi mereka yang hampir kehilangan arah—untuk membangun dan menulis kisah baru bersama, meski dunia tak selalu adil.
Sebagai mahasiswa atau calon wirausahawan, puisi ini bisa menjadi inspirasi untuk menciptakan usaha atau proyek yang berfokus pada kebersamaan, seperti layanan dukungan emosional atau komunitas yang memberdayakan orang-orang untuk saling membantu. FACHRI ABIMANYU I.F 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
1.Puisi ini menceritakan tentang kekuatan dari kesatuan dan kasih sayang. Bagaimana manusia sebagai makhluk sosial dapat memahami sesuatu yang lebih dari kepentingan diri sendiri, melainkan lebih terhadap membantu satu sama lain dalam menghadapi masa yang sulit.
2.Ide bisnis yang dapat di ambil dari puisi ini adalah website sharing yang berbasis komunitas, dimana kita dapat membantu orang lain lewat platform digital, dengan membagi pengetahuan atau pengalaman, mengajarkan skill seperti skillshare.
Nawafil Satria Ramadhan
[24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM]
Dwi Alqauri Rizal
[24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM]
Puisi ini menyampaikan pesan kuat tentang kebersamaan, solidaritas, dan pentingnya saling mendukung tanpa pamrih. Ini bukan soal perhitungan atau egoisme, melainkan tentang ketulusan dalam saling menolong, untuk terus bangkit bersama di tengah tantangan hidup. Kekuatan dari sebuah hubungan sejati terlihat ketika kita menjadi penopang bagi satu sama lain dalam momen-momen sulit.
Dari sudut pandang seorang calon wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang muncul adalah layanan komunitas atau platform dukungan mental berbasis kolaboratif, di mana orang bisa saling membantu dan berbagi pengalaman. Mengingat banyaknya kebutuhan akan dukungan emosional di masa kini, platform ini bisa menjadi tempat untuk berbagi, mendengarkan, dan saling menguatkan. Peluangnya besar, karena dukungan semacam ini sangat dibutuhkan dan semakin banyak dicari.
1. Makna Umum yang Tersirat: Puisi ini menggambarkan kekuatan solidaritas, persahabatan, dan ketangguhan melalui hubungan saling menolong dan keberanian menghadapi tantangan bersama. Tersirat bahwa kehidupan ini bukanlah tentang diri sendiri tetapi tentang kolaborasi, saling menguatkan, dan berbagi beban, dengan setiap dukungan menjadi jembatan yang menghubungkan hati. Puisi ini merayakan nilai gotong royong yang mendalam, di mana manusia menemukan makna hidup dalam kehadiran dan dukungan bagi satu sama lain.
2. Ide Bisnis dari Sudut Pandang Wirausahawan: Dari sudut pandang calon wirausahawan, puisi ini menginspirasi ide bisnis berbasis jasa dukungan emosional atau jaringan sosial yang memperkuat solidaritas dan kolaborasi komunitas. Misalnya, sebuah platform digital atau komunitas offline yang memungkinkan orang-orang saling berbagi motivasi, membantu dalam masalah kehidupan atau pekerjaan, dan membangun jaringan dukungan.
Alan Kurniawan
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Alya Nur Aziza
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Setelah membaca puisi ini, ide bisnis yang muncul adalah platform kolaborasi sosial berbasis komunitas.
Ide Bisnis:
Platform Kolaborasi Sosial Berbasis Komunitas
Alasan: Puisi ini menekankan pentingnya saling membantu dan bekerja sama. Sebuah platform yang menghubungkan individu dalam komunitas untuk berbagi sumber daya, keterampilan, atau dukungan bisa menciptakan rasa solidaritas dan memperkuat jaringan sosial. Contohnya, platform ini dapat memfasilitasi orang-orang yang ingin membantu satu sama lain, baik dalam bentuk bantuan material maupun dukungan moral.
Alimin Sahid
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Puisi “Tangan yang Menyatu” menggambarkan kekuatan kebersamaan dan saling membantu dalam menghadapi tantangan hidup. Persatuan ditampilkan sebagai ikatan emosional yang kuat, lebih dari sekadar hubungan transaksional, melainkan sebagai dukungan tulus dalam setiap situasi sulit.
Dari sudut pandang bisnis, ini bisa menginspirasi ide platform komunitas dukungan mental atau aplikasi relawan daring yang menghubungkan orang-orang untuk saling membantu secara emosional atau praktis dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Puisi ini berbicara tentang esensi saling membantu yang melampaui sekadar transaksi atau perhitungan untung rugi. Bantuan di sini digambarkan sebagai sesuatu yang tulus, berasal dari hati, seperti lantai yang menyambut seseorang yang jatuh, atau air yang membersihkan saat pandangan mengabur. Ada keindahan dalam hubungan yang saling mendukung tanpa pamrih, seperti dua hati yang saling terhubung melalui uluran tangan.
Dari sudut pandang calon wirausahawan, ide bisnis yang muncul adalah platform layanan berbasis komunitas, yang menyediakan bantuan tanpa biaya atau dengan sistem sukarela. Platform ini bisa menjadi wadah di mana orang-orang dapat bertukar bantuan atau layanan dalam bentuk tenaga, waktu, atau keterampilan, tanpa selalu mengharapkan imbalan finansial. Alasan di balik ide ini adalah meningkatnya kebutuhan akan komunitas yang saling mendukung, terutama di masa sulit. Peluang usaha ini cukup besar, mengingat tren kolaborasi dan kesadaran sosial yang semakin kuat, di mana orang lebih ingin berkontribusi dan mendapatkan dukungan secara kolektif. Muhamad Hilmi Dafis 24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
In English:
This poem has a deep meaning, expressing that in life, everyone needs support and help from others, given with sincerity. It depicts us as hands linked together, always fighting side by side and helping each other. As social beings, humans need support from one another, so we should always do good to others and help with genuine empathy. We are not just individuals struggling alone, but if we strengthen and support each other, working together, the struggle won’t feel as heavy.
In Indonesia:
Puisi ini memiliki makna yang dalam, penulis menyampaikan bahwa dalan hidup setiap orang pasti membutuhkan dukungan dan bantuan dari orang lain dengan penuh ketulusan. Puisi ini menggambarkan kita sebagai tangan yang saling menaut untuk selalu berjuang bersama, dan saling tolong menolong. Sebagai makhluk sosial manusia pasti membutuhkan bantuan satu sama lain, untuk itu lah kita harus selalu berbuat baik kepada sesama dan menolong dengan rasa ikhlas sebagai wujud empati yang murni. Kita bukan hanya manusia yang berjuang sendiri tapi jika kita saling menguatkan dan bertahan, bekerja sama satu sama lain maka perjuangan itu tidak akan terasa berat.
The meaning of the poem ccording to me
In English:
This poem conveys the meaning of togetherness and mutual support in facing life. As written in the poem, hands that intertwine signify readiness to help one another. When we are together and united, all burdens feel lighter. Additionally, when helping others, we must be sincere and selfless. We should also always be there for our loved ones when they experience sadness, to give them strength. This poem teaches us to always be optimistic in togetherness.
In Indonesia:
Puisi ini bermakna kebersamaan dan rasa saling mendukung dalam menghadapi kehidupan. Seperti yang dituliskan dalam puisi bahwa tangan yang yang saling menaut yang artinya siap membantu satu sama lain. Karena ketika kita bersama dan bersatu semua beban masalah akan terasa lebih ringan. Selain itu dalam membantu kita harus tulus tanpa pamrih. Juga selalu ada ketika orang terdekat kita mengalami kesedihan untuk menguatkan. Puisi ini juga mengajarkan kita untuk selalu optimis dalam kebersamaan.
In English:
This poem beautifully captures the essence of human relationships built on mutual support. We are not isolated individuals but a united force that strengthens one another. Through the image of hands clasped together, the poem reminds us that true courage isn’t the absence of fear but the ability to keep going despite the pain. There is warmth and depth in every line, showing that support and love are powerful forces that help us overcome hardships.
In Indonesia:
Puisi ini menggambarkan indahnya hubungan manusia yang saling mendukung. Kita bukan individu terpisah, tetapi kekuatan yang bersatu untuk saling menguatkan. Melalui citra tangan yang saling menggenggam, puisi ini mengingatkan bahwa keberanian sejati bukanlah tanpa rasa takut, melainkan tetap melangkah meski terluka. Ada kehangatan dan kedalaman di setiap kata, menunjukkan bahwa dukungan dan kasih sayang adalah kekuatan yang mengatasi kesulitan.
Dari apa yang saya baca, puisi ini tentang persahabatan. Puisi ini tentang saling membantu dan ada satu sama lain. Di masa-masa tersulit dalam hidup, teman-teman ada untuk kita dan kita ada untuk teman-teman kita. Kita saling menguatkan dan menyemangati. Berkorbanlah untuk teman untuk persahabatan yang kuat.
From what I read, this poem is about friendship. This poem is about being there for each other and helping each other. In the toughest times of life, friends are there for us and we are there for our friends. We strengthen each other and encourage each other. make sacrifices for friends for a strong friendship.
puisi ini sangat memberikan saya makna mendalam,yang mana di puisi ini saya dapat banyak pelajaran tentang sebuah hubungan pertemanan. dalam hubungan pertemanan ini tidak ada nya rasa benci murni saling menyayangi satu sama lain.lalu dalam situasi apapun pihak satu atau yang lain akan selalu ada mau itu suka atau duka. dan juga tidak ada perhitungan dalam saling berbagi ataupun tolong menolong seperti layaknya judul puisi ini yaitu “Tangan yang Menyatu.”
This poem gives me profound meaning, as it teaches me many lessons about friendship. In this friendship, there is no hatred—only pure love for one another. In any situation, both parties will always be there for each other, whether in joy or sorrow. There are also no calculations in sharing or helping each other, just like the title of this poem: “Tangan yang Menyatu.”
For me, this poem has a very deep meaning, this poem tells about a friendship relationship that is priceless and unforgettable, because of their connection to each other, helping each other selflessly, strengthening each other, by always being there when we are in trouble. Even though sometimes there are fights because of ego, by lowering our ego and continuing to unite and strengthen each other, we can revive our enthusiasm to build a better future.
Bagi saya, puisi ini mempunyai makna yang sangat dalam, puisi ini menceritakan tentang sebuah hubungan persahabatan yang tak ternilai harganya dan tak terlupakan, karena keterhubungannya satu sama lain, saling membantu tanpa pamrih, saling menguatkan, dengan selalu ada saat kita dalam kesulitan. Meski terkadang terjadi pertengkaran karena ego, namun dengan menurunkan ego dan terus bersatu dan menguatkan satu sama lain, kita bisa membangkitkan kembali semangat untuk membangun masa depan yang lebih baik.
In my opinion, this poem contains a very deep meaning, namely friendship, friendship is something that cannot be ended, because we are all individuals who cannot be alone, so maintain friendship and don’t fight just because of small problems, because in the future In the future, we will all need each other.
Menurut saya,puisi ini berisi makna yang sangat mendalam yaitu persahabatan, persahabatan adalah suatu hal yang tidak bisa di putuskan, karna kita semuanya adalah individu yang tidak bisa sendiri,jadi jagalah persahabatan dan jangan sampai bertengkar hanya karna masalah yang kecil saja,karna di masa depan nanti kita semua pasti saling membutuhkan.
Puisi “Tangan yang Menyatu” mengingatkanku akan arti kebersamaan dan saling mendukung. Bagi saya, puisi ini menunjukkan bahwa kita tidak hanya berdiri sendiri, tetapi saling menolong tanpa pamrih. Dalam kebersamaan, kita menemukan kekuatan untuk bangkit, meski menghadapi tantangan yang sulit.
The poem “Tangan yang Menyatu” reminds me of the meaning of unity and mutual support. To me, it shows that we don’t stand alone but support each other selflessly. Through togetherness, we find strength to rise, even when facing tough challenges.
Apriliani Wulandari (23019040)
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL 9-10 LM
in english:
The meaning of this poem is to invite us to reflect on solidarity and empathy in friendship. It encourages us not to be limited by individual ego and to realize that we are all interconnected and need one another. As living beings, we have weaknesses, but by helping each other, we can overcome difficulties. This poem also invites us to support each other, regardless of our differences. Furthermore, it reminds us that we are all connected and play important roles in each other’s lives. By helping and supporting one another, we can create a more beautiful and compassionate world.
in indonesian:
Makna puisi ini adalah mengajak kita untuk merenungkan solidaritas dan empati dalam persahabatan. Tidak melampaui ego individual dan menyadari bahwa kita semua saling terhubung dan membutuhkan satu sama lain. Kita sebagai makhluk hidup memiliki kelemahan, namun dengan saling membantu, kita dapat mengatasi kesulitan. Puisi ini juga mengajak kita untuk saling mendukung, terlepas dari perbedaan yang ada. Lalu, puisi ini membantu kita mengingatkan bahwa kita semua saling terhubung dan memiliki peran penting dalam kehidupan satu sama lain. Dengan saling membantu dan mendukung, kita dapat menciptakan dunia yang lebih indah dan penuh kasih sayang.
3 Questions (5W 1H)
1. What does the poem say about helping each other?
= Helping is a true connection, not just a deal.
2. Where do we find strength?
= In the bonds formed through shared struggles.
3. Why is being vulnerable important?
=It shows us courage and strength in sharing.
Dela Safira Chottami
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
Puisi Tangan yang Menyatu memiliki pesan mendalam tentang kekuatan kebersamaan dan solidaritas dalam pertemanan. Kata-kata yang digunakan memberikan kesan bahwa hubungan antar sahabat bukan sekadar formalitas, tetapi adalah ikatan yang tulus, penuh kasih, dan tanpa pamrih. Penulis juga dengan indah mengilustrasikan pertemanan
The poem Joining Hands has a deep message about the power of togetherness and solidarity in friendship. The words used give the impression that the relationship between friends is not just a formality, but is a sincere, loving and selfless bond. The author also beautifully illustrates friendship
Puisi ini menekankan pentingnya empati dan kerja sama dalam menghadapi kesulitan. Di dunia ini, kita tidak bisa berdiri sendiri, kita pasti membutuhkan bantuan orang lain. Maka dari itu, Kita harus saling membantu dengan cara bersatu dan siap untuk menghadapi segala tantangan meskipun itu menyakitkan.
This poem emphasizes the importance of empathy and cooperation in the face of adversity. In this world, we can’t stand alone, we definitely need the help of others. Therefore, we must help each other by uniting and being ready to face all challenges even though they are painful.
Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil dari puisi ini bahwasanya kita tidak bisa hidup tanpa bantuan orang lain karena kita saling membutuhkan layaknya tangan yang menyatu saling membantu satu sama lain. Itu sebut sahabat, yaitu orang-orang yang menjadi tempat berlindung, menjaga dan dijaga serta saling berbagi kasih sayang. Bukan sekadar tempat bercerita tetapi menjadi orang yang dapat dipercaya, dipahami, dan diselesaikan bersama. Jadi, itulah yang membuat seorang berarti sama lain.
Serta dengan bersama, kita bisa lakukan apapun yang mustahil sekalipun.
The conclusion that can be drawn from this poem is that we cannot live without the help of others because we need each other like hands that are joined together to help each other. That’s called friends, people who are a shelter, guard and guarded and share affection with each other. Not just a place to tell stories but a person who can be trusted, understood, and resolved together. So, that’s what makes one person meaningful to another.
And together, we can do anything that is impossible.
In this poem I understand the meaning of friendship. In friendship we must support each other and help each other selflessly. Friends are the people closest to us who are always there for us in both good and bad times. Without a friend, life would feel empty and more difficult. Sometimes friendships are like a tangled thread, a relationship that is chaotic because of arguments or misunderstandings. However, that also makes the relationship stronger.
Dalam puisi ini, saya memahami makna dalam pertemanan. Dalam berteman kita harus saling mendukung dan membantu satu sama lain tanpa pamrih. Teman adalah orang-orang terdekat kita yang selalu ada untuk kita baik dalam suka maupun duka. Tanpa seorang teman, hidup akan terasa hampa dan menjadi lebih sulit. Terkadang hubungan pertemanan seperti benang kusut, hubungan yang kacau karena cekcok atau kesalahpahaman. Tetapi, itu juga yang membuat hubungan semakin erat.
1. Puisi ini menggambarkan kekuatan dari kebersamaan dan saling tolong-menolong. Puisi menunjukkan bahwa manusia bisa menghadapi kesulitan dengan saling mendukung. Puisi ini mengingatkan kita bahwa bantuan kecil kepada orang lain dapat menciptakan dampak besar dan membangun kekuatan bersama.
2. Ide bisnis yang muncul adalah membuka usaha sosial, seperti platform atau komunitas yang menghubungkan orang-orang untuk saling membantu, misalnya dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, atau dukungan mental.
Alasan: Puisi ini menekankan pentingnya solidaritas dan dukungan dalam menghadapi kesulitan. Bisnis yang berbasis komunitas dan dukungan sosial akan relevan dengan pesan ini.
Peluang: Usaha ini berpeluang besar, terutama karena banyak orang mulai sadar pentingnya saling membantu, terutama dalam masa sulit. Platform atau komunitas yang mendorong kerjasama dan solidaritas bisa menarik banyak pengguna dan membawa dampak positif bagi masyarakat.
Adilla Putri Wilyon
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
24 JD EPR K1/22 KM9-11 LM
Makna umum dari puisi ini:
Puisi ini mengisahkan kekuatan persatuan dan saling menolong. Bukan hanya tentang membantu, tapi bagaimana kita benar-benar hadir satu sama lain, melewati kesulitan tanpa memikirkan untung rugi. Ada semangat untuk bersama-sama bertahan dalam setiap keadaan, menjadi kekuatan yang saling mendukung. Intinya, kita ini bukan sekadar individu—kita adalah bagian dari sesuatu yang lebih besar, yang saling melengkapi dan memperkuat.
Ide bisnis dari sudut pandang calon wirausahawan:
Melihat puisi ini sebagai calon wirausahawan, inspirasi yang muncul adalah bisnis sosial yang berfokus pada solidaritas, seperti platform crowdfunding atau aplikasi bantu sesama. Ini bisa membuka peluang bagi banyak orang yang butuh uluran tangan dalam bentuk pendanaan atau barang-barang kebutuhan. Bisnis seperti ini bisa sukses karena masyarakat sekarang semakin sadar pentingnya berbagi dan saling membantu, dan ini bisa memberi dampak positif serta membangun kebersamaan di masyarakat.
Helping each other, not a transaction,
not a calculation of profit and loss on crumpled paper,
but a soul crying out with the storm,
tearing down the boundary between you and me,
closing wounds to form new wings.
I love these lines because they touch the heart deeply and open one’s eyes to the importance of caring for each other.
Helping each other, not a transaction,
not a calculation of profit and loss on crumpled paper,
but a soul crying out with the storm,
tearing down the boundary between you and me,
closing wounds to form new wings.
I love these lines because they touch the heart deeply and open one’s eyes to the importance of caring for each other.
Helping each other, not a transaction,
not a calculation of profit and loss on wrinkled paper,
but a soul crying out with the storm,
tearing down the boundary between you and me,
healing wounds to become new wings.
I like these lines because they deeply touch the heart and open the eyes of the soul, encouraging us to care for each other and fostering a sense of empathy.
The part I like the most is when they say, “This is us, hand intertwined, building from brokenness, writing a new story in this of courage”.
Because this text contains a very beautiful and heart-touching meaning
From this poem there is a part that is very meaningful to me, namely
aku adalah lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu,
menjadi bumi yang lembut ketika kau jatuh.
from this part it gives the meaning that friendship or friendly relations are always there for us. Always a place for shelter. the most comfortable place in any situation.and also always be at the forefront in any situation for each other.
In that podcast, I agree with the line “water washes away dust” because it is very touching. It can be likened to dust representing mistakes, and by doing good, symbolized by water, those mistakes will be erased.
From the podcast, the lines that interested me is:
“frail fingers learning to hold, to lift, to endure”
I like this part because the words weak fingers try to help each other even though they are weak, showing that we have to survive and support each other.
The line “aku adalah lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmh” is the most interesting line for me. This is mean someone who will be the savior or safe place for friend when they get stumble or fall. I like this line because its really touching me.
From the reading I really liked this part:
“When you stumble, I am no bystander,
no silent figure seated in the wings.
I am the ground rising to catch you”
I like this part because how we as humans should help each other, we don’t just look at other people when they fall and are down but we are present as people who are there and help them.
The part I find most powerful and meaningful is: “Helping each other is not a transaction.” This makes me really think about why we help others. Do we do it because we genuinely care, or are we only doing it with the hope of something in return?
The worlds that touched my heart the most are;
Sometimes, we are tangled threads,
seeking loose ends,
knotted in ties that sting.
But do not these knots make us stronger?
Because this line touches and motivates me.
The most interested and clear part to me is “Jemari-jemari lemah yang berjuang untuk saling membantu dan bertahan”, because that part is very meaningful, even though we are weak and helpless, we still fight to help each other and survive.
One verse that is very interesting to me is “Mari kita pecahkan tembok penghalang,
batu demi batu, meski tangan berlumur luka.
Mari kita menjadi pelangi yang tak henti berpendar,
meski hujan terus mendera,
karena saling menolong adalah keajaiban sunyi,
yang menciptakan cahaya dan kebangkitan.”
I think that means we have to be brave and strong in facing various obstacles in this life. We also have to help each other so that we can be useful for others.
I am interested in the statement “joined hands”, it is like we have to help each other and we cannot live alone.
from the podcast above they gave some very powerful poetry passages and one of the few they said I took the most memorable one which was..
saling menolong,bukan transaksi
This part is powerful because if we help each other, of course it is because we are sincere and also because of our good intentions and this is purely from our hearts without any feeling of wanting to be repaid.that part says saling menolong bukan transaksi.
One verse that is very interesting to me is “Mari kita pecahkan tembok penghalang,
batu demi batu, meski tangan berlumur luka.
Mari kita menjadi pelangi yang tak henti berpendar,
meski hujan terus mendera,
karena saling menolong adalah keajaiban sunyi,
yang menciptakan cahaya dan kebangkitan.”
I think that means we have to be brave and strong in facing various obstacles in this life. We also have to help each other so that we can be useful for others.
I am interested in the statement “joined hands”, it is like we have to help each other and we cannot live alone.
The most interested and clear part to me is “Jemari-jemari lemah yang berjuang untuk saling membantu dan bertahan”
Because that part is very meaningful, even though we are weak and helpless, we still fight to help each other and survive.
for me this poem has deep meaning ,it tells us about the way people helping each others . It is not only about helping people around us it include our way to stay toghether . what is your way to finnish every problem toghether and giving support. it’s your way to give a strange . for the conclution we have to support each other. (24 JD LISTENING JM5-6 NK3 24 LM)
The poem uses strong imagery, like hands, tightly clasped, sealing wounds into wings,and one hand outstretched becomes a bridge, to portray the bond between individuals. These images convey a sense of mutual support and compassion, showing that we are not just isolated beings but interconnected souls. This imagery resonates because it reflects our desire for connection and understanding, especially during challenging times
there is a time when the world no longer blinks, and time stops between neglected beats, there we learn to read, that one helping hand can be a bridge, connecting two screaming hearts
I really like this part because it is very touching, and this part can also encourage us to help each other even in difficult situations.
From the podcast,that touches my heart is “frail fingers learning to hold, to lift, to endure.”
the reason is, because it’s touching my heart and saying to help each other
One verse that is interesting to me in this poem is “we are sometimes tangled in threads” or in Indonesia “kita terkadang jadi jalinan benang kusut”. For me that part is meaningful, sometimes our friendship is like a tangled thread. A relationship is not always good, sometimes there are things that make our relationship with our friends messy. But a thread also has knots that can strengthen each other, even if at the beginning there is a misunderstanding.
The part I heard from this poem is “Jemari-jemari lemah yang berjuang untuk saling membahu dan bertahan”, which means “weak fingers that help and support each other”. Those weak fingers can strengthen each other and try to hold on to each other like us and our friends.
My favorite part of this poem is 5th Line.
Kita terkadang jadi jalinan benang kusut,
yang saling mencari ujung,
dalam simpul yang terkadang menyakitkan.
Tapi bukankah setiap simpul itu juga menguat?
Mengajari kita arti kerapuhan,
dan bahwa keberanian bukanlah tanpa rasa takut,
melainkan melangkah meski gemetar.
The reasons is because I am very touching and relevant to our lives. In life or relationships, we often get caught up in issues that are not easily resolved – likened to a tangled thread looking for its end. Sometimes, this process is painful, but each “simpul” or challenge faced together can strengthen the relationship itself. It also teaches that true strength and courage come from the ability to persevere and move on, even in the face of fear and adversity.
Anggelina Putri
(24 JD Listening JM5-6 NK3-24 LM)
from the poem the line that I like is
“ Saat kau tersandung, aku bukan saksi bisu, bukan penonton di kursi penyangga, aku adalah lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu, menjadi bumi yang lembut ketika kau jatuh.
because this line really touched my heart when I read it,
From the audio, one of the strongest and most meaningful parts of this poem is
“Jemari jemari lemah yang berjuang untuk saling membantu dan bertahan”
In English it is “weak fingers struggling to support and hold each other.”
The implied meaning is a struggle to help one another, even in a state of weakness or fragility.
Anggelina Putri
(24 JD Listening JM5-6 NK3-24 LM)
In this poem, I was really impressed by the second line because the lyric teach us to help each other and never complain about the problems we face. This verse also provides motivation that every obstacle faced will have the best result.
In this poem, I was really impressed by the second stanza because the lyrics teach us to help each other and never complain about the problems we face. This verse also provides motivation that every obstacle faced will have the best results.
This poem is very good, because it gives encouragement in facing all obstacles
This poem has deep meaning it tell us about relationship with friends . part ” helping each other is not transaction” it tell us to be realize when we do something
In this poem, I was very impressed with the second line because the lyrics teach us to help each other and never complain about the problems we face. This poem also provides motivation that every obstacle faced will have the best results.
From the podcast, the part that interested me was the sentence “Weak fingers struggling to help each other and survive.” I like this sentence because it gives the meaning of helping each other and having to support each other.
one of the powerful lines according to the podcast is
“ Bukan sekedar angka dalam barisan”
In my opinion, a powerful line in a podcast is
“Saling menolong,bukan transaksi”
because I think this line is very suitable for telling someone who likes to ask for rewards when helping other people.
In Poem :
the part of i mostly interest in the Poem is “Ada ketika dunia tak lagi berkedip, dan waktu berhenti, di antara detak yang terabaikan, di situ, kita belajar membaca, bahwa satu uluran tangan dapat menjadi jembatan, yang menghubungkan dua jeritan hati.” These words are very beautiful and hold great meaning if studied more deeply
In Audio :
in part of poem “bukan sekedar angka dalam barisan” not as a number in the line is a wonderfull that i got because sometimes it easy the lost of the crowd so we need the human connection forever.
What is the poem tell about ?
Answer : the poem is tell about people togetherness that is very crusial for their life
Moammar Hian Alrafid
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
how do you feel about the poem?
I genuinely feel that the poem carries a powerful emotional resonance, celebrating the beauty of shared humanity and the strength we find in unity. It evokes a kind of warmth and quiet resilience that’s deeply moving—like an embrace in the form of words. The imagery, too, is vivid and grounding. Phrases like “tangan yang saling menaut” and “lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu” paint such tender, empathetic pictures. The poem makes one reflect on how our connections transcend superficial exchanges; they’re about being there, as quiet yet vital presences, for each other’s triumphs and struggles. I find it hopeful and inspiring—a reminder of how connection helps us rise above life’s difficulties. It’s a beautiful meditation on empathy and solidarity, capturing the kind of strength that only comes from unity. What a touching and thoughtful work.
Rifki Prayoga – 24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
Question :
What’s the meaning of this poem?
Answer : the poem talk about people that always helping each others, teach us to help others people, and together in every wrost condition.
Rahmanul Hakim Darli
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK int LM
How does the author take the idea of support much further?
= The author, Leni Marlina, talks with imagery about becoming each other’s ‘safety net’ (Lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu) like the ground is there to catch you, and the line ‘Air yang membasuh debu’ to image when someone feels burdened, which speaks about empathy and helping without expecting anything in return.
Javier Graysa
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What id the overall vibe that we can feel from the poem?
We can feel a strong human connection and finding support of relationship That really came through and how to face the problem in front us by gathering together and Holding each other’s shoulders
Marisa Devi
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Lnt LM
What is overall vibe of this poem?
= Automatic give the strage utinity, feel of the human conection so real. Forget being anonymus, youre a social human. just loke weak fingers and clinging to each other, is about coming together for chalengges.
Dewi Sasmaya Acintya Putri.
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK INT LM
What is the poem talks about in the podcast?
The poem speaks of unity, resilience, and the power of helping one another. It emphasizes that true strength comes from supporting each other through hardships and overcoming challenges together.
Muhammad Dzikry Rahmadana Putra
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
Question :
What message does the poem “Tangan Yang Manyatu” share?
Answer :
The poem talks about unity and support, showing that people can overcome challenges together. It reminds us that everyone has value, and by joining hands, we can help each other and stand strong during tough times.
Dela Safira Chottami
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What is the main message of the poem?
~>The poem conveys the idea of unity, mutual support, and resilience, emphasizing how people can uplift one another in times of hardship.
Aldi Syaputra
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
Fadhira Permata Febry (24019074) 24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What does the podcaster speculated about the poem that just shared widely now while the poem was already written almost twenty years ago?
The podcaster speculated that may be so many challenges, personal level, and the right time for the writer to share the half of herself.
How is the general vibe of this poem?
the vibe that we can take from this poem is about sense of unity, strenght, human connections and times of hardships.
Nabilla Izzati Putri
24 JD listening ST 9-10 NK int LM
What is the massage of the poem?
= The poem’s message is about true friendship—being there, lifting each other up, and staying strong together, even when life is hard.
Winaya Asa
24 JD listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What’s the poems about?
Answer : The poem expresses that we must unite and help each other. When others need help, we help each other to help them. Become a strong unity
Tiffany Amanda Syahira
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
what kind of vibe is poem give from podcaster opinion?
this poem give a vibe of human connection and unity that each person have something unique of each self and the important of individual life in community.
Saskiya Putri Haifa
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
what kind of vibe is poem give from podcaster opinion?
this poem give a vibe of human connection and unity that each person have something unique of each self and the important of individual life in community in the world.
Saskiya Putri Haifa
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
what is the overall vibes you get from this poem according to the podcast?
> the vibe is giving strengthen togetherness, human connection and the other.
Najla Azzahra
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
How is the writing style in the poem “Tangan yang Menyatu”?
: The writing style in this poem features lyrical language and vivid imagery, effectively conveying emotions related to unity and togetherness.
Raya Nadira
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
How does “Kita terkadang jadi jalinan benang kusut,
yang saling mencari ujung,
dalam simpul yang kadang menyakitkan.” Relate to the poem?
Answer : since this poem talk about friendship bound, sometimes, we have problem with our friends making us like messy yarn need to be untangled so we can make everything straight so there is no misunderstood even tho its hard to do because to straighten a problem we need to lower our ego and ready to talk with open heart and open ears and being honest despites how uneasy it could be in order to untangled our messy problem.
Fanny syifa hanania
Where this poem was written?
=> Padang,West Sumatera
Fahrel Maulanna
JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
what’s the poem about?
The poem emphasizes the importance of unity and mutual support. It suggests that when someone is in need, we should come together to provide assistance. By standing together, we can create a strong and unified force.
Fairrel Athaillah Rheynri
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
what’s the poem about?
The poem highlights the value of coming together and supporting one another. It encourages us to lend a hand when others are in need, fostering a sense of collective strength through unity.
The poem emphasizes the importance of coming together and supporting one another. It conveys that when someone is in need, we should offer our help and work together, building a strong and united community.
Valentino All Varel (24019032) 24 JD Listeing ST 9-10 NK Int LM
I really like the poem specially part ” helping each other isnt transaction ”
in my opinion helping each other is an obligation because we live as social beings
1. Puisi ini memberi gambaran tentang pentingnya kepedulian dan keberanian untuk saling membantu tanpa pamrih. Solidaritas yang digambarkan bukanlah perhitungan untung rugi, tetapi ikatan manusiawi yang menjadikan setiap kita “nafas bagi yang terengah” dan “detak bagi yang hampir mati rasa.” Puisi ini seolah menjadi seruan untuk tetap berdiri bersama dan saling menguatkan dalam menghadapi kesulitan hidup.
2. Puisi ini bisa menginspirasi usaha sosial atau platform komunitas untuk saling berbagi dan saling tolong, misalnya aplikasi atau organisasi yang memfasilitasi bantuan antar anggota masyarakat, baik berupa tenaga, waktu, atau donasi. Platform ini dapat mempermudah orang-orang yang membutuhkan bantuan atau dukungan emosional untuk terhubung dengan mereka yang ingin membantu.
1. Business Idea: A social enterprise focused on community support and mutual aid, where people help each other without expecting profit.
2. Character Traits: Compassion and collaboration, emphasizing mutual support and empathy in business.
hanifah ganeca arya(23019009) 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 KM NK3 23 LM)
1. A possible business idea inspired by the poem is a community support platform that offers emotional support and group counseling, emphasizing empathy and mutual assistance.
2. The character traits to apply are solidarity, empathy, and courage, focusing on helping others selflessly and persevering through challenges to create meaningful connections and impact.
Fifi Helya Putri (23019047)
24 KD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM
Business Idea:
A community platform dedicated to mutual support and collective strength, where people connect and help each other overcome life’s struggles. We, You, Me would foster an environment for shared growth and resilience, where individuals reach out to lift each other up, creating bonds stronger than any obstacles.
Required Traits:
• Empathy: Understanding and responding to the needs of others with care.
• Resilience: Supporting one another through challenges and adversity.
• Community Building: Fostering unity and connection in the face of life’s hardships.
Name: Diva Olivia Daka Elipsi (23019093) 24 JD EPR 7-8 KM NK3-23 LM
1. Possible business idea:
A community-based social enterprise focused on promoting self-improvement and collective well-being. This could involve programs for personal growth, conflict resolution, and community building, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect, forgiveness, and the well-being of the collective, just as the poem highlights the joy of seeing others thrive and the sorrow of seeing them fall.
2. Necessary character traits:
Empathy, integrity, and resilience. Just like the speaker in the poem, a business leader should value the well-being of others, forgive mistakes, and encourage growth, while holding firm to ethical principles, especially when facing challenges or witnessing others’ downfalls.
(Ikhwanul Dhafa Alghifari, 24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM)
1. Business idea inspired by the poem:
“Unity Threads,” a community-driven brand that creates handcrafted products symbolizing mutual support and resilience. This brand could offer woven or embroidered items, like scarves or bracelets, representing the strength of togetherness. A portion of the profits could fund community outreach programs, helping those in need.
2. Character traits to apply:
Empathy to connect deeply with others, perseverance to overcome challenges, and collaboration to build stronger communities.
Gibran Alikhsan (23019049) JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3 23 LM.
how do you feel about the poem?
I genuinely feel that the poem carries a powerful emotional resonance, celebrating the beauty of shared humanity and the strength we find in unity. It evokes a kind of warmth and quiet resilience that’s deeply moving—like an embrace in the form of words. The imagery, too, is vivid and grounding. Phrases like “tangan yang saling menaut” and “lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu” paint such tender, empathetic pictures. The poem makes one reflect on how our connections transcend superficial exchanges; they’re about being there, as quiet yet vital presences, for each other’s triumphs and struggles. I find it hopeful and inspiring—a reminder of how connection helps us rise above life’s difficulties. It’s a beautiful meditation on empathy and solidarity, capturing the kind of strength that only comes from unity. What a touching and thoughtful work.
Muhammad Faiq Gybraltar
24 JD listening JM5-6 NK3-24 LM
In indonesia
Pertanyaan :
apa yang kamu rasakan dari puisi ini
jawaban :
Saya benar-benar merasa bahwa puisi ini membawa resonansi emosional yang kuat, merayakan keindahan kemanusiaan bersama dan kekuatan yang kita temukan dalam persatuan. Puisi ini memunculkan semacam kehangatan dan ketahanan yang tenang yang sangat mengharukan—seperti pelukan dalam bentuk kata-kata. Imajinasi dalam puisi ini juga sangat hidup dan membumi. Frasa seperti “tangan yang saling menaut” dan “lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu” melukiskan gambar-gambar yang begitu lembut dan penuh empati. Puisi ini membuat seseorang merenungkan bagaimana hubungan kita melampaui pertukaran yang dangkal; ini tentang hadir di sana, sebagai kehadiran yang tenang namun vital, untuk kemenangan dan perjuangan satu sama lain. Saya merasa puisi ini penuh harapan dan menginspirasi—sebuah pengingat bagaimana hubungan membantu kita bangkit di atas kesulitan hidup. Ini adalah meditasi yang indah tentang empati dan solidaritas, menangkap jenis kekuatan yang hanya datang dari persatuan. Betapa karya yang menyentuh dan penuh pemikiran.
The poem describes a shared experience between “you, I, we” – a collective group of people facing challenges together. It conveys a message about the power of human connection, mutual support, and resilience in the face of a sometimes uncaring world. The poem speaks of intertwined hands, building from brokenness, and writing a new story of courage. It suggests moments when the world “halts” and “time slips into stillness”, inviting deeper reflection, though the setting is not explicitly stated. The underlying motivation appears to be a desire to tear down barriers, transcend individual selves, and find a collective strength and purpose in adversity.
24 JD Listening JM5-6 NK3-24 LM
After listening to this podcast once, I concluded that in this podcast the hosts tell the story of the first poet, namely Mrs. Leni Marlina.Next they discussed when this poem was written and then briefly reviewed the parts that were interesting to them, such as “Jari jari lemah yang berjuang untuk saling membantu dan bertahan” which gives the meaning of supporting each other, holding hands to help each other.The podcaster explains how important it is to read this poem which has a great meaning and is also a good reminder for us.They also praised how good Mrs. Leni Marlina’s poetry was.and they concluded from this poem how important it is to help each other selflessly because helping others is not about what you will get. but it is a natural thing to do because it is part of being human.
This podcast talk a bour the poem with little “Tangan yang menyatu” this human conection usually Finding supportship. A word of bukan sekedar angka dalam bansan it mean Forget being in enemis, you have to work together with other people. reminder that people have valve. A word of Jerman-jerman lemon yang begvang unruk saling membaru dan benahan it mean af human you have to clinging with other people. A word of air yang membann debu it moan when someone feeling like buming it’s like coding the heat that occurs.
After listening to this podcast once, I concluded that this podcast is about a poem entitled joined hands. In this podcast the speaker mentions that several stanzas of this poem are very powerful. The speaker says this poem is very interesting. The speaker also said that this poem was very inspiring and educational. The speaker also discussed the background of the author, namely Leni Marlina.
Tangan yang menyatu is Indonesian poem by Leni Marlina. She is a University lecturer. She is super active in international communities. This poem release in 2006. From the title “Tangan yang menyatu” we can feel togheterness. “Bukan sekedar angka dalam barisan” It is mean you can’t work individual and being a reminder that everyone has value. “Jari Jemarı yang menyatu” It is mean everyone can help each other with sincere and always supporting everyone to help them. “Saling menolong bukan transaksı” We doing to help each other because we are care and this line is very powerful. 2006 is the time after the tsunami, we can help friends who are affected by the tsunami and this poem invites us to help and support each other. Seeing the current situation which is a bit chaotic, this is the right time to share this poem because the poem can be used as a little reminder to help others. No matter how you are, you can helps and supports everyone in this world. “Membasuh debu” being able to have someone beside us who can help us and take away our sadness is a blessing.
The poem “Tanah yang Menangis” discusses the grief of the land, personifying it as crying due to human exploitation and environmental damage. Readers discuss its emotional depth, connecting the themes of loss, sorrow, and the consequences of neglecting nature. They reflect on how the poem conveys a sense of responsibility for the earth, emphasizing the need for care and respect for the environment.
This poem is very powerfull it has deef meaning, from this poem we can understand how to appreciat each other.this poem tell us about it because every people has an ability and every people need each other. we can be easy to finnish every things even it is a big problem if we are helping each other.
puisi ini sangat menakjubkan yang memiliki arti yang dalam. dari puisi ini kita diajarkan bagaimana cra memahami dan menghargai setiap orang. puisi ini memberitahu bahwa setiap orang memiliki kemampuan masing-masing yang berbeda dan setiap orang membutuhkan satu sama lain . kita dapat menyelesaikan setiap maslah dengan mudah jika kita saling membantu.
Kartika Handayani Putri (24019014) 24 JD LISTENING JM5-6 NK3 24 LM
The podcast talk about a poem with tittle “Tangan. yang Menyatu” made by Leni Marlina, a smart and active lecture from University. This poem has a a theme about strenght and togetherness of friendship. Every stanzas of this poem talk about how a friendship going and how beautiful it is. There are some part said that friend is important and precious in life. There are also talk about how a friendship helping each other, how through life together in happy and sad, and caring each other.
On this podcast, we will be sharing a poem titled “Tangan yang Menyatu”, written by Leni Marlina. She is highly active and talented, especially in writing poetry.This poem was written in 2006. It tells the story of the beauty of friendship and how wonderful it The meaning of this poem is about friendship, unity, and the strength of being together.
is when friends help each other.
The phrase “bukan sekedar angka dalam barisan” is an interesting part of this poem.
Sometimes, we are tangled threads, seeking loose ends, knotted in ties that sting. It is the part that I remember the most and has a lot of meaning.
This poem is titled “tengan yang unik” written by Leni Marlina. This poem is very inspiring and very beautiful. This poem is about the strength of friendship that I support in the midst of difficulties, where they support each other and support and help each other. From this poem, I feel very inspired. This poem makes me feel like I can’t live alone. I need someone. I need a friend. A friend who helps me in trouble and strengthens each other.
Muhammad Shoni Muhajirin JD Listening JM5-6 NK3-4 LM
“Tangan yang menyatu”
Muhammad Shoni Muhajirin JD Listening JM5-6 NK3-4 LM
This poem discusses about helping each other. Where in helping others we must be sincere. In addition to helping each other we must also maintain togetherness. Don’t be individual people because as humans we also need other humans. Help each other if someone is having trouble and comfort each other if someone is feeling sad. Because in this life all problems it will feel light if completed together.
In the podcast I listened to once, it was mentioned that Tangan yang Menyatu is a poem written by Mam Leni Marlina in 2006. In the podcast, the hosts discussed the content and meaning of the poem. What I remember is that they said: “It is not just numbers in a row, weak fingers striving to help each other and endure, the floor rising and embracing you, water washing away the dust, helping each other without a transaction.” The podcasters said they really liked this poem and found it very inspiring.
In the podcast I listened to once, it was mentioned that Tangan yang Menyatu is a poem written by Mam Leni Marlina in 2006. In the podcast, the hosts discussed the content and meaning of the poem. What I remember is that they said: “It is not just numbers in a row, weak fingers striving to help each other and endure, the floor rising and embracing you, water washing away the dust, helping each other without a transaction.” The podcasters said they really liked this poem and found it very inspiring.
After i listened to the podcast about “tangan yang menyatu” written by leni marlina. This peom tells about the relationship between individuals as a strong and mutually supportive.the concept of helping each other it is not a transaction,but a deep relationship, where one hand can be a bridge for the other. Because of reading this poem,i appreciate more value my frienship. and i believe that human cannot live alone
From the audio we can conclude :
Tangan yang menyatu is a poem by Leni Marlina a University Lecturer. The poem made in 2006. The audio speakers argument that they like the poem. For them, the poem have inspirations and meaningful. One if the strongest and most meaningful part of this poem is ” Jemari-jemari lemah yang berjuang untuk saling membahu dan bertahan.” In English it is “weak fingers struggling to support and hold each other.”
The implied meaning is a struggle to help one another, even in a state of weakness or fragility.
Anggelina Putri
(24 JD Listening JM5-6 NK3-24 LM)
1. After I heard the audio once, what I understood from the speaker was that this poem was about friendship. The line I can remember is “weak fingers struggling to support each other”, that means in life we need other people to help us, we can’t do everything individually. And another line that I remember is “Becoming each other saves us”, “Helping each other not transactions”. These are all lines that mean that in friendship we can help each other and there is no such thing as a transaction in friendship. By helping each other life will become easier and more beautiful
2. The sentence I remember after hearing the speaker once is: left feeling less alone, having someone who caught you when you fall, be a volunteer when people need you to support them, everyone has values.
This podcast provides a lot of informantion. In the sentence “Bukan sekedar angka dalam barisan.” gives the meaning that life does not flow like a river, everything will be seen if we have tried and gotten what we dream of. We are not just extras on this earth, but we have an important role. In the sentence “jemari- jemari lemah yang berjuang untuk saling membantu dan bertahan.” This sentence means that our hands must help people who need our help.
• Where
The poem takes place in both a literal and metaphorical sense, symbolizing spaces of struggle, connection, and healing.
my own poem :
When you fall, I won’t just watch,
I’ll be the ground that catches you,
the earth that softens your landing.
And when I’m tired,
you’ll be the water,
washing away the dust from my eyes
Sometimes, we’re tangled threads,
knots that hurt when pulled too tight.
But aren’t those knots what make us stronger?
Teaching us that courage isn’t being fearless,
but moving forward even when we tremble.
favorite part:
Sometimes, we are tangled threads,
seeking loose ends,
knotted in ties that sting.
Rifki Prayoga – 24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
WH Question: what can we learn from the poem? The poem teaches the power of unity and mutual support. It emphasizes that we are stronger together, helping each other through struggles without expecting anything in return. True courage comes not from avoiding fear, but from moving forward despite it. Through empathy, we heal and build resilience, turning pain into strength. Ultimately, the poem reminds us that by standing together, we can create a better, more compassionate world.
the poem:
Sometimes, we are tangled threads,
Searching for the ends we’ve lost,
Knotted in the pain we’ve bred,
Yet in the knots, we pay the cost.
But through the ache, we start to see,
The strength within each twisted line,
For even broken, we can be free,
And learn to weave a fate divine.
Rifki Prayoga – 24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My favorite line from the poem :
“Saling menolong, bukan transaksi, bukan kalkulasi untung rugi di atas kertas lusuh, tapi jiwa yang menjerit bersama badai.”
Dela Safira Chottami
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
favorite part
Tak ada aku, tak ada kau, kita ada untuk bertahan meski di dunia terasa tak adil.
Alessyanaila De rosev
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What is the meaning of this poem?
This poem is a reflection on solidarity, compassion, and the interconnectedness between people.
Alessyanaila De Rosev
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
my own poem:
every day your body is different to the day before.
why do we only love it the way it was one day a long time ago? or promise to love it
one day that is not to come? you have had a thousand bodies, you will have a thousand more. they all carried your soul. they will carry it well.
Alessyanaila De Rosev
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
In the quiet of the evening glow,
Two hands, soft and tender, slow,
Reach out to touch, to gently hold,
Binding souls with stories untold.
Through the grasp, the world stands still,
No words are needed, just the will,
To stand together, hearts aligned,
In the touch, the truth we find.
A bond so deep, no fear can break,
In this union, no need to wake,
For hands entwined are all we need,
In love, in life, in every deed.
Muhammad Dzikry Rahmadana Putra
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
●Why do the hands come together?
-> The hands come together as a symbol of love, trust, and unity. The act of holding hands signifies a deeper emotional connection and the willingness to stand together in life
Muhammad Dzikry Rahmadana Putra
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My favorite line from the poem is
“Tak ada aku, tak ada kau, kita ada untuk bertahan meski di dunia terasa tak adil.
Menjadi nafas bagi yang terengah,
menjadi detak bagi yang hampir mati rasa.”
Muhammad Dzikry Rahmadana Putra
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
☆ How do we support each other in the poem?
= We support each other by offering hands, love, and strength through struggles.
Dela Safira Chottami
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My favorite line from the poem :
“Saling menolong, bukan transaksi, bukan kalkulasi untung rugi di atas kertas lusuh, tapi jiwa yang menjerit bersama badai.”
Dela Safira Chottami
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
Poem :
“Together, We Rise”
You and I are not mere shadows,
but footprints in the earth,
seeking a path even in the dark.
We give not with words,
but with hands reaching through the night,
building hope that won’t break.
When the world turns away,
we stand firm,
hearts speaking without sound.
You are the flame when I lose my way,
I am your shadow in the dark,
together, a bridge uniting us.
Dela Safira Chottami
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
The poem :
Hands clasped, souls united, we journey through joy and sorrow.
A true friend, an invaluable treasure, a bond of the heart that will never break.
Marisa Devi
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Lnt LM
The poem :
Hands clasped, souls united, we journey through joy and sorrow.
A true friend, an invaluable treasure, a bond of the heart that will never break.
Marisa Devi
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Lnt LM
1. What is the central theme or message of the poem?The central theme of the poem is the power of human connection and the importance of mutual support
2.Why is the connection between “you” and “me” described as “weak fingers striving to support each other”?
This imagery symbolizes the vulnerability and fragility of human relationships. And even in our weakness, we can find a strength
Marisa Devi
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK lnt LM
My favorite part of poem
Saat kau tersandung, aku bukan saksi bisu,
bukan penonton di kursi penyangga,
aku adalah lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu,
menjadi bumi yang lembut ketika kau jatuh.
Marisa Devi
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Lnt LM
the best line based on the poem is “Ada saat ketika dunia tak lagi berkedip,
dan waktu berhenti,
di antara detak yang terabaikan,
di situ, kita belajar membaca,
bahwa satu uluran tangan dapat menjadi jembatan,
yang menghubungkan dua jeritan hati.”
Raya Nadira
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
How does the poem define the “miracle of helping”?
The “miracle of helping” is portrayed as a quiet, simple light that has the power to heal and renew those who are struggling.
Raya Nadira
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK NK LM
the poem:
There are moments when everything stills,
and time pauses, breathless,
in the quiet we often overlook,
and there we find:
one hand reaching out becomes a path,
connecting two hearts’ silent cries.
When you falter, I am not a distant watcher,
not a silent face hidden in the crowd.
I am the earth that rises beneath you,
the soft soil to cushion your fall.
And when I grow tired, you are the wind,
clearing away the dust that clouds my vision.
Raya Nadira
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My favorite part from this poem is :
Saat kau tersandung, aku bukan saksi bisu,
bukan penonton di kursi penyangga,
aku adalah lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu,
menjadi bumi yang lembut ketika kau jatuh.
Dan ketika aku lelah, kau menjadi air,
membasuh debu yang mengaburkan pandangan.
Moammar Hian Alrafid
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What is the poem tells about ?
Answer : This poem tells about unity
Moammar Hian Alrafid
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
Here’s my poem :
The Ties That Bind
Beneath the skies, both vast and wide,
We walk as one, though paths divide.
With hands entwined, hearts beat as kin,
For unity is where we begin.
No wall too high, no sea too deep,
No wound so raw it cannot sleep.
When voices rise, not one, but all,
Together we shall never fall.
The earth may quake, the storms may roar,
Yet strength is found on every shore.
For where there’s love, no fear can stay,
And shadows flee the dawning day.
Our differences, like colors bright,
Are threads that weave the fabric tight.
Each note unique, yet songs align,
In harmony, a grand design.
So let us stand, each heart and hand,
A bridge of hope, across the land.
For bound as one, through storm and strife,
We shape the world, we give it life.
Bahasa Indonesia :
Ikatan yang Menyatukan
Di bawah langit luas terbentang,
Kita berjalan, walau jalan berlubang.
Tangan terjalin, hati berpadu,
Karena persatuan adalah awal yang satu.
Tiada tembok terlalu tinggi, tiada laut terlalu dalam,
Tiada luka yang tak bisa reda dalam malam.
Ketika suara bangkit, bukan satu, tapi semua,
Bersama kita takkan pernah jatuh, selamanya.
Bumi mungkin bergetar, badai mengaum,
Namun kekuatan hadir di setiap kaum.
Di mana cinta bersemi, tiada takut tinggal,
Dan bayangan lenyap saat fajar menjanggal.
Perbedaan kita, bagai warna cerah memikat,
Adalah benang yang menenun kain erat.
Nada yang unik, tapi lagu berpadu,
Dalam harmoni, rancangan agung pun satu.
Maka mari berdiri, tiap hati dan tangan,
Jembatan harapan, melintasi lautan.
Bersatu, dalam badai dan perjuangan,
Kita membentuk dunia, memberi kehidupan.
Moammar Hian Alrafid
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
what is the meaning of the poem??
i think the meaning of this poem is we must help each other, together we are strong not bringing each other down
Valentino All Varel
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
the best line from this poem is
” Saling menolong, bukan transaksi,
bukan kalkulasi untung rugi di atas kertas lusuh,
tapi jiwa yang menjerit bersama badai,
merobek batas aku dan kamu,
menutup luka menjadi sayap yang baru. ”
Valentino All Varel
24JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
the poem:
The Hands We Hold
In the glow of a shared embrace,
Kindness blooms, filling the space.
A gentle hand, a lifted soul,
Together we make each other whole.
Through giving hearts, the world will see,
The beauty in our unity.
For when we rise, not stand apart,
We heal the world with every heart.
Valentino All Varel
24JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
WH Questions
1. What is the main massage of this poem?
Its about the power of unity also cooperation.
2. Why is the title is so significant?
The title symbolizes the act of joining hands, which represents unity, collaboration, and mutual support.
3. How emotions does the poem evoke?
The poem evokes feelings of hope, inspiration, and optimism.
My favorite line
“Tak ada aku, tak ada kau, kita ada untuk bertahan meski di dunia terasa tak adil.”
My own poem
“Though the world seems unjust and unfair,
United we stand, strong and bold.
Supporting each other, a caring pair,
Together we’ll overcome, young and old.”
Nabilla Izzati Putri 24019058
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
“Helping each other, not just a transaction,
Not profit and loss on paper,
But souls united in the storm,
Breaking down boundaries,
Turning wounds into new wings.”
Explanation: In entrepreneurship, this reflects the importance of collaboration and shared experiences over mere financial calculations. It highlights the value of emotional connection, mutual support, and growth, which are essential for overcoming challenges and thriving together in business.
24 JD EPR KM 7-8 NK3-23 LM
1. WH Question
What is the poem talking about?
=> the poem talking about people that help each others and being together to solve the problem
2. My Favorite Line
“Ada saat ketika dunia tak lagi berkedip,
dan waktu berhenti,
di antara detak yang terabaikan,
di situ, kita belajar membaca,
bahwa satu uluran tangan dapat menjadi jembatan,
yang menghubungkan dua jeritan hati”.
3. My own Poem
This hands hold the stories of time
They craft, they care, they mend, they mold
Bringing warmth that never being cold
A gentle touch, a firm embrace
Bringing comfort, leaving a trace
In every hand lies a tale untold
Rahmanul Hakim Darli
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 Nk Int LM
Iqram Arrahman Candra(24019049)
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My favourite line from this poem is “”
Iqram Arrahman Candra(24019049)
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My favourite line from this poem is “Let us tear down the walls that stand between,
stone by stone, though our hands are raw.”
Iqram Arrahman Candra(24019049)
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What line of the poem that stands out?
Bukan sekedar angka dalam barisan
1. My favorite part of the poem “ Inilah kita, tangan yang menyatu, dari reruntuhan, kisah baru dengan tinta keberanian.”
2. What is the poet talk about? “ the poet talk about togetherness to help each other and unite for courage
3. My own poem : With the ink of courage,
we carve our path on fate’s blank page,
piercing the dark, breaking through the fog of destiny.
Every ache becomes a flame,
warming our steps toward the dawn.
No longer do we bow to silence,
no longer are we bound by the past.
Here we stand,
lovers of life, challengers of doubt,
forging dreams from the ashes.
1. My favorite part of the poem:
= “Tak ada aku, tak ada kau, kita ada untuk bertahan meski di dunia terasa tak adil.”
Dewi Sasmaya Acintya Putri
2. 5w + 1h question:
= Who are the two main figures in the poem, and what do they represent?
> The two main figures are “kau” (you) and “aku” (I), representing two individuals bound by empathy, mutual care, and a shared journey. They symbolize the connection between people who lift each other up through challenges and hardships.
Dewi Sasmaya Acintya Putri
My favorite line from this poem is “Mari kita pecahkan tembok penghalang,
batu demi batu, meski tangan berlumur luka.
Mari kita menjadi pelangi yang tak henti berpendar,
meski hujan terus mendera,
karena saling menolong adalah keajaiban sunyi,
yang menciptakan cahaya dan kebangkitan.”
Najla Azzahra (24019020)
24 JD Lsitening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
3. My own poem:
= After read this poem, I get a inspiration to make a poem by myself. Moreover, here is mine.
Kita bukan bayangan, tapi tangan yang bangkit,
Meningkatkan satu sama lain, menembus langit.
Bukan untuk untung, tapi kuat dalam luka,
Bersama kita bertahan, meski dunia runtuh.
Dewi Sasmaya Acintya Putri
WH Question:
Why is the act of uniting hands significant?
Answer: Uniting hands signifies mutual support and the strength that comes from working together.
Najla Azzahra (24019020)
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My favourite line from this poem is:
Tak ada aku, tak ada kau, kita ada untuk bertahan meski di dunia terasa tak adil.
Menjadi nafas bagi yang terengah,
menjadi detak bagi yang hampir mati rasa.
Inilah kita, tangan yang menyatu,
membangun dari reruntuhan,
menulis kisah baru dengan tinta keberanian.
Fanny syifa hanania
Hands That Unite
In the silence of our divided days,
Hands reach across the distance, to praise
The strength that rises when hearts align,
Bound by a force, a bond divine.
The world may tremble, yet we stand,
With clasped hands and hearts unmanned.
For in this unity, we find our grace,
A shared power, no time can erase.
No distance too great, no challenge too wide,
When hands unite, there’s nothing to hide.
Together we rise, a force unbroken,
In the joining of hands, the truth is spoken.
Najla Azzahra (24019020)
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
The Strength of Unity
When hands unite, the world stands still,
Not by force, but by a shared will.
Together we build, together we dream,
For a future that shines with a collective gleam.
In every grasp, there’s a story told,
Of hearts united, of hands that hold.
No journey is long when we walk as one,
Under the same sky, beneath the same sun.
Najla Azzahra (24019020)
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
From this poem what can we conclude?
: strong bound as friendship and working together is something important and we should treasure because it’s what make us stronger
Fanny syifa hanania
1. WH question
Who are “Kau” and “Aku” in the poem?
– “Kau” and “Aku” represent two people supporting each other.
Winaya Asa
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
1. My favorite line from this poem
Ada saat ketika dunia tak lagi berkedip,
dan waktu berhenti,
di antara detak yang terabaikan,
di situ, kita belajar membaca,
bahwa satu uluran tangan dapat menjadi jembatan,
yang menghubungkan dua jeritan hati.
Icha Ariany
2. My favorite part pf the poem
“Inilah kita, tangan yang menyatu,
membangun dari reruntuhan,
menulis kisah baru dengan tinta keberanian.”
Winaya Asa
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
2. What is this poem about?
Puisi ini menggambarkan kekuatan persatuan dan saling menolong menghadapi tantangan hidup
Icha Ariany
3. My own poem from this poem
Kau dan aku,
bukan sekadar bayangan,
tapi tangan yang saling menggenggam,
berjuang bersama meski lelah.
Saling menolong,
bukan hitung-hitungan,
tapi jiwa yang bersatu,
menghapus segala batas.
Kita adalah kekuatan yang tumbuh
dari luka,
menjadi cahaya di kegelapan.
Icha Ariany
3. My own poem
Inilah kita, tangan yang menyatu,
membangun dari reruntuhan,
menggenggam asa di antara puing-puing,
menyulam mimpi yang dulu terlupakan.
Inilah kita, menulis kisah baru,
dengan tinta keberanian,
setiap kata adalah langkah yang teguh,
menembus gelap menuju fajar yang cerah.
Here we are, hands that unite,
building from the ruins,
grasping hope among the rubble,
weaving dreams once forgotten.
Here we are, writing a new story,
with the ink of courage,
each word a steady step,
piercing the dark towards the dawn.
Winaya Asa
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My poem that inspired from this poem above:
Kita menautkan hati dalam luka,
Menjadi jembatan di tengah derita dan nestapa.
Tak ada hanya aku atau hanya kamu tetapi, hanya kita yang bertahan dari gelap nya badai itu,
Membangun harapan di sisa kehancuran bersama mu menjadikan ku lebih kuat
Fanny syifa hanania.
Iqram Arrahman Candra(24019049)
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
Unite and one
Those who live, those who still stands.
Wherever it is, whenever it is, all are one.
Stands stronger together not as two yet what you got?
One, where everyone stands for the righteous hence to repel the wrong.
We are one, we together struggle through everything.
One is the only thing to stay put and strong.
What is the poem talks about?
= About a close and supportive friendship
Fadhira Permata Febry
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
1. Favorite Line : “Let us be a rainbow that does not dim, even as rain continues to fall.”
2. Question 5W+1H (only one) :
When is support and unity most needed?
Support and unity are most needed during times of hardship and when individuals feel fragile, stumble, or face the storms of life.
3. Poem inspired by this Poem :
You and I, not just names,
but hands that hold through storms.
When you fall, I’ll catch you;
when I tire, you’ll guide me.
We are not perfect threads,
but knots make us strong.
Step by step, brick by brick,
we’ll break the walls apart.
No “I,” no “you,” just us—
a light that never fades.
Together, we’ll rise again,
building hope with our hands.
Tiffany Amanda Syahira
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What is the poem talks about
= A supportive friendship that always stay together at the lowest and highest.
Fadhira Permata Febry
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My poem based on this poem:
We don’t help for gain
but to share the weight
turning pain into light
lifting each other higher
When you fall, I’ll catch you
when I stumble, you’ll lift me
Together, we are strong
even in our weakness
Fadhira Permata Febry
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My favorite line based on this poem is:
“dan bahwa keberanian bukanlah tanpa takut,
melainkan melangkah meski gemetar.”
Fadhira Permata Febry
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My favorite line:
Mari kita pecahkan tembok penghalang,
batu demi batu, meski tangan berlumur luka.
Fairrel Athaillah Rheynri
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My favorite line from this poem is :
“Menjadin nafas bagi yg terengah,menjadi detak bagi yang hampir mati rasa.”
Fahrel Maulanna
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
My own poem inspired by this poem:
Our Bridge
We are not shadows that vanish,
not numbers lost in the crowd.
We are hands that hold each other tight,
tearing down barriers, healing wounds.
Though knots may bring pain,
we find strength in fragility.
Not transactions, not calculations,
but souls enduring storms together.
Let us break walls with courage,
become rainbows amidst the rain.
For helping each other is a quiet miracle,
writing hope upon the ruins.
Fairrel Athaillah Rheynri
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
when the poem was written?
Fahrel Maulanna
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
What does helping each other mean according to this poem?
Helping each other is a sincere act without calculating gains or losses, a bridge that connects hearts, and a way to heal wounds together.
Fairrel Athaillah Rheynri
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
my own poem based on this poem is :
Uluran Tangan
Di sela derita yang membeban,
Tangan terulur jadi harapan.
Tanpa pamrih, tanpa suara,
Menjalin kasih di dunia fana.
Bantulah sesama, walau kecil,
Hati yang tulus takkan terpencil.
Karena menolong, walau sekejap,
Mampu mengubah gelap jadi terang cepat.
Fahrel Maulanna
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
1. What is the poem about?
The poem is about unity, mutual support, and the transformative power of helping and connecting with others. It explores themes of empathy, courage, and healing through shared struggles.
2. My favorite line from the poem : “I am the ground rising to catch you, the soft earth when you fall.”
3. My own version of the poem :
Hand in Hand
Your hand in mine,
we lift, we mend.
Through quiet pain,
we learn to stand.
When you stumble,
I’ll be near.
When I falter,
you will steer.
Step by step,
we’ll find our way.
Through the night,
into the day.
No walls between,
no hearts alone.
Hand in hand,
we’ve made a home.
Javier Graysa (24019050)
NK 1
24 JD Listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
1. WH question
What is the poem talking about?
The poem talks about the importance of mutual support, unity, and resilience through shared struggles, highlighting the strength of interconnectedness and compassion.
Aldi Syaputra
24 JD listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
2. Favorite Line:
“Let us tear down the walls that stand between, stone by stone, though our hands are raw.”
Aldi Syaputra
24 JD listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
3. My own poem:
When life is heavy, like rain that never stops,
We hold each other, no need to count the cost.
In every step, we stumble, we fall,
But together, we rise, we stand tall.
Hands tied, hearts wide, no space between,
Through dark nights, we stay, a steady team.
No fear in the face of the storm’s loud roar,
For in this fight, we’re stronger than before.
Aldi Syaputra
24 JD listening ST 9-10 NK Int LM
Name: Khoirunnisya Simbolon
NIM: 22018130
Class: K5 – 24 JD EPR ST4-6 NK?23 LM
Quiz 16
1. What is the meaning of the poem to you?
The poem speaks to the power of human connection, empathy, and mutual support. It reflects the idea that true strength comes not from individual efforts but from the collective unity of people who help one another. The lines express the importance of standing together, especially in difficult times, and how acts of kindness, no matter how small, can help heal wounds and build something greater than oneself. It reminds us that, despite life’s injustices and struggles, solidarity and compassion can create a brighter future.
2. Which line/stanza do you like very much?
“Saat kau tersandung, aku bukan saksi bisu, bukan penonton di kursi penyangga, aku adalah lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu, menjadi bumi yang lembut ketika kau jatuh.”
This line deeply resonates because it encapsulates the essence of true support. It goes beyond just witnessing someone’s fall and instead involves becoming the strength and comfort that person needs to rise again. It symbolizes unconditional help, where one does not just observe the other’s struggles but actively shares in them.
3. What is one of the business ideas that comes to your mind after reading the poem?
A social enterprise focused on fostering community support and mental health. The idea would be to create platforms or local initiatives where people can connect to offer both emotional and practical help. The initiative could include mentorship programs, peer counseling, or local volunteering opportunities that allow people to help one another, break down barriers of isolation, and create stronger, more resilient communities. The focus would be on building relationships, not transactions, as the poem suggests.
The conclusion of this poem is that in this world we can’t stand alone, we definitely need the help of others. Therefore, we must help each other by uniting in both good times and bad. For example, if one of us needs assistance, we must be ready to help them. Thus, we must unite to solve any problems that come our way.
1. The poem expresses the strength and importance of human connection, emphasizing solidarity, empathy, and mutual support through life’s struggles.
2. I like the line: “Aku adalah lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu, menjadi bumi yang lembut ketika kau jatuh,” as it beautifully conveys unconditional support.
3. A business idea could be creating a social platform for people to connect, share support, and offer help in times of need, fostering a sense of community.
Larasiti NUrahmah (22018131)
24 JD EPR St4-6NK?23 LM
1. The poem expresses the strength and importance of human connection, emphasizing solidarity, empathy, and mutual support through life’s struggles.
2. I like the line: “Aku adalah lantai yang bangkit dan memelukmu, menjadi bumi yang lembut ketika kau jatuh,” as it beautifully conveys unconditional support.
3. A business idea could be creating a social platform for people to connect, share support, and offer help in times of need, fostering a sense of community.
Radiah (22018152)
24 JD EPR ST4-6 NK? 23 LM
1. Puisi ini memiliki makna yang mendalam tentang persatuan, kebersamaan, dan dukungan antar sesama dalam menghadapi kehidupan yang penuh tantangan. Berikut
2. Bait yang membuat saya tertarik adalah ” Saling menolong, bukan transaksi, bukan kalkulasi untung rugi di atas kertas lusuh, tapi jiwa yang menjerit bersama badai, merobek batas aku dan kamu, menutup luka menjadi sayap yang baru.
3. Ide bisnis yang muncul dari puisi ini adalah seperti mengembangkan layanan atau komunitas yang memberikan dukungan emosional bagi mereka yang sedang berjuang dengan masalah hidup atau kesehatan mental. Ini bisa berbentuk sesi konseling online atau kelompok dukungan yang mendorong orang untuk berbagi cerita dan saling memberi semangat.
Puisi ini memiliki makna yang mendalam tentang persatuan, kebersamaan, dan dukungan antar sesama dalam menghadapi kehidupan yang penuh banyak rintangan ini
2. Bait yang membuat saya tertarik adalah ” Saling menolong, bukan transaksi, bukan kalkulasi untung rugi di atas kertas lusuh, tapi jiwa yang menjerit bersama badai
3. Ide bisnis yang muncul dari puisi ini adalah layanan atau komunitas yang memberikan dukungan emosional bagi mereka yang berjuang dengan masalah hidup atau kesehatan mental.
Annisa Ulfaiza, No. Urut 02, Teknologi Rekayasa Sistem Elektronika 24 JD PKWU96 SN 1-2 LM
Febrian Wizar Pratama 23019008 24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Why does unity hand can have stronger relationship and bring harmony?
Answer: Without Unity it feel apart and broken
2. How to make connections from our inner voice? By gathering our hand and shout we are together
3. What influence that make people in Indonesia stay in solidatary? Since 17 August 1945 everyone have strength and courage to stay alive and live strong
Febrian Wizar Pratama 23019008 24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
who is Leni Marlina?
leni marlina is the university lecturer and the par of so many literary communities
atika lufti amanda
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
what is the meaning of the “tangan yang menyatu” ?
according to the girl in the talk, tangan yang menyatu close to unity, strentgh, and togetherness
atika lufti amanda
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
-what is the poem talking about?
The poem is talking about the unity of the people,like how people support each other
-why people must help each other?
it’s a willingness to help someone without expecting anything.
-what is social influenced in Indonesia?
when they are in crisis situation, they will help each other. Because we are building and connecting each other
Abid Alfurqan
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
1. what is the main poin that speaker mention in their podcast?
answer: The speaker would highlight how the poem personifies the Earth as a “mother” who is exploited, wounded, and left in despair. The call for reflection, love, and restoration of nature would be a key takeaway.
2. who you might think this poem is written for?
answer: It addresses people who benefit from the Earth’s resources but fail to respect or care for it. The reference to “anak-anakku” (my children) emphasizes the intimate relationship between the Earth (the mother) and humans (her children).
3. why do you think the writer wrote this poem?
answer: The writer likely wrote this poem to raise awareness about environmental destruction and the exploitation of natural resources. The emotional tone and vivid imagery of the Earth’s pain aim to evoke guilt, reflection, and a sense of responsibility in the reader. The poem serves as a reminder that, despite the harm caused, the Earth continues to love and sustain humanity, but that love may have limits.
JD A. LIST NK 2-23 SL 9-10 LM
1. Who helps and supports each other in this poem?
Answer: “I” and “you” are described as two individuals who support, help, and heal each other.
2. When does courage arise according to this poem?
Answer: Courage arises when we take steps even though we are trembling and full of fear.
3. Where does strength grow even in difficult situations?
Answer: Strength grows amidst the knots of complex problems and in the struggle to break down barriers.
Elvi Zulhaini
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
Who is described as the ones coming together in unity?
Answer: The poem describes you, me, and us as the ones who come together in unity, supporting and helping each other.
Anggia Febrilina Zani
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
What does the act of helping each other symbolize in the poem?
Answer: Helping each other symbolizes creating strength, hope, and connection, as well as breaking barriers and healing wounds.
Anggia Febrilina Zani
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
Name: Apriliani Wulandari
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
What does the author depict about the meaning of helping each other?
Answer: Helping each other is described as a soul bond, not a transaction, that unites two hearts and creates a common strength.
-Who is the subject of the poem?
Answer: The subject of the poem is hands, which symbolize unity, collaboration, and connection between individuals or communities.
Aldava Mildli Koto
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
-When do the hands unite?
Answer: The hands unite during times of need or purpose, when individuals come together to support one another, whether in difficult moments or to achieve a common goal.
Aldava Mildli Koto
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
What does the poem say about the meaning of helping each other?
Helping each other, according to the poem, is not a transaction based on gain or loss but a genuine act of connection and empathy. It involves breaking personal boundaries to share pain and offer comfort, making both stronger in the process.
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
-How does the poem describe the uniting of hands?
Answer: The poem describes the uniting of hands as a powerful act that symbolizes connection, trust, and cooperation, where individual differences are set aside for a greater cause or shared understanding.
Aldava Mildli Koto
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
Why does the poet emphasize the value of unity and support in facing life’s struggles?
The poet highlights unity and support because life’s struggles—symbolized by storms, falls, and challenges—are easier to endure when people stand together. It transforms pain into resilience and shows that solidarity is the bridge to healing.
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Name: Apriliani Wulandari
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
“kita terkadang jadi jalinan benang kusut” what does that mean?
Answer: It talks about a relationship that is complex and full of obstacles, yet every one of them makes us stronger and teaches us to be vulnerable and brave.
1. What the compared to a forest ?
Answer : its about the deep connection between people who support each other, the strength found in unity, and the courage to face life’s challenges together.
How does the poet describe the process of overcoming obstacles through mutual support?
The poet describes overcoming obstacles as breaking barriers “stone by stone” despite the pain, likening it to a shared struggle that creates beauty, like a rainbow after rain. Mutual support turns fragility into courage and chaos into unity.
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Why is helping each other described as a silent miracle?
answer : Because it creates revival without many words
Arina Mazda
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Who are the two main figures the poem focuses on? The two main figures in the poem are “kau” (you) and “aku” (I), representing individuals who are interconnected and support each other.
Annisa Rahayu (23029039), 24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
2. Where does it take place?
Answer : in shared struggles and connections between people.
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
How can people build strength and hope together, as described in the poem?
Answer: People build strength and hope together by offering a helping hand, breaking down barriers, and being there for each other with courage, compassion, and persistence, even in challenging times.
Anggia Febrilina Zani
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
Name: Apriliani Wulandari
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
What qualities does the author seek in a mate?
As a result, the author hopes for collaborations that support one another through hardship and unfairness.
3. Why is helping each other is importance?
Answer : because it gives strength, heals, and helps us rise again.
Dian Fhadlaini
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10LM
How does the speaker express the strength and power found in mutual support? Using metaphors such as “hands that intertwine,” “the earth that rises to embrace,” and “the bridge between two cries of the heart,” the speaker illustrates the strength of mutual support and how it can empower, heal, and foster a feeling of shared purpose.
Annisa Rahayu (23029039), 24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Who is described as helping and strengthening each other?
answer: we (you and I)
Arina Mazda
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
1. What’s the poem’s message?
True friendship supports and empowers.
Why is the act of helping described as something beyond just a transaction? to highlight the emotional depth and selflessness of support, where people connect on a soul level, transcending calculations of gain or loss.
Annisa Rahayu (23029039), 24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
How do we survive and rise?
answer: By supporting each other and breaking barriers
Arina Mazda
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Who are described as “hands, tightly clasped” in the poem?
Answer : The poem describes “You, I, we” as hands tightly clasped, symbolizing unity and support between individuals.
Elgibran Fanji Hazzano
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
1. Why does unity hand can have stronger relationship and bring harmony?
Answer: Without Unity it feel apart and broken
Febrian Wizar Pratama
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
2. Meaning of “weak fingers”?
Symbolizes vulnerability and relational strength.
Where does the poem envision tearing down walls between “I” and “you”?
Answer : The poem envisions tearing down walls between “I” and “you” through shared struggles and acts of helping each other, stone by stone, even when hands are raw.
Elgibran Fanji Hazzano
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
3.Why do hands unite?
Answer: As a symbol of love, trust and unity.
2. How to make connections from our inner voice?
Answer: By gathering our hand and shout we are together
Febrian Wizar Pratama
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
What is the first information from the poem’s title?
Answer: The overall vibe from the title that I got based the discussion in the podcast is joining hand means sense of unity, strength, togetherness, human connection and support.
Ciptati Handayani
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
What does the poem say about courage and its relationship to fear?
Answer : The poem says courage is not the absence of fear but moving forward despite trembling, showing that true strength comes from persistence in the face of fear.
Elgibran Fanji Hazzano
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
3. What influence that make people in Indonesia stay in solidatary?
Answer: Since 17 August 1945 everyone have strength and courage to stay alive and live strong
Febrian Wizar Pratama
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
1. Who are described as “hands that unite” in the poem?
Answer: “Hands that unite” refer to “you, me, and us,” symbolizing people who support each other and fight together through struggles.
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
2. What does the poem emphasize about helping one another?
Answer: The poem emphasizes that helping one another is not about transactions or calculating profit but about genuine support and creating a connection that heals wounds and builds strength.
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
3. Where does the poem say we learn the value of helping hands?
Answer: The value of helping hands is learned “when the world no longer blinks, and time stops,” in moments of struggle and stillness.\
24 JD A.LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
Why she said that helping is not transaction in her poem?
Answer: From her words “Saling menolong bukan transaksi or helping is not transaction” She mean that we should do everything pure because of we care not because we want something back.
Ciptati Handayani
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
1. what is the main poin that speaker mention in their podcast?
The speaker would highlight how the poem personifies the Earth as a “mother” who is exploited, wounded, and left in despair. The call for reflection, love, and restoration of nature would be a key takeaway.
2. who you might think this poem is written for?
It addresses people who benefit from the Earth’s resources but fail to respect or care for it. The reference to “anak-anakku” (my children) emphasizes the intimate relationship between the Earth (the mother) and humans (her children).
3. why do you think the writer wrote this poem?
The writer likely wrote this poem to raise awareness about environmental destruction and the exploitation of natural resources. The emotional tone and vivid imagery of the Earth’s pain aim to evoke guilt, reflection, and a sense of responsibility in the reader. The poem serves as a reminder that, despite the harm caused, the Earth continues to love and sustain humanity, but that love may have limits.
Why is helping others described as “keajaiban sunyi” (a quiet miracle)?
Answer: Because it brings light and hope without asking for rewards.
Aulia Rifqotul Farras
24 JD A LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
What does the line ‘not mere numbers in a line’, mean?
It means everyone has their own value.
Dinda Hayati Herman
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
what can be taken from the poem?
what can be taken from this poem is how we as humans must help each other and embrace each other when in trouble.
what bukan sekadar angka dalam barisan means?
according to the girl on the talk, that line is a good reminder that everyone has value
atika lufti amanda
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
puisi ini ingin menyampaikan pesan tentang pentingnya hubungan antarmanusia dan semangat kebersamaan. Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 96 SN 1-2 LM
Kau, aku, kita—
bukan sekadar angka dalam barisan,
bukan bayangan yang lenyap di balik lampu jalan.
Kita adalah tangan yang saling menaut,
jemari-jemari lemah yang berjuang untuk saling membahu dan bertahan.
Bait/larik ini yang saya sukai, memiliki makna bahwa kita sesama manusia harus saling membantu karenasetiap makhluk hidup tidak dapat bisa hidup seorang diri. Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 96 SN 1-2 LM
Ide kewirausahaan yang terpikir oleh saya yaitu menjual aksesoris yang bisa diajak buat pakai bersama untuk menjalin silahturami yang baik. Fany Margareta 24 JD P.KWU 96 SN 1-2 LM.
How is this poem relevant to the world today?
Answer: The messages in this poem can be an important reminder for us readers to fight negativity such as isolation and division, by inspiring unity and resilience.
Ciptati Handayani
24 JD A. LIST NK22-23 SL9-10 LM
How is this poem relevant to the world today?
Answer: The messages in this poem can be an important reminder for us readers to fight negativity such as isolation and division, by inspiring unity and resilience.
Ciptati Handayani
24 JD A. LIST NK2-23 SL9-10 LM
puisi ini memiliki makna yang tersirat yaitu hidup bukan hanya tentang aku atau kamu, tetapi tentang kita, tangan yang saling bergandengan untuk bertahan dan melangkah maju bersama.
Puisi ini memiliki makna yaitu tentang kebersamaan bukan hanya tentang aku dan kamu, tetapi kita yang saling membantu dengan mengulurkan tangan untuk melangkah bersama dan saling menguatkan.
Asti marito rambe
24 JD PKWU96 SN1-2 LM
Kau, aku, kita—
bukan sekadar angka dalam barisan,
bukan bayangan yang lenyap di balik lampu jalan.
Kita adalah tangan yang saling menaut,
jemari-jemari lemah yang berjuang untuk saling membahu dan bertahan.
menurut saya bait ini sangat mengesankan karena kebersamaan dan persatuan untuk melangkah bersama saling membahu dan bertahan.
Asti marito rambe
24 JD PKWU96 SN1-2 LM
Ide wirausaha yang muncul dari puisi di atas ialah membuat accesories atau perhiasan yang bisa di gunakan samaan dengan orang sebagai tanda persahabatan atau pertemanan.
Asti marito rambe
24 JD PKWU96 SN1-2 LM
Puisi *Tangan yang Menyatu* ini penuh dengan makna mendalam yang menggugah rasa kebersamaan dan kepedulian. Dengan gaya bahasa yang indah, puisi ini mengingatkan kita bahwa saling menolong adalah wujud keberanian dan kasih sayang, bukan sekadar hitung-hitungan untung rugi. Setiap baitnya menggambarkan kekuatan manusia untuk saling menopang dan bangkit bersama, bahkan di tengah keterpurukan. Pesan yang disampaikan sangat menyentuh, mengajarkan bahwa kebersamaan dapat menciptakan harapan baru dari luka dan kejatuhan.